Later that night Felicity laid in bed with Oliver, his arms wrapped around her back pulling her closer to him as she rested her head on his bare chest.

"So do you actually think we could still do it?" Felicity asked lifting her head to talk
"Do what?" Oliver replied with uncertainty
"You know get team arrow back together, and destroy the Mirkuru. Do you think you could fight the way you used to, and could I still hack into high security government agencies the way I used to" Felicity said with a laugh at the memories
"Felicity, I saw you hack into Pizza Huts database the other night to see when our pizza was coming, I think you'd be fine. As for me it would take some time to get used to the bow again but I think I'd be alright" Oliver replied laughing
"What about Dig" Felicity asked hesitantly
Oliver said nothing, he simply rