The Beloved Curse

Chapter Eighteen

New Year's night was so much fun! Tohru and I ended up cooking a whole bunch of food – well she ended up cooking most of it, I just helped with what I could and set the table. Once finished, we all sat down and ate the great, big feast and once everyone was stuffed, we all helped by tidying up. After, we all played a game or three of Rich man, Poor man and Yuki won two of the three games. Kyo kept demanding to play more rounds and we all laughed. Not once did Akito cross my mind. By now, we were up on the roof, watching the stars. Tohru was sitting next to Kyo talking quietly, yet excitedly about whatever and I was sitting next to Yuki, who was stretched out, resting on his elbows. I watched him through the darkness, watched his chest rise and fall with every breath he took. My heart was always going to skip a beat with him for I loved Yuki so much. Then, I felt the gnawing sensation in my chest that took over. How could Akito claim me as his? I could feel my scar ache, then remembered what he did to me not so long ago. I shivered and jumped slightly as I felt Yuki shifting, sitting up.

He ran his fingers up my arms, my neck, until his fingers reached my chin. He turned my head towards him ever so softly and made me look into his eyes. When he spoke, it was nothing but soft and gentle. "I know you've been having a hard time with things, Kara, but I don't want you suffering with it alone." Yuki reached out and wiped the tears away that I didn't realize were falling. I shook my head and looked away, but Yuki held my chin and continued looking at me, worriedly. "Please Kara." I bit my lip and shifted my gaze downwards. "Akito…I gave myself to him…for your freedom…and Kyo's." I whispered to him, softly crying freely now. Yuki sighed softly and leaned forward, kissing me softly, but deeply – passionately. I could feel Kyo's eyes burning into my back. Don't do anything rash, Kyo. I thought before Yuki broke the kiss and looked at me. "I know what he has done Kara. He brags about it every chance he gets, but that will not change anything between you and I. It will not change how I feel about you and I'm pretty sure it hasn't changed nor will it ever change what Kyo thinks of you either. He risked his life, didn't he?" I nodded slowly. "We love you, all of us love you, because of who you are and nothing will ever change that." I pulled away and shook my head. "But Yuki…there will never be an 'us'! Don't you see? Not as long as Akito is around..and playing God." I sighed and looked away, hugging my knees. "I have to marry him, Yuki. Tonight's banquet was going to be extra special because he was going to parade me around to all the Sohma's with the stupid engagement ring he wanted me to wear. I was going to be the prime example that he can control each and every single one of us with an iron fist."

I sighed again and looked over at Tohru and Kyo sadly. "She makes him happy even though he's really stubborn about it...and she makes you happy too Yuki. She makes the people she meets happy and I really don't want you to lose that. I don't want Kyo losing that either. You and Kyo also both need your freedom. Kyo doesn't need to be locked up and you need to go be happy…find a great girl…marry, have kids, you know…" I trailed off as I looked at the stars. "I just have to do this…" Yuki shook his head. "We can run away, the four of us. Get eloped, live our own lives the way we see fit." I almost slightly laughed at that. His desperation was genuine. I looked at him sadly, then looked away again. "How could we do any of that Yuki? I mean, every time I forget to not hug you, or you get sick, you go poof, and do you really think it would be that easy running away from Akito? He'd find us, drag us back and probably get Ha'ri to erase everything that has happened and I don't want that. I don't want to lose what memories I have with you!" Yuki was going to respond when Tohru jumped up excitedly and clasped her hands together. "The sun's rising! Everyone ready to make their wishes?" Kyo snorted. "Hell yeah! My wish is to finally beat that damn rat once and for all!" he said excitedly shouting it out to the sky. "Like that will ever happen, stupid cat." Yuki said, coolly. "I wish for everyone to just have a really good new year and oh! I want to finish meeting the rest of the zodiac members!" she said and smiled warmly. I just wish I could break this damn curse.

Later that day, the phone rang non-stop. After the eighth time it rang, a half asleep Yuki came down the stairs yawning, scratching his stomach under his sweater. He picked up the phone. "Sohma residents." he said sleepily, but then snapped awake when he heard the voice on the other end of the line, his blood running cold. "Ah, Yuki, how's my dear rat doing?" When Yuki didn't reply, Akito continued. "I did miss you terribly last night. What could have been more important than being at the banquet? My banquet. The one you never miss?" Yuki tried to find his voice. He could tell Akito was getting angrier and angrier. All Yuki could muster out was a simple, "I'm sorry." which made Akito laugh. "It is a shame you and my fiancé didn't show up. You and Kara embarrassed me!" he snapped. "Punishment will be for the three of you to come. Actually, no. I don't need that stupid cat here. Just you and Kara, and you will visit me today. Now. Hatori will be over to collect you." Yuki was shaking so much he forgot to answer which enraged Akito. I was walking down the stairs as I saw Yuki on the phone, terror in his eyes as he said "Yes Akito." A second later, he hung up the phone and looked at me. "We've been summoned…" he said quietly. "Hitori will be coming for us." I bit my lip and played nervously with a loose thread on my hoodie. I knew this would be coming.

