
It was a simple day for me as always. As the team leader of team RWBY, I have a huge responsibility to make sure I set an example for my teammates, but this is just so hard to do. My team and I finished practicing out in the Emerald Forest against some Ursa and Beowolves, but it was nothing we couldn't handle as we easily shot, slashed, punched and destroyed them. We walked out of the forest in triumph, but I felt like it wasn't enough for me so I decided to stay behind and practice with my scythe, Crescent Rose.

She was a beauty. Her rose red paint gave it a deadly look, but the sharp steel of the blade was the one that showed off its cruelty. It can obliterate just about anything, but with my agility, she and I were unstoppable. Some Ursa and Beowolves ran out of the thickness of the forest, and I grinned and taunted them,"Are you ready to get destroyed?" I pulled back the bolt of my rifle, which was a mode on my scythe that I happily added, and awaited for their response. They were furious as they rushed towards me, their blood red teeth showed they ate something recently, but they didn't phase me.

I did a somersault as they got close and I landed behind them. I made no hesitation to shoot their heads as they exploded. With bits of their brains flying out as they fell on the ground, they began to disintegrate into rose petals. That's how I need to fight, I thought, comparing the events of fighting with my group before going back into the forest alone.

Everything was pushed out of my mind as I shot and slashed through my enemies, my main focus was the enemy and I knew that I will never let my guard down against these things. A few minutes later the forest was quiet again and there was nothing in the area but me, or so I thought. I heard a familiar voice from behind me. "You're still fighting Ruby?"

I turned around and saw a black haired girl staring at me curiously. It was one of my teammates, Blake Belladonna. She was still wearing her combat attire, which consisted of a black vest and a white undershirt. She wore purple leggings and black boots. The only thing that consistently stayed on her person was the black bow on top of her head. I knew why she always had it on that specific spot. It was because she was a faunus and what is under that black bow was a pair of cat ears, which I thought were so cute. She was two years older than me, which was seventeen, but I didn't care much about age. We had pretty much one thing in common, we both loved to read books. Our main differences was she was silent most of the time and as everyone knows me, I'm a hyperactive girl.

"I didn't hear you at all Blake," I replied in surprise, "Were you watching me the whole time?" I asked after a moment of silence.

The black-haired girl nodded. "You fight well Ruby."

That was the first time I ever heard a compliment from the silent girl. "Um… thanks Blake."

She smiled. "You're welcome." Then I heard more growling, which made both of us rush to each other as we both turned around to be back to back. "Beowolves and Ursa… but there are a lot of them."

I nodded. "We can take them as long as we work together," I said. Then they came. Blake kept the Beowolves and Ursa that were on my blindside back while I kept the ones in front of me back. I shouted to her, "Switch!" I combat rolled over to where she was as she somersaulted over me and continued our fight against the Grimm that dared try to hurt us. The blood soaked into our clothing, there were so many of them, but we never got tired… I cared a lot more about keeping Blake safe than keeping myself safe. It was probably because I had a crush on her. I always liked being close to the cat faunus herself, but she didn't seem interested in anyone else and she looked like she doesn't want to be at all.

So I tried to keep my crush under a low profile and I hoped one day that she would be interested. Ah, what am I thinking?! I pushed any thoughts of my crush on Blake and continued fighting. Bodies piled up until there was a huge pile of Ursa and Beowolves… or what was left of them. Then silence took over the forest again after a couple of minutes. "Good job, Ruby." Blake complimented.

"I have to say the same for you too," I replied, which she smiled at.

Then I saw the Beowolf rushing from the side and targeting her. That's when I moved without thinking and pushed her out of the way.

A burning sensation filled in my chest as the Beowolf's claw plunged into it. I heard Blake shout in horror. "RUBY!" I screamed in pain. It echoed throughout the forest, and I think I even heard some birds fly away from the sound.

Blake rushed over to the Beowolf, who still had it's claw inside me, and with no hesitation, sliced it in half with her weapon Gambol Shroud. The black-haired faunus removed the wolf's claw from my chest and I stumbled into the ground. "It hurts so bad," I said softly in pain, whimpering while feeling the blood… my blood run out.

Blake scooped me up, rushing out of the forest and over to the infirmary that was in our campus known as Beacon Academy, a prestigious academy meant to train students to become hunters and huntresses. The school was huge, but it's not hard to find the infirmary"Why did you do it Ruby?" Blake asked.

I looked up to stare at her beautiful amber eyes and replied, "You would've gotten hit by the claw… and I care about you."

"W-what?" Blake stuttered out in confusion.

Before I got the chance to say it, I blacked out….

Much credit to AmbidextrousLion for editing this chapter, thank you so much...