The cream colored doe screamed in pain, pushing with all his might as his claws tore up the nest around him. The shape shifter's first kit lay calmly beside him, seemingly waiting patiently for her unborn littermate.

With a final push, the second and final kit slid out of his dam's womb, mewling loudly. Evergreen chuckled weakly and reached for the kit, grabbing a small towel that lay off to the side.

The kit was small, several ounces lighter than his older sibling, but still a healthy little male.

The winter pooka quickly wiped down the newborn, carefully removing the birthing fluids.

When Evergreen was satisfied with the baby's cleanliness the new mother lifted the kit to his breast, giving him the first meal of his life. The young male latched on and suckled for several minutes, greedily guzzling down his dam's milk. When he was finally done the kit let go with a small pop and lay still in his mother's arms.

Evergreen gave a small smile and nuzzled the kit, feeling the baby's soft white fur rub against his cheeks. "You are adorable," the doe whispered, his strength beginning to fail him, the strain of the past few weeks finally catching up with him.

Delicately, he lifted up the other kit and settled both together in his arms. The siblings immediately cuddled together, the female's head on top of the males. Evergreen smiled and lay down; curling around his kits as his strength slowly began to fade.

The doe chinned the cuddling littermates and let out a small sigh, "I'm so sorry Rue, I love you... all of you." Evergreen slowly closed his eyes and went still, still curled protectively over his newborn litter.

Nearly a mile away in the midst of a fierce battle, the doe's mate felt her bondmate begin to fade, a gaping void beginning to form where their connection used to be. The female buck went ridged, a strangled cry escaping her lips.

Rue's vision flickered as her lifeforce began to fade, her magic trying in vain to revive her nearly dead mate. The armored winter pooka swayed slightly and began to fall, the life slowly draining from her eyes. Around her, the battle began to fade, the clang of metal becoming more and more subdued before falling completely silent

The last thing she saw was a vision, a memory sent to her by her mate...

Two adorable healthy kits, curled up together in their mother's arms. Rue hit the ground and with that the royal winter pooka pair were no more; their souls having left together for the afterlife.


Something needs to be explained. This is not an OC x Bunny story. This character is supposed to be the winter sprite we all know and love. Just as a bunny with a different name and a few extra surprises. I know I will not capture Jack completely. It will end up with him following more of his fandom personality than his cannon personality. I will try to get him though. He is a really hard character to get right.