Chapter 28: What I saw on the TV

So it was a weekend. I had woken up early in the morning, made popcorn, sat in the living room, turned on the television and started to flip through channels, reading my book during the breaks.

My name is Tara, and I'm sixteen. My mom put me on birth control pills, even though my ex still kept his virginity. But I hooked up with another man and didn't take my pills, and now I'm a teen mom.

The way her voice bluntly put it was quite ironic. She put it like it was just another minor 'Oops, I did that' moment. She sounded like her pregnancy was totally OK. Needless to say, my head snapped up from the book I was reading, and my mouth dropped to the floor.

I was staring at Tara, smiling into the camera and rubbing the small bulge that was the son/daughter of a genuine bitch, then the screen changed to an introduction of a new episode, Teen Mom: Tara's story. Usually, when Teen Mom comes on I automatically change the channel, because lets be real, no one really cares for the teen to be interested enough to watch her show like we actually care, (or is that just me), but for obvious reasons, I continued to watch. Apparently this was the first episode, because it started as a commentary from Tara explaining to the camera about how she suspects she might be pregnant and why and how and what has led her here today. She's home-schooled, now. Then it flips to a scene where I'm guessing a friend on hers is waiting outside the bathroom door and when Tara was finished, she announced she was pregnant.

So of course the whole episode was about her and her friend planning about when they should tell Tara's parents about the news, and of course they had to call up Malchior to tell him (though he already knew). They left it at that, till it began another episode.

By instinct, I grabbed my cellphone and went on my contacts, but then decided against it. Garfield(well, the whole school) already knew Tara was pregnant, what they'd be shocked to hear is the fact that Tara got her own show about it. I put my phone down and continued to watch the show.

To put it shortly, Malchior played the typical asshole but got away with some of it just because he's hot, and of course he had to be a bad boy so his parents wouldn't stop nagging him about how it's time to grow the fuck up and of course Tara's crying like a bitch in the corner of the room, and then Malchior's all 'Oh well I didn't mean to hurt you baby' so he goes kind of good guy, but he's still acts like he's such a badass at the same time and then I flip the channel because it's making my blood boil.

At the end I call Garfield and tell him about it anyway.

Garfield came over, looking quite upset, and I showed him a few episodes. He wanted to stop watching it in the middle of the second episode.

"You okay?" It was a pretty dumb question to ask, but it flew out of my mouth on instinct.

"Not really. I'm just mad about two things." He admitted, burying his face into my skeleton pillow. He was spread-eagled on my bed, rolling around in it once in a while. His arm was dangling off the sides. I sat in my computer chair, spinning myself in circles.

"What two things are you mad about?"

He picked his head up and frowned at me, shrugging his shoulders. "I'm mad that she got her own show even though she's a bastard, but I'm alao mad about the fact that she is a teen and is pregnant. Just what kind of inspirational message does MTV thinks they're throwing out here?"

"Mtv is just looking for drama." So I guess, that's what happened to Tara.

The best thing happened to Adonis the next time we returned to school for a new week. Apparently this new kid, who is a total business man, but he's a sophomore embarrassed Adonis. This sophomore kid is walking down the hall with his briefcase and business suit, Adonis approaches him, and begins to make fun of him. So business man takes out his wallet, slaps him with it, and walks out.

The business kid had about two-hundred dollars in that wallet. But now it was fourth hour. Miss Henson had divided us up into girls verses boys and had us take two wooden clothes pins each.

"What are these for?" Jade says in a quiet, yet audible voice.

"You have to clamp them down on your nipples." Jen replied, playing with the clothespins and pinning them on her earlobes. Jade just stared at Jen with wide eyes, opening and closing her mouth as if she was going to say something. She frowned, and her hand reluctantly made it's way to her boob.

"I was just kidding Jade." Jen quickly said before Jade could. Jade glared at her and muttered an 'O'. We played a short, rather boring game till Miss Henson sat us down and announced she had finally come up with a fun game to play.


"Truth or Dare. But more fun-er than last time. Are you guys up for it?" We all accepted, seeing as we had nothing else to do exceptformeandGarfield'causewecanmakeoutwitheachother.

