This took me a bit more longer to write than I expected thanks to bad luck. I was almost done typing on the day I was supposed to publish, then the internet stopped working and the power was cut out… thanks to that, I had to write a couple hundred more words and that made me lose the will to go on since it was seriously hard for me to write that many words. I finished writing the day after but then I decided to remake it so here it is.

Back in April, when this story ended, someone requested me to do the Freezerburn wedding. I never got around to doing it since I wanted to start the next story almost right away, but since I'm actually giving myself time to plan my new story, I might as well take the request. Anyways, enough wasting time, let's go read a wedding scene.

(Disclaimer again: I still don't know how a wedding is supposed to go down like any grown adult would since I'm 14 but I'll try my best)


In the blink of an eye, I saw her. The blonde brawler that I thought I would never get along with began walking down the aisle, passing friends and family that I would soon meet. Next to her was her sister, the red-headed girl that I had a long, horrifying history with. What I was forced to do to her was now in the past and will never be repeated from this point on. "How are you feeling right now?" Blake whispered which snapped me out of my thoughts. I chose her to be my bridesmaid since she's one of my closest friends, and that isn't a lie… we've argued, fought in the past, and fed up with each other's problems for years, and I don't regret Ruby and I being paired up with her and Yang. There were just a lot of things that happened that had to do with my past; I just need to find a way to make it up to Ruby for ruining her childhood.

I looked at Blake and cracked a smile. "I'm feeling happy for once, nothing horrifying to worry about… I'm just glad my father's gone." Blake smiled but when I mentioned my father, she gave me a frown. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She looked the other way and scratched the back of her head. "It's nothing really… I guess just hearing him brings too many bad memories all at once."

I put a hand on her shoulder. "We'll make sure it never happens again okay?"

She turned back and smiled. "We will."

At that moment, Yang had arrived and Ruby stood next to Blake. "Are you ready princess?" the blonde asked. Her dress matched the color of her beautiful golden locks of hair as it flew with the wind, it was strapless and I did not mean to look right at her bust. I turned away as I was admiring her dress. Dang it Yang, I did not think your bust would be that much of a problem. I thought and blushed.

"Y-yeah, I'm ready." I said softly, turning back but keeping eye contact with her.

She noticed my stuttering. "Are you alright?" she asked in the same tone.

I gave her a nod. "It's nothing."

"Ahem." We both turned to the officiant as he gave us a smile. "Shall we begin?" he asked. We both gave him a nod. He had brown hair and a youthful face, we both expected the person to be much older but it didn't matter as much. He adjusted his glasses and looked at a book in front of him. "Dear friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Yang Xiao Long and Weiss Schnee in marriage. In the months they have been together, which I think is amazing, their love and understanding of each other has grown and matured, and now they have decided to live their lives together as one." Yang gave me a smile as he continued speaking. "True marriage is more than joining the bonds of marriage of two persons; it is the union of two hearts. It lives on the love you give each other and never grows old, but thrives on the joy of each new day. Marriage is love. May you always be able to talk things over, to confide in each other, to laugh with each other, to enjoy life together, and to share moments of quiet and peace, when the day is done, may you be blessed with a lifetime of happiness and a home of warmth and understanding, now for the wedding vows, starting with you Miss Schnee."

I turned to Yang and looked her in the eyes with joy. "Yang… hehe, how should I explain the first time we met? We didn't get along at first since I'm not that great at first impressions but we began getting along later on. I…" I stopped for a moment as a tear fell from my cheek but I regained my composure and continued. "I saw you as a party girl during that time, one that would do things her way and come up with the craziest ideas, but then I saw something more than that when you were with your sister Ruby. I saw a heartwarming flame and a person that was caring to the people she was close with. I still remember that day when Cardin hit me and you stood up when I was down… I wondered why you had done that, no one would do such a thing for me but you did. When you cleaned me up, I knew then that I did have feelings for you, that's why I asked if you liked me. Now we're here and I don't regret it at all."

