I had this idea and really wanted to share it with you RobRae shippers. I hope no one is too OOC but if you think so please comment and tell me so! I appreciate any criticism that could help me work with all these characters I love so much. I'm not a Star/Rob shipper but I love Starfire so expect no Star-bashing here.

Also I know this chapter is long and filler-ish but it will get better with more drama and comedy and romance! So please keep reading and follow my story.


It had been four months since the Titans returned from the Tokyo mission and one month since the largely unexpected, loudly disputed breakup of Robin and Starfire. Well, largely unexpected and widely disputed by everyone except Raven. She'd known from the start the relationship wouldn't last. Starfire was her best friend and Raven knew everything there was to know about the happy-go-lucky alien. Starfire was nurturing and sentimental, hopelessly romantic and innocently clingy.

She was always around Robin, crowding him too much and loving him too deeply. Robin had cared for her, of course, but he wasn't the type of guy who could handle losing his privacy and alone time. He wasn't right for Starfire and Raven had almost told him that straight up. She'd confided in Cyborg but he thought that wasn't a good idea.

'Just let 'em be, Rae. They can figure it out somehow.' He'd said.

But they hadn't figured it out. They had one month of pure bliss and by the end of the second month, both were miserable. Starfire would end up at Raven's door in the middle of the night, face red and wet from her tears after yet another fight. Robin felt constant guilt at hurting his girlfriend, but he'd underestimated his feelings for the Tamaranian. He cared for her, liked her a lot, loved her like a friend, but the love of soulmates and lovers? No. He couldn't feel that as deeply as Starfire did. And so three months in, Robin broke it off and Starfire fell into a depression.

It was up to the introverted, dark sorceress to bring her back to life. Raven was a completely different person around her suffering best friend. She took her to the mall, to the local café, to the city disco, to Steel City to visit Titans East and around the country to visit other honorary Titans and their friends. Raven would even smile and attempt stupid jokes a la Beast Boy to make her friend laugh. And gradually it worked.

By the end of that month Starfire was back to normal, cooking weird dishes, misunderstanding the English language, and trying to play video games with Cyborg and Beast Boy. She was even up to sitting and engaging in casual conversation with Robin without remembering the breakup and bursting into sobs. Raven felt proud of herself and she wasn't the only one.

Robin had been watching her for a while now. Throughout his fights and unhappiness with Starfire, he'd found himself comparing the two girls and picturing himself in relationship with Raven. In those scenarios he always seemed more at ease and more comfortable than he actually was with Starfire. Still, Robin had kept all those thoughts locked away, careful not to reveal his inner emotions around the empath, who was best friends with his ex-girlfriend and who probably didn't feel any such way towards him. He simply admired her from afar; thankful she had healed Starfire when he had wounded her.

Apart from his romantic struggles, Robin had been focused on the way his team was working. The Titans were stronger than ever and the five original Titans worked expertly well together in battle, assisting without any words spoken and combining their abilities to take down any enemy in front of them. Robin knew his leadership played a part there, but he also knew his team was strong and mature enough that "Teen" wasn't necessarily what they were anymore. Robin and Raven were already 18, Starfire and Beast Boy were 17, and Cyborg had just celebrated his 21st birthday. Robin considered dropping the Teen and leaving the team as The Titans but that was a secondary matter. He had something more important in mind.

Raven was meditating on the roof, her violet hair dancing gently with the summer night breeze, when her communicator beeped. She flipped it open and saw it was a message Robin had sent to his four teammates informing them of a meeting starting in five minutes. Raven groaned but teleported downstairs, arriving first in the Titans' living room. She settled herself at the right end of the couch, pushing her cloak back to keep her body from overheating and waited.

A minute later Starfire zoomed in with a 'Friend Raven, hello!' taking a seat on her left and beginning to chatter about her day. Three minutes later Beast Boy and Cyborg stomped in, laughing about something the changeling had done in the bathroom. They launched themselves onto the left end of the couch, making the girls jump up with the force of their movement.

Why are boys so disgusting? Raven asked herself.

Shortly after, their leader entered his face blank and serious as always. He stood at the front of the room, looking at the four Titans silently. Raven tried to read his emotions to see if he was angry or something, but all she got was a faint trace of amusement. Beast Boy began to fidget and finally blurted out

"Are we in trouble?"

Robin's lips twitched and he finally spoke.

"Nah, just working the room."

Raven rolled her eyes and Starfire asked her why the room was being used as a laborer by Robin and how was this possible.

"I'll explain later." She mumbled and turned back to Robin, hoping he'd quit his dramatics and tell them what the meeting was for.

"I wanted to congratulate you all for becoming such a powerful team. Titans West is a force to be reckoned with and everyone knows it. After our battles with the Brotherhood of Evil and Commander Daizo in Tokyo, we've been called a 'dream team' and a 'young Justice League with half the drama'."

"All right, Titans rule!" Beast Boy declared, changing into a monkey to jump with excitement.


The Titans groaned as Robin opened his mouth again. The Boy Wonder glared.

"However, we can't get cocky and think that just because we haven't lost a battle in a while we're Superman or Batman. We're still learning and getting stronger, so we can benefit from more training."

The group groaned again.

"The training I have in mind will be a full month of intensive work on our individual abilities and our strategies as a team. I knew you guys wouldn't be enthused at the prospect of more training so I thought of a training program that would be a bit more… fun."

"Did Robin just say the word fun?" Cyborg turned to Beast Boy.

"No way, dude, he's lying! He's trying to trick us and make us believe we're gonna have a good time before BAM he makes us jog up Mount Everest while we answer math problems! Without a calculator!"

"You're an idiot." Raven promptly informed Beast Boy.

