Chapter 8

Last Day

Hermione and Draco didn't sleep at all. They were too busy to think about what would happen a few hours later.

When Hermione went to the Great Hall, Draco was already there. Draco stood up and motioned Hermione to come with him. They went to the tree near the Black Lake where they had always sat under during their 7-day relationship.

"Umm…Hey," Draco decided to start the conversation first.

"Hey…."Hermione didn't look at Draco.

"It's been a wonderful week, right?"Hermione broke the silence.

"Yes, it's really…different," Draco replied.

"You know today's the last day of the game right?" Hermione looked up slowly, wanted to see Draco's reaction.

"Yes, I do and I'm sure I'm going to miss this. Look, I don't want to miss this… and you're the one who can help." Draco said.

"What? You want me to erase your memory by using the memory charm?" Hermione gaped, she didn't expect this.

"Oh Merlin, are you sure you're the brightest witch of our age? I meant I don't want to miss this, I want to continue this, but it's not a game anymore, it's a real one." Draco gave Hermione an astonished look. He didn't expect this answer.

"Oh! I'm sorry…I ugh, I ugh, OF COURSE! That's what I want." Hermione was on cloud nine and replied in a dreamy voice like Luna's.

"I should ask you out properly so-"Hermione cut his sentence by kissing him.

"It's special, I love it." Hermione broke the kiss and whispered into his ear.

"I swear I just saw stars." Draco was surprised.

"Me too… well, that's my first kiss." Hermione blushed.

"So…are we together now?" Draco wanted to make sure.

"Yes and we're together until forever ends." They walked back to the castle hand in hand as a real couple.

The End.

A/N: Thank you for reading this story! I just want to say this is my first fic and it really means a lot to me. I'm sorry that I don't have any dating experiences so this story might be…lack of romance? I think so… well, you can tell me if you want to:)

tris-everdeen99 Thank you so much for reviewing so many times and telling me what do you think. You're the first review of my first fic, I'm sincerely thankful.

Gracie Laufey Thank you for reviewing so many times! :) All of your compliments made my day, really, thanks a lot :D

sdrlana Thank you for reviewing again!:) I hope you like this one :D

The Guest who think I'm 12 :D Actually I'm 13 haha!

Hanable-13 Thank you for reviewing so many times :) Thank you for giving me advices and compliments, those advices are useful :)