"Cool!" Miss Henson fished out a piece of paper and tore it up into 6 pieces and scribbled something onto the paper, and handing it out to us. "Another invite to my place. Sorry it's not really formal. " She smiled.

Two days and a couple hours later we are all sitting in a circle, except Adonis, who's mother felt that the note wasn't from the teacher due to the state in which the permission slip was in. Not that we minded. Miss Henson sat in the circle with us to. There was a bottle sitting on a paper plate in the middle. No, we are not playing Spin the bottle. A pack of Five gum's truth or dare gum pack was laying next to the paper plate. Miss Henson extended her hand out towards the bottle and spun it, and after a quick couple of rounds of the bottle spinning in circles, it finally landed on Jen.

"Truth or Dare, Jen?" Miss Henson offered.

"Dare." Jen looked at the stick of gum as if she hasn't eaten in months, and was now staring at a seven-course meal. Miss Henson chose the stick of gum labeled "Dare, and unfolded it from the wrapper.

"Jen, in order to have this stick of gum, you must complete this dare. I dare you to stuff four ice cubes into your mouth and leave it there for 15 seconds." Miss Henson announced. Garfield and Roy 'OOO'd at her while Jade snickered and I smirked at Jen, who stuck her tongue out to Miss Henson and walked over to the fridge. She popped open the freezer and snatched four decent-sized ice cubes, and throwing them into her mouth, one-by-one.

After all the ice cubes were in her mouth and she had the cheeks of a squirrel, she walked over and sat down as we started chanting and counting. By the time we hit five she started to try to reposition the ice cubes without opening her mouth. By eight she started shaking her head. By number eleven she was trying to bite down on the ice cubes, trying to make them smaller, but it only made it worst, and she ended up curling up into a ball and holding her mouth with her hands, her eyes squeezing shut. By thirteen she looked like she wanted to scream. When we finally hit fifteen she spat it out, ran to the kitchen, quickly snatched a paper cup out of one of the cabinets and filled it with hot water. She dumped the water into her mouth and gurgled furiously, spit it out in the sink, washes it off, got a paper towel and made her way over to pick up the ice she spat out.

"My turn." She said and plucked the stick of gum out of Miss Henson's fingers, and spun the bottle. It landed on me. "Truth or Dare Raven." She asked. I thought about it. Dare.


"Okay. She took the stick that said 'Dare' on it, unwrapped it, and began. "If you want this stick of Five gum, you must complete this dare. I dare you to take a bath for 10 seconds in really cold water. With ice."

Not long after she said that, I had changed into some clothes Miss Henson's teenage niece wore when she came over. Miss Henson took the ice bucket from her freezer as Roy started the bath, making sure it was cold water pouring from the faucet. once it was full of cold water, Miss Henson dumped the ice into the water. Now all I needed to do was to hop in and go under water for ten seconds and then I can hop out. Everybody was chanting again, and I dipped a toe in. It was cold obviously. So I took quick advice from the movie 'We're the millers' and counted to three, and then I jumped in and got myself under the water before I could think about it.

I could hear the muffled voices of them counting to ten, peering into the tub and smiling at me. The ice distorted their faces. Speaking of ice, it was getting cold. I hugged myself and counted with them, curling into a ball and trying to heat myself Then I heard the number TEN! and shot up from underneath the water. The ice now only froze my waist and down. I shivered and let out a small chuckle, and caught my breath. My eyes stung and were cold, I had to blink a lot, but that didn't help. I got out of the tub and they immediately wrapped a towel around me, congratulating me. Jen handed me my celebratory stick of gum.

In a while, after I was reasonably dry and had changed into my old clothes, we were back in the circle, and I spun the bottle. It landed on Jade.