Less than half hour, after a very silent car ride from Hatori, Yuki and I were being led towards Akito's room. Hatori called out to Akito to let him know we were here, slid the door open to let us walk in and then slid it closed behind us. I could see Yuki shaking, as he kept his eyes firmly on Akito's back as he was lazily hanging out the window again. I wanted to hold Yuki's hand but I also didn't want Yuki to get in to anymore trouble than what we were going to be in. I hated being here. In his room again. Again, I started playing with the loose thread on my sweater. I could feel Yuki now looking at me, and I looked at him and could see that he was trying to reassure me. I gave him a small smile, trying to put on a brave face. We both stood in silence for what seemed forever, then Akito turned to look at us. He smiled at us, but his eyes were cold, full of hatred. "Do you know why I have summoned you here?" he hissed at us. I clenched my hands into fists, digging my nails into my skin. "So we missed the stupid banquet. It was only one holiday." I muttered. Akito walked gracefully across the room and backhanded me hard. Hard enough I almost fell over. I saw Yuki cringe as I gained my composure and glared up at the older boy. He was waiting for me to say something and when I didn't, his anger in his eyes burned with full on hatred.

"This was supposed to be the most important holiday to me." Akito moved closer to me so he was inches away from my face and he smirked. "This was your most important holiday too, Kara." he sneered as I could feel myself recoil. "And neither of you had the decency to show up!" Akito backed away just slightly and looked from me, to Yuki, back to me. "Do tell me why? I'm quite curious." he spat. When neither I, nor Yuki, answered, Akito folded his arms across his chest. "Well?" he demanded. I bit my lip and stared at the floor. "W-we were keeping Tohru company. I-it was her first year alone…" I stammered. There was silence and when I looked up, Akito backhanded me again. This time it was enough power to knock me to the floor. I could feel the iron taste in my mouth. "Tohru Honda. That pathetic human girl." Akito walked over to Yuki and when I looked up, could see Akito glaring at him. Yuki remained quiet, but he was shaking. "Tohru Honda is the reason why you two refused to come to the banquet and see me?" Yuki lowered his head and quickly apologized. Akito smiled and ran a finger along Yuki's face. "I know my dear rat." Yuki recoiled expecting Akito to strike him too. "Tell me Yuki, did you really stay because of that pathetic girl? Or was it because of Kara?" Yuki looked away from the gaze piercing into his soul. I quickly stood up and shook my head. "It was because of Tohru! I'm telling you the truth Akito. All we wanted to do was to keep her company…I-I'm sorry. It was my idea to disobey you. Please don't punish Yuki for it. Please!" I cried in desperation. Akito looked at me and smiled and started pacing the room, thinking.

Yuki and I exchanged glances while he was pacing and thinking. We were both terrified about what was to come next. Akito stopped pacing and walked over to me. He stood right in front of me and when I looked up at him he was smirking. "Are you willing to take the full punishment Kara?" I bit my lip, looked at Yuki again sadly, then looked back at Akito and nodded slowly. "Good. Then your punishment will be…you will move back behind the Sohma walls." When I was about to protest, Akito held up a finger telling me to be quiet. "In fact, I think you should move into the main house and into your favourite room that was last occupied by none other than your brother." It hit me like a ton of bricks. No more staying at Shigure's? Back under the watchful eye of Akito all day, every day? The dark room, which was also the punishment room? I was going to try and say something again but once again Akito stopped me. "Now, I will still allow you to go that wretched school that you, Yuki and Kyo go to, but you and Yuki will not be living under the same roof anymore. There will be no more shenanigans between the two of you at school either, and, if I hear word of any of that, I will Kara, pull you out of that school and put you in the school the Sohma's all go to. Do I make myself clear?" I felt sick. I felt my heart shatter. He had no soul. Akito was no God. He was more like the devil. I looked over at Yuki but he didn't look at me. I looked at Akito, full of anger, full of hatred and when I didn't respond, Akito smirked and traced his fingers slowly down my face, along my shoulder, then squeezed my arm, tightly, and leaned in. His mouth was inches away from my ear that sent shivers running up and down my spine. "I'm going to enjoy this, Kara. We will have many more nights together like before." I pulled away from him in horror and pushed him away. I wanted to punch him, to hurt him like he's hurt us, but he smirked at me and called out for Hatori.

Hatori walked in. "Yes Akito?" he said. Akito didn't remove his gaze from me. "You may take her to the punishment room now." I looked up to Hatori, then back at Akito. "Please…anything except for that room. Please Akito.." I looked up at Hatori again. "Please Ha'ri." I begged him. Hatori didn't say anything, just removed a needle from his doctors coat pocket. The needle he uses to subdues us. "This isn't fair!" I cried out as Hatori grabbed me by the arm, dragging me away from Akito and Yuki. Last thing I saw was Yuki looking at me sadly before the door was slid shut. I angrily pulled my arm out of Hatori's hand as he led me down the hall. I was hurt. My eyes darted around looking for a way out of this situation. "Please, just be good Kara." I heard Hatori say. I looked up at him and could see him looking down at me. "If you behave and just do what Akito tells you to do, I'm sure you'll be back at Shigure's house in no time." I glared at him. He had no right telling me what I should do or how to act, but I said nothing. I just looked straight ahead, my fists were in balls again. We stood outside the dark room, the punishment room, and Hatori slid the door open. I shivered. Total darkness except for the light that shone in through the hallway. "Go on in Kara." I heard him say sadly. I looked up at him again and started pleading. For him to just let me go, but I knew he wouldn't go against Akito's wishes. Hatori was just as loyal to Akito as most of the older members were. I walked into the room and the door closed behind me, leaving me alone in the dark.