"While that does sound interesting, Beast Boy, I had something else in mind." Robin said. "We will be living and training with Titans East for a month, sharing our techniques with theirs and learning about their strategies too. There will be team against team competitions, individual competitions and pairs against pairs competitions. Think of it as a month of superhero Olympics."

There was a beat of silence before Beast Boy, Cyborg and Starfire cheered.

"Oh, I long greatly to see our friends from the East!" Starfire exclaimed.

"I'm gonna play with Speedy's arrows and mess with Aqualad and chase the twins and play more video games with new players!" Beast Boy shouted.

"I get to see Bumblebee!" Cyborg said with a fist pump and immediately blushed when everyone looked in his direction.

The only one who stayed silent was Raven. Robin, seeing this, announced that the meeting was over and asked Raven if he could speak with her in private. The empath sighed and nodded, following him to his room.

Robin could sense that Raven was worried about the upcoming training, though he was unsure why. Raven may be the empath and the expert at controlling her emotions but Robin knew her better than anyone else and he could read her emotions fairly well. Besides, since returning from Tokyo Raven had become more relaxed and slightly more open to expressing emotions. She wasn't skipping for joy or blowing kisses all the time but, with Starfire at least, Robin had seen her laughing and smiling with genuine affection.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong or am I going to have to guess?" Robin asked when the dark girl continued to stare at the floor, not speaking.

"It's nothing."

"We both know that's not true, Raven."

"It doesn't matter." She lied again and Robin sighed.

"It matters to me. As team leader, I have to address any issues within the team. You didn't seem to be okay with Titans East coming to Jump City for this month-long training. I thought it was a good idea and Bumblebee agreed with me. They're supposed to be arriving in a couple of days."

"That's so soon." She muttered and Robin's brow furrowed.


"Robin, this is a private thing. I-I'd feel weird telling you." She looked at the floor again.

"Raven." He placed a gloved hand on her shoulder, causing her violet eyes to jump up and meet his gaze. "You can tell me anything. I promise."

She nodded once and took a deep breath.

"It's not the training I have a problem with. I just have a… predicament regarding two of the Titans East."

"A predicament?"


"Which two Titans?"

"Speedy and Aqualad." She mumbled and Robin raised an eyebrow.

"Okay. May I ask what the predicament is?"

He sensed he was on the verge of something big so he didn't push her anymore, choosing to be patient until she could phrase her thoughts adequately.

"Well, both of them have expressed an interest in my approval and my affections… and ultimately in me."

Robin's eyes widened under his mask and Raven flushed, ducking her head again.

"So you're saying that both Speedy and Aqualad like you?"

"Speedy told me he loved me once, but I suspect he just wanted to get in my pants."

Robin almost choked on his breath. When had all this happened? When did inappropriate, obnoxious, superplayer Speedy get close enough to Raven to tell her he loved her and subliminally ask for sex?


She was looking at him now, waiting for him to speak. He cleared his throat.

"Sorry, I just wasn't expecting… that. How did this happen exactly?"

"I've spent some time in Steel City these last few months. Starfire and I would just fly there and back sometimes. She was going through something."

Robin knew exactly what that something was but didn't bother interrupting.

"I guess I noticed a month ago. When we got there and Starfire was talking to Bumblebee or to Mas and Menos I would find myself alone and then suddenly ambushed by one of them. Aqualad gave me these pearls he'd swum to the bottom of the sea for and then Speedy gave me this blue dress exactly in my size. It was strange and when it started happening I just wasn't prepared to reject them or say anything, mostly because this is a novel experience to me."

Robin nodded. Raven was enchantingly beautiful but she had no idea. Beast Boy had tried to go after her once but had gotten shot down so much he'd given up. Recently Robin was falling under her allure so really the only male who wasn't under the Raven spell was Cyborg and that was only because he was like her older brother and saw Raven as the little sister he was sworn to protect. She was also smart and sarcastically funny. Who wouldn't like her?

"Now, I'm just worried living with both of them for a whole month will bring undesirable consequences and uncomfortable situations." She finished.

"I understand your concerns, Raven, but not that I'm aware of this I can make sure nothing unexpected will occur. This training will be helpful for all of us and I already planned it out with Bumblebee. I'm sorry that this is happening, but I can promise you I won't let either of them bother you in our home. This is our tower and they're going to have to behave in our city."

Raven sighed.

"I doubt it. Speedy, especially, is quite vocal about his wants. He insulted Aqualad once and tried to shoot him with an arrow because he asked me out on a date. Thankfully, Starfire was ready to go home and I slipped out before they started fighting."

Robin laughed at that.

"Nothing makes a man crazier than a beautiful woman." He said without thinking and Raven froze.

"You think I'm beautiful?"


Shit! Why'd you say that, genius? Now she's gonna add you to her stalker list and never trust you again.

"Of course you're beautiful. You're the most beautiful little sister a guy could ask for! Cyborg and I have said that before. It's nothing new." He gave an awkward chuckle.

An undecipherable emotion crossed over Raven's face but before Robin could analyze it further, it was gone and Raven was expressionless.

"I'm glad you've both taken on the role of older brother. Maybe that will scare Aqualad and Speedy enough to make them leave me alone. I still have the dress and pearls thrown at the back of my closet. It felt rude to throw them away."

"Sure." Robin nodded but internally he was still cursing himself for his stupid comment.

Raven bid him a good night and left his room to head for her own, leaving Robin alone with his conflicting thoughts.

Is this jealousy I'm feeling? Or is it just protectiveness for my friend? I have to admit it bothers me that Aqualad and Speedy want her, but it's not because I want her… We're just friends. Besides, relationships never work for me. I pushed Batgirl away long ago and I couldn't make it work with Starfire for more than three months. I'm not going to add Raven to my failures. I'll deal with this on Monday when the other Titans arrive. Everything will be fine. Won't it?