Allison and Isaac have a connection that Scott can't really get, but he still can understand it. Perhaps they both share the grief of losing a mother (yes, Isaac's father died as well, but he refuses to think about that.), maybe it's something more, something deeper. Scott enjoys putting the little pieces together. He likes how they look at each other, full of acceptance and gratitude, perhaps for holding each other together emotionally. He likes how they interact, full of playful and witty banter, because that's how they show their affection for each other. Maybe he should be jealous. He's not.

Scott and Allison have a connection that Isaac can understand. Allison was Scott's first everything, and it was with Scott that Allison felt some of the most intense emotions. Maybe it's the connection of a first love. Maybe it's something more, something deeper. Isaac likes to watch the two together. He likes how they look at each other, full of adoration and trust, perhaps for everything they've been through together. He likes how they interact, so sweet and teasing at the same time, because that's how they show affection for each other. Maybe he should be jealous. He's not.

Isaac and Scott have a connection that Allison tries to understand. She knows that sometimes, given their case of lycanthropy, she won't. Still, she enjoys putting the little pieces together. Allison likes how they look at each other, full of playfulness and admiration, and she loves when their eyes go from a chocolate brown to bright red, or a stormy grey to a brilliant gold. She likes how they interact, and how a lot of it is non-verbal. A touch on the arm, and Isaac knows to calm down. A firm hand on the shoulder, and Scott knows to just let something go. Maybe she should be jealous of that. She's not.

Scott, Allison, and Isaac have a connection that they understand completely. They know that come hell or highwater, that bond will stand. They all fit seamlessly, like puzzle pieces, and they love that. They look at each other with a certain dependency to keep each other grounded. They look at each other with love, so much love, that even those outside the relationship can understand. It's amazing, really.