I don't own Chrono Cross.

A/N: I wrote this during computer class oo;;; And I never really played with Janice. So don't sue me for OOC. Thank you. Tell me who you think she's talking about.

Sad pink

It was a beautiful evening. The starts were shining down on us. And her. Why did it have to have a 'her', why?!

Why didn't you choose me? I ask again, why? Because I have ears and some fur? Because she has blue eyes and I green? Because I'm a brunette, she's a blonde?

Or is it because she could listen? Listen to you. Listen to your pain. Something I wish I'd never do.

You said she was a kindred spirit. That she understood your pain. Did she, really? Or was she polite enough not to tell you to stop drowning in self pity?

Something I wish I'd have done long ago.

Is that why you don't like me? Because I'm too bouncy? Too much cheerfulness, is it? Too much pink in your world of grey and black? Am I too happy? Is that it?

What, the fact that I'm a Demi-Human means I have to have tragedy in my life? Sadness? Endless grey?

I saw you smile once before. Maybe twice. It was when the silent protagonist we call leader told you he wanted you to come with us again. You smiled… Because you were going to fight?

No. because we were taking you away.

Because you had the chance to run away.

From what? I can't understand you. You seem to have it better than most of us. You have a job. You don't have to worry about whether or not you have a rood over your head or food in your mouth. But you're not interested in that, are you? Too many memories. Too many shadows to hunt you.

Then what do you do? You go to someone else with troubles. Why? What, you believe that two greys put together will make black? What makes you think you won't see anymore? You will. You'll just see black.

Is that why you don't like me? Because I'm happy? But why can't you see… All I want… is for you to be happy too…

But then you both lean towards each other… and I'm not the one who's kissing you.

A/N: there. Done! Tell me who you think the couple she's talking about is!