Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Yaoi (If you're not keen then don't read), Violence and Horror (Yandere!Haru)

Disclaimer: Not Mine

"Are you boys having fun?"

It was another glorious summers day. Considering it had got hotter recently it was still manageable especially with the cool coated sea breeze that drafted by now and then. That was one of the benefits you had living in Iwatobi during this time of the year, the ocean was so close by and its view such a delicious sight towards its tourists.

The young woman stood up from her crouched position still smiling at the foursome.

"Yes Sato-sensei!" One of the boys chirped bubbly. "We were just showing Haru-chan a new game we made up the other day!"

"We were! It's really good!" The other sang patting Haruka's back for reassurance.

"Okay, well there is only ten minutes more left of break so you play nicely now!" She said turning on her heel.

"Oh.. We will!" They cried waving her away.

It was only until the teacher had vanished that Haruka was pushed down harshly against the gravel there was an increase in force causing him to graze his elbows and knees. Looking down at them wincing he felt his eyes sting but he wasn't going to cry. Not by a long shot.

"You gonna cry Nanase?" The taller boy chuckled horribly.

Giving him such a look it could kill Haruka despised these three. He wasn't even friends with them, ever since he'd been referred to this orphanage all that he'd put up with was their bullying. They did it in sly ways though, when the teacher wasn't looking or around. Thankfully he didn't share the same bedroom with them otherwise that would just be living hell for the boy. However, a part of him were sure he wasn't already in it.

"Uwwaa! Look! Look! Riku he's already got tears in his eyes.. What a baby!" One of the bullies chuckled pointing at Haru as he high fived the ring leader.

"Pshh.. You better not say a single word water weirdo otherwise" The third boy stepped closer to Haru offering a fist in his face. "You'll be having this in between your teeth for dinner tonight and my chewing on my foot for good measure."

All of them were cackling with laughter at the reaction Haruka gave towards the threat. For once he actually looked moved by that.

"Ah leave him Shin, I'm bored now Haru-chan can be so boring!" The ring leader guided off the shorter boy now making a move to leave.

The boy who had threatened him walked off too but that didn't stop him from casting Haruka a look as he left.

"Yeah, you're right. After all, who says we can't get him next time?"

Glowering at them walking off in hysterics Haru shuffled there on the ground. Looking over at his cut knees and elbows he swiped a finger across one of the weeping spots and dipped its crimson tip into his mouth.

"Who says they'll be a next time?" He muttered to only himself.

The Bad Seed

Chapter One

The alarm clock let off its usual droning series of beeps there into the room. Half asleep still, seventeen year old Tachibana Makoto lazily slumped on his other side slapping the button down to turn the device off.

He grumbled for a second before forcing himself to sit up there in bed. His vision murky and blurred, reaching around on his nightstand Makoto found his glasses and slipped them on after wiping all sleep from his eyes.

Not even giving him a minute to get out of bed his two adorable twin siblings came running into his room. Secretly envious of their energy Makoto was pinned down in no time by them, he had to laugh though despite everything their kisses and tickles always cheered him up no matter if it were sunshine nor rain outside.

Ran blew a big raspberry against his toned stomach and Ren remained tickling him.

"You guys! Hey.. S-Stop!" Makoto said between giggles. He could easily brush them both off but somehow he couldn't even manage that today. His body still felt quite heavy from swim practice, they'd been training rapidly and incredibly hard these past few weeks.

"Never!" Ren called out with no trace of mercy in his voice.

"Only if.. Only if Onii-chan gets us ice cream today after soon!" Ran cast her twin brother a look and he nodded in agreement.

After they had finished torturing their poor brother all of them resorted downstairs for breakfast. They did a quick "itadaikimasu" before tucking into their meal.

The Tachibana household was always such a welcoming place but mostly they were welcoming people. They were pleasant, kind and understanding. There wasn't a single soul in the neighborhood who would bad mouth them. But there was something even more special about them which followed up in the family's morning breakfast.

"We have something to tell you all," Their father announced now putting down his paper on his lap.

Catching their attention, well, mostly Makoto's since Ren and Ran were having a small bicker over their portion as usual.

"We'll be taking in somebody soon."

The teen's eyebrows rose at this news. "You mean… You're both fostering again?!"

The Tachibanas had been doing this for quite a long time. It had started in his mother's family line actually. They used to take in strays and orphans to look after, similar to an orphanage but not as many children it was only four or five. Ever since Makoto could remember there had been someone there, even when Ren and Ran weren't born yet he was never alone as a child. His parents had fostered children all his life, from younger to older Makoto had seen them come and go once they had stable places to go to.

They were all lovely children, it was a shame to see them go because no matter what Makoto would always become attached. Only until Ren and Ran were born did the fostering narrow down. They didn't do it as often now and so his parents wanted to get back into it. After explaining things the twins became so excited, they could barely remember the last child that had stayed with them as they were so young at the time and the stories they heard buttered them up.

"When are they coming?! Is it today?!" Ran beamed yanking on her brother's sleeve enthusiasm glittering in her eyes.

"Is it a boy? Please say it's a boy! I don't want another stupid sister!" Ren ripped his arm away from her only causing her to pout childishly at the gesture.

"You moron! As if they would want another icky boy!" She whined.

Makoto snorted out a small laugh as he chuckled a brief "thanks" to his sister for that comment.

"Now, now just remember-" Their mother added in. "We are fostering them, there is a difference between adoption and foster care as we are not exactly.. well permanently taking them in you could say its temporary."

The twins pulled their faces. "Why not?!"

"We can only see first if the child we are taking in is happy with their surroundings, after all you two are used to me and your father because you are our children and you live here."

Swallowing his food their father joined the conversation once more with "Imagine both of you that you were not related or say you were separated at birth, you grew up without knowing who your family was or something very bad happened when you were too young to remember. You were taken in by a family and you felt uneasy in your new surroundings."

The twins thought on it for a second, Ren nodded. "You're right.. I guess.. You would be kinda nervous.."

"It's different for everyone, some of the children we've taken in have been over the moon by being fostered.. Some didn't want to leave-" Their mother looked to her husband who immediately turned away to his food.

"Oh.. Oh you're taking about-" Makoto was quickly cut off.

"Yes.. Yes.. Leave it at that Makoto.. Anyway we can only see how things play out."

"When are they coming?" He asked his father curiously.

"A week on Monday, we haven't that much information yet but we know they'll be within your age range."

Ran crossed her arms stubbornly. "Aw.. I wanted someone my age!"

Everyone began to laugh at her. "Ran-chan eat up, otherwise you'll be late for school! That includes all of you too,"

Makoto gobbled up the rest of his rice and continued to think on the upcoming situation. He liked the idea of his family fostering again, it was really nice. After all his other positive experiences he no doubt thought this would any different.


Makoto pushed his friend off him as he was literally right up in his face any closer and they'd be practically kissing.

"N-Nagisa!" He said squirming.

"Oh my god! This is awesome Mako-chan its like you're getting a new brother or sister only your mother won't be squeezing it out this time!"

Rei let out a heavy sigh pushing his glasses upright on the bridge of his nose.


The blonde turned at the scolding tone releasing Makoto and pounced on him instead.

"But it's true Rei-chan! Imagine all the fun they'll be having.." He gave his friend a harsh squish. "Besides you're probably jealous because you don't have any siblings!"

Almost choking on his orange juice Rei battered Nagisa off of him. "Fool! I've told you before about my older brother enough times.. Nagisa-kun don't you listen?"

"Rei-chan has an older brother?!"


"I bet he's cooler than Rei-chan and nicer.."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You can be so mean sometimes!" Nagisa whined dragging out the last syllable of his sentence.

"How rude,"

"Although.. Rei-chan can start by being nice if he lets me share his ju-" Quickly Rei removed his carton of orange out of Nagisa's reach before he even had the chance to grit his little mitts on to it making Makoto chuckle more.

"Seriously? You two should just get married already," A voice called out.

All of them turned to find Rin walking over to them. Nagisa jumped up and launched himself at the teen.

"RinRin!" He yelled.

"Yeah, yeah." It was easy for him to brush Nagisa aside like a sheet of paper, he wouldn't put up with his clingy behavior unlike everyone else. Elbowing him lightly away Rin sat on the edge of the bench next to Makoto nudging him.

"Squeeze a cheek will you?" Snorting at the request Makoto did anyway.

"Where were you?" He asked.

"Had to see Ama-sensei about something.. Doesn't matter, I'm here now."

Makoto and Rin spoke among themselves while Rei quarreled about the last time he had allowed the blonde the share his juice only to receive a certain amount of throw backs, courtesy of the breast-stoke swimmer. The two they ate until Nagisa blasted up from his spot jumping right in front of them both, happily giving a small jig then spilled Makoto's information aloud.

"Really? They're gonna be doing that again.. I thought they stopped?"

"No," Makoto shook his head. "Ren and Ran are bigger now.. And besides it's nice, I've always liked having someone else in our home."

Rin bumped his side playfully. "Another brat in the house? Seriously Mako, It's bad enough having Gou around."

"But Gou-chan is so cute!" Nagisa shouted.

Rolling his eyes Rin growled in his throat but he was soon calmed when Makoto gave him a light pat on the head.

"Unless you want to keep your fingers, don't."

Nobody of course took Rin seriously, he heaven a breath when they all laughed.

"Do you know the age of your guest?" Rei said as he took a bite out his food.

Looking up at the sky Makoto dropped his face into his palms when resting on his knees. "No but they're in our category apparently, so they're not little."

Nagisa's face was Christmas morning. "Yay! That means they can come to school with us, they might even be a swimmer how amazing would that be?! We could go shopping, get food at-" Nagisa's list went on to the point everyone kind of blocked it out after a while or so.

Makoto could feel Rin's gaze burn into him when he caught his friend staring at him off guard and quickly look away he grinned.

"Don't worry, Rin-chan isn't getting replaced." He whispered sweetly.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

His friend all but giggled.

Swirling his straw around in his iced tea Haruka kept his eyes focused on the ice cubes that fluttered around at the bottom of the glass. Watching each and every small fizzed bubble race to the top. He wanted today to be over, he hated it.


His Social worker was the cause of it dragging him out here to some local cafe facing the beach front. All he wanted to do was stay in his room.

"Nanase-kun" Her voice as soft as lamb's wool. "Please say something.."

It wasn't that he didn't like her, she was a kind woman. However she could be so demanding and pressuring just like now, Haru didn't want to be fostered.

"They're nice people, they have experience and children of their own." She let out a sigh.

"So?" Haruka muttered.

He had been to many homes and it was always the same deal.

"So-" She added hoping this conversation may lead to a happy ending. "They're willing to take care of you, I know it's difficult after coming from the last home and I'm aware of the.. fire."

Haruka was stiff as a statue only his eyes flickered to her she could have flinched at the harsh glare he gave her.

"I'm sorry for bringing that up, Nanase-kun I didn't mean to remind you.."

"It's fine" He cut in quickly. "So, when do I leave?"

"Well it has been arranged for you to arrive next Monday although I just had to make sure you're okay with this offer after all if you are not totally happy with it we could always decline and keep on searching?"

His brow furrowed. It had always been this way Haruka was passed back and forth like a rag doll to different homes, never once properly adopted though. Everyone had been nice but he never felt wanted, none of those places felt like a true family he was just a burden. Their families a clean wide ocean and he was the waste, ruining it. Things weren't always this way as Haru remembered his real parents, tragic. But that was life for you, we'd all die at some point the teen guessed his parents just weren't meant to be in his time. It hurt thinking about it, as impassive and expressionless as he was Haruka held a lot of emotions but nobody saw them. No one could see him.

"No, I want to." His voice faint almost a whisper.

"Are you positive Nanase-kun? Be honest."

Haru shrugged his shoulders he was never good at opening up, to anyone. "I'm sure, I want to give it a go so let me."

The woman pursed her lips which formed into a smile when fingering her paperwork. "Okay, I'll get the arrangements on the ball then shall I?"

Looking on to the ocean view Haruka felt somewhat relaxed but mostly on edge. After all, he had nothing to lose.

Some people would think children we're a gift from above. Their laughter and smiles are the light of their parents lives, they're innocent and are living balls of sunshine happy to brighten up anybody's day. They don't know any better so they learn from wrong to right' as they grow. Children are beautiful, they're loving and happy. But Nanase Haruka was a different story.

He sat there unfazed stiffer than a statue on the Tachibana's sofa motionlessly. Haruka kept his eyes down since he hadn't really bothered to look at his new foster family properly nor his surroundings. He had been like this at every single home he was placed they were no different to him only strangers.

Mrs Tachibana looked over to her husband who raised his eye brows and shrugged they were having their own silent battle. Neither really knew what to say since all the children they've ever had were so loud and ruthless. In the end she decided to try and make some conversation with Haru who only gave one worded answers or a simple gesture of the head.

"Would you like a drink Haruka-kun?" Her voice so sweet and smooth. Haru had to admit he liked it, they seemed like really nice people so far but that didn't change anything. Anyone could be nice if they wanted to.

He only shook his head glancing in the opposite direction. The backdrop was interesting they had a very nice home by the looks of things. A good sized television, large sofas with comfy pillows and he noticed the many picture frames on the wall. All the smiling pictures of the family, Haruka felt quite envious. When he was alone he wandered over to them and had a better look. He was aware they had children who were still at school apparently, his eyes widened seeing the family portrait. They were all were grinning with no care in the world his new foster parents looked so in love with not just each other but their children too.

Haru traced his eyes on his new siblings seeing Ren and Ran there. But he was more focused on one particular face and that was Makoto. Brown hair with a slight olive tint, dazzling green eyes and a warm smile. Tilting his head to the side Haru wondered whether or not his smile was just as appealing in the flesh as were in the photo.

"Ah so you've seen the family portrait now hm?" His new foster father approached him along with his mother both at his sides.

They spoke to him, well, more or less to each other than him as Haruka barely said a word but they kept him involved. Pointing and giggling about the various stories belonging to their children. She told Haruka all about the twins, how he should be prepared for numerous hugs and kisses. Then she moved on to the boy Haru was now somewhat drawn to.

Giggling she caught him staring.

"I see you looking at Makoto, ne? He's be looking forward to your stay! He's our oldest, you'll find that he'll probably be at your side a lot and keep you in line."

"- Or maybe you'll be keeping him in line instead Haruka-kun," Mrs Tachibana said with a small laugh.

"Oh you don't mean that!"

"Why not? With that nutty trio of his,"

His new mother rolled her eyes chuckling. "Don't listen to him, Mako-chan will take care of you but of course we all will."

Haruka nodded still feeling uncertain.

"Would you like to see your room?"

The spare room was just normal sized nothing extreme or fancy. Knowing Haru wasn't a tiny child the couple prepared an adult sized futon there on the flooring. A chest of drawers and nightstand they had included some books, stationary and necessities he would be needing. Haruka obviously had his own handful of things which he wasn't going to let go of anytime soon.

Strolling in Mrs Tachibana showed him around and politely tried taking the teen's bag off his hands who flinched away hugging it at his chest. The couple looked at each other with wide eyes now nervous if they had scared him away.

Giving him a soft apology, she understood his actions and didn't try touching him again. After giving him a tour of the house Haruka asked if it were okay to stay inside him new room for a while. It was fine with them both although secretly they wanted to get to know him a bit better.

A sigh escaped from his lips. It felt good to left alone now; Haru didn't really do conversations and was somewhat dreading his introductions later on with the rest of the family. It'd been a long day already he just wanted it to be finished and done with.

He snuggled further into the futon his front facing the wall away from sight or whoever chose to come in. He found himself drifting off and it didn't take him long to fall deeply into the peaceful refuge of sleep.

In the afternoon after the twins and Makoto had returned with such eagerness it soon died when their mother told them what had happened and scolded her younger children to be quiet for Haruka. They couldn't stop asking questions though, she answered them but they would have to wait to meet him properly themselves. Makoto was curious too however wasn't as demanding as his brother and sister.

It was coming close to dinner and their new family member still hadn't come down. Everyone suspected he was probably just nervous or shy. While setting out the bowls and working around the kitchen Makoto was told to check up on him and so he did.

Even Makoto felt slightly anxious, after all it was their first meeting but exciting right at the same time. He gave the bedroom door a light knock or two but no response, he tried again until resorting to check the handle and it was unlocked. The teen peeked in only to find discarded bed sheets cast aside and a crumpled pillow but no Haruka.

He frowned but it vanished hearing the flush of the toilet from the bathroom. Makoto felt weird lingering around and didn't really want to wait inside the bed room scaring him like that plus it seemed rude to intrude. The door unlocked and appeared a boy a head shorter than himself with a mop of black hair.

Haruka's eyes widened seeing the tall figure before him. He was taken a back but Makoto's warm smile easily soothed him, it was welcoming and looked better in real life than the family portrait.

"Did I startle you Haru-chan?" He gave a light chuckle and walked up to him.

Looking away he cringed at the nickname as well as shrugging.

"I'm sorry, I assume Oka-san has already told you who I am? Tachibana Makoto, I'd like it if you called me by my first name if that's okay other than that pleased to meet you."

"Yes, you too." He replied back sounding distant.

