Based off of Become by Goo Goo Dolls

Disclaimer: Happy The Dog says: All rights belong to their respective owners.


Beast Boy looked over as he walked by the school yard. The students were getting out of class for the day. He doubted that he'd see her that day, but as he was turning away, he saw a familiar blonde out of the corner of his eye.

He smiled to himself as he turned toward her, just so he could make sure that her face would never fade from his mind. She was standing with the girls that said that they were friends.

There's so much about you that you won't let them see. If they're your new friends, you should let them know. He thought, as if she could hear his thoughts.

She turned toward him as if she heard something, but then turned away as if she had decided that she imagined it.

Her face seemed to trigger all of Beast Boy's memories of the time before she had enrolled in school, before she said that she didn't remember him.

He was the first one that she trusted, until Slade the one that really just seemed to want to break her. Then she had gotten away, but sacrificed her life in the process. Then she had come back saying that she had no memory.

Ever since she had come back, Beast Boy had been trying to get her to remember, to come back home. Of course, he had learned to do it from the sidelines and he knew that she's so close to coming back home with him.

She seemed to be hiding from him ever since he had left her alone, disappearing into the shadows. It seemed like she really had forgotten him at first, but she really slipped up when they talked last. She didn't forget.

He just wanted to tell her that she'd be accepted if she came back and if anyone didn't accept her, then they'd personally have to answer to a giant green T-rex.

Beast Boy looked at her again. Man, she really has become beautiful since the first time we met. He thought. Sure she was beautiful when they met, but now she was a different type of beautiful. An older, wiser, prettier type of beautiful.

He sighed as he started to turn away. He couldn't stand outside of the school much longer without seeming like a creep. He couldn't give her what she wanted anymore and he had to get that through hid thick head. He wished she'd come back, though.

When he started walking away, he cast a final look her way and caught her eye. The frown adorning her face transformed into a bright smile. He smiled back as she pushed her hair behind her ear.

You're here with me. He thought before turning into a bird and flying home.