The officiant gestured Yang to give her vows, her violet eyes met mine and she gave me her signature grin. "Like you said Weiss, we didn't get along the first few days because of that accident my sister did at the beginning of the semester but we got along soon after. I still remember those days that I teased you with the nickname ice princess, and we had a share of good times before I realized how much I liked you. Every time I stare into your eyes, I just feel like I'm swimming in an ocean that I don't want to get out of. I thought of you as cold at first, but when I got to know you better, I realized the coldness was for reasons that were personal. What happened in these past couple of days were moments of life and death… heck, it almost us, even Ruby and Blake. But we're here, staring into each other's eyes, knowing that it's over and we can go back to our normal lives as something more. I'm grateful for being in love with you and I'll make sure I protect you from anything that will put you in harm's way."

A tear slid down my cheek and Yang noticed it since she brushed it away with the soft stroke of her finger. "Do you two have your rings?" The officiant asked. We both nodded and showed him. He smiled and looked back at the people sitting. I didn't notice during the ceremony so far, but Ruby and Blake had sat down in the front row and the red-haired girl was crying in joy. "You have for each other special rings – symbols that love is the most precious element in your life together. The ring has no beginning and no ending, which symbolizes that the love between you will never cease. You place these rings upon each other's fingers as a visible sign of your vows this day, "

Yang bent down on one knee and held out her ring, I put my right hand out for her to place the ring. "Through this ring, I accept you as my wife, now and for all time." She slid it into my third finger and stood back up.

I did the same for her as I bent down and placed the ring I had tucked in my pocket into her third finger on her right hand. "Through this ring, I accept you as my wife, now and for all time." I said in a voice filled with joy and stood back up.

We both knew what the officiant would say next after that. "And now, by the power vested in me by the City of Vale, I hereby pronounce you two as wives. You may kiss the bride!" Yang and I stared at each other again, then we leaned into each other, closing the gap, and we pressed our lips against each other. Everybody cheered as we kissed, at that moment, everything felt great.

We pulled away and smiled. "Looks like we're together officially." I said softly.

Yang raised a brow. "I thought we were official already." she said.

I chuckled. "I'm just kidding you dunce, right from the start, we were official." Yang smiled pecked my cheek. "Do you have the bouquet of flowers at the ready?" she asked. I looked back at the table full of food and saw the multiple types of flowers bundled into a bouquet. I gave her a nod. "Let's change how this wedding goes and toss it in the air already."

I smiled. "Okay, but that means you don't get near the cake until we cut it."

She gave me a goofy smile. "You always know when I'll do something wrong don't you?"

I gave her a pat on top of her head and nodded. "Of course I do, you make it obvious." I walked towards the table as our friends cheered, then I grabbed the bouquet. "Who wants some flowers?!" I shouted. I turned around and barely noticed that team JNPR was here as I saw Pyrrha and Nora rise from their seats in excitement. I should have paid more attention to who came. I thought and laughed. Ruby had gotten up and waited for me to toss it. "Alright, but no cheating, that goes for you too Nora." I said. I clarified that because I had feeling someone, mostly Nora, was going to destroy something to get these flowers. I turned back around to the table and tossed it backwards into the air. Screams of excitement were heard, and then everyone began to roar in… rage?! "What is going on here?!" I exclaimed as I turned around. Everyone was looking up and I fixed my eyes in that direction. Then I realized that a certain, cute little puppy slash beowolf was in the air with the bouquet of flowers in her mouth.

The red tips of the black fur gave it away to who it obviously was. "Ruby! I said no cheating!" I shouted, but that didn't faze the red-headed girl at all. She landed on the ground with finesse and turned back to her human form, the flowers still in her mouth.

"No one said anything about transforming into something cute." She said and walked back to Blake, who was still sitting in her seat with an amused expression.

"She does have a point Weiss." Yang said and began laughing loudly. I sighed in defeat and lifted my hands in the air.

"I give up, there is no way I can get those flowers back to redo the tossing." I said and sat down in a nearby chair. "Does anyone want cake?"

So I finally finished making this chapter… and man did I research in a hardcore manner. This is the closest that I'll ever get to replicating a wedding ceremony. I did have to find some workarounds so I can continue writing this chapter but I think it turned out great. I'm starting my next story in about two or three days so keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, stay classy and let's get some hype for Volume 2!