Makoto noticed straightaway Haru probably wasn't going to be that social. He barely even made eye contact let alone conversation. He tried talking to him some more but never got many responses. Dinner was a hassle for Haruka as Ren and Ran took a liking to him instantly. Jumping and climbing all over him enthusiastically as if he were their own personal jungle gym. He let them not that he really minded smaller children they were no bother to him.

"Ran-chan! Leave Haruka-kun alone he isn't one of your dolls!" Their mother chided placing down a bowl of food in the center of the table.

"It's okay" Haru said sitting down.

The twins fought over who got to sit next to Haru in the end Makoto took the place instead. Both Ren and Ran were across the table chomping on their rice not letting him get a word in edge ways with the amount of endless questions they had.

"So you're the same age as onii-chan?!" Ran titled her head sucking the end of her chopstick curiously.

"You don't speak much Haru-chan? Why don't you talk much? Are you shy? Don't be shy it's okay!"

"Guys quit asking him so many questions, Haru-chan needs time to settle in and feel comfortable around us all first."

Haruka gave Makoto a brief look of thanks as there had been a few times during dinner that his gaze had mindlessly wandered over to him. Makoto was very intriguing, he was incredibly handsome and attentive. Usually he never got on too well with people his own age they usually gave him a hard time back when he was in the care home and never made friends. Makoto was accepting though, he was different and Haru really wanted to learn more about him.

"So if you're the same age as onii-chan can you cook and do laundry too?" Ren asked tilting his head.

"Now, now don't be laying off on Haruka-kun that easily." Their father scolded knowing exactly what Ren was playing at.

"I was only asking.."

"Yes," Haruka replied blandly. "I can do both, I've been doing them for a very long time."

Along the way he had picked up the skills of cooking and practically fended for himself. This caught the Tachibanas attention secretly pleasing them at most, Haru remained eating silently.

"Isn't it a bother though? Yuck! Oka-san makes us hang our clothes up.. I hate that it's too troublesome." Ren whined.

"Oh Ren-chan everyone has to start somewhere," Makoto chuckled.

"I'll just get a wife, she can do that for me instead." Their mother snickered at his comment.

"With an attitude like that I doubt you'll be finding a wife anytime soon,"

Ren stuck out his tongue before going back to his food not noticing the eye roll his twin sister gave him. Haru definitely felt he was going to fit in here if not for better or worse. Anything seemed worth sticking around if he could witness the dazzling smiles Makoto gave him.

He returned back to his room to draw until a soft knock gripped his attention. Makoto was there at his door with his head poking inside; he asked if it was okay and Haru invited him in. Makoto took a seat at the end of the bed, his eyes widened at Haruka's art work. He hadn't used any pictured yet from his imagination he'd created this place by the ocean. The soft pencil lines and effect he'd created were outstanding, it felt alive.

"Haru-chan is quite an artist.. You've got some serious talent there haven't you?" He let Makoto take the sketch pad into his hands after him asking to see.

Haru shrugged. "I like drawing.. I like the ocean.. I like swimming.."

Gasping loudly Makoto spun round to him with the widest smile yet. "Really?! That's great! Me and my friends are in a swim club! Maybe Haru-chan can join us!"

The shorter teen frowned looking away he shrugged again.

"Oh.. I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to just decide things on my own like that I mean you don't have to of course but it would be nice," Makoto softly said. "Are you nervous about starting a new school?"


"You look it.. It's okay everyone is nice and my friends are great I think you'll really like them."

He never gave Makoto a response and hesitantly took back his sketchpad out of Makoto's hands.

"This isn't your first time at a foster home, is it?"

"No, I've been to lots." He began to sketch once more. "Nice people but ends with the same result."

"But, why?"

The disheartened look Haruka sends him stirs Makoto's heart almost as if his big blue eyes are telling him 'don't go there' and besides it wasn't his business. He didn't actually know why he asked that anyway because it would be impossible for him to give an answer, he didn't talk enough as it is.

"Sorry that's me being nosy, forget I asked that."

He didn't respond but the movement of Haruka's hand said it all he'd gone from sadly swaying his pencil to going back to quickly shading. He was listening, Makoto had yet to learn how his mind worked.

"You draw beautifully," Grinning he bit at his lip then asked. "Would you draw me someday?"

Their eyes married in that moment, dubiously Haruka nodded. Honestly, he'd love to draw Makoto and have him in his sketchbook.

"Face me," He used his pencil to gesture Makoto opposite him. "-and keep still."

After all, Haruka only drew beautiful things.