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to put toothpaste on your eyebrows, put shampoo in your hair but don't rinse, just let the foam sit, put Peanut Butter and jam on each cheek, go to the neighbors and ask them for an umbrella." Five gum has some weird dares. Jade smilled and we followed her to the bathroom. She turned on the shower head and soaked her hair, then taking the shampoo bottle and squeezing it into her hair. she rubbed it around her hair till it was foamy, then she took the toothpaste and smeared some on her eyebrows. In the kitchen, she took peanut butter and put some on her left cheek and put some jam on her right cheek, and she was out the door.

We all huddled out onto the front porch and took our phones out, recording it. Jade stepped into the neighbour's yard and knocked on the door. About a minute later a man answered, lookong Jade up and down, frowning. Jade smiled.

"May I please borrow your umbrella?"

"No." He then bluntly slammed the door in her face.

After we played a couple rounds of Truth Or Dare with Five gum, we decided to do a series of bets. Roy bet Jade that he could beat her at arm wrestling. Jade won that. Garfield bet me that I couldn't climb higher than him. He was right. I couldn't even climb onto the tree, while he was at the top, peeking at me through the leaves. And then someone got the bright idea to play hide and go seek in the dark.

Jen decided she'll be the one to count, and we all scrambled around Miss Henson's large home. Jen was still counting to one hundred, and I was still looking where to hide. I had no idea where the others were, except the fact that Roy was hiding in the garage in Miss Henson's car. I stumbled around, and decided to hide somewhere in the backyard. Miss Henson has a large backyard, a gate surrounding it, separating it from the small forest behind it. I decided to hide in that small forest.

I opened the backyard door and walked a couple of feet before looking around.

"Hey," I looked up to where I heard the voice. Garfield smiled down at me, and he was hiding in an old looking treehouse that was hidden by a band of ancient, mystical looking trees.

"Come up. You can hide with me here as long as your quiet." He invited me in, patting the welcome mat you would reach when you climb the steps. I climbed up and scooted next to him. The tree house had a perfect view of one of Miss Henson's bedrooms, which I'm guessing is her son's room, since it had pictures of playboys leaning on motorcycles, and a ton of other obvious boy stuff, including a bow and arrow set hanging on the wall. Then I saw Jade. She was staring back at us with wide eyes, unmoving from his window. She then grabbed the bow and arrow set on the wall, and began to move one of the arrows into place with the bow. She looked back up to us and nodded her head to the left, so we moved. A minute later an arrow pierces into one of the treehouse walls and I heard giggling from Jade.

"Yes, score!" She boasted, but then she lost her victorious smile and ran out the room, came back in with a silver trash can, turned off the lights, quickly closed the door, and hopped into the trashcan, closing it with the top.

"Looks like Jen found her," Garfield said. I stuck my tongue out at him. We heard a quick shriek and a boom, along with a victorious yell. A couple minutes later, we heard them all trample outside, except for Miss Henson, who is still hiding. I scooted closer to Garfield and we huddled together in a dark corner of the tree house. His arms were around my shoulders as we tried to get ourselves fully concealed by the darkness so the others wouldn't see us. Garfield pecked me on the cheek. I pecked him back and shushed him.

"You shush."

"No you shush."


"I'll shush when you shush!"

"Shhh I'm shushing!"

"YOUR SHUSHING IS BEING LOUD! SHHH!" Garfield clamped his hand around my mouth and quietly shushed me. I cuddled him. He hugged me back and we just sat there cuddling.

"Aww, how cute. Found you lovebirds. Now help me go find Miss Henson." Jinx stood at the entrance of the tree house, hands on her hips, smirking at us.

Not the best ending but still an ending that I came up with.

Where do you think Miss Henson is hiding? What was your favourite part in this whole story?

And before I close off I have a few story faults I'd like to apologize for. :

I'm sorry for all the grammaticial errors.

I'm sorry for always being late for posting a chapter.

I'm sorry for the crappy ending.

I'm sorry that Raven was Ooc much more than I planned her to be.

But I'm glad you guys liked this story, but now it is over. Good news though: I'll be posting another story soon.

Thank you for all the awesome reviews and I know I said this more than once but I was not expecting this story to get past 50 reviews. The reviews you guys posted were really funny, sweet, and nice and supportive.

Well that's it. ;) Don't forget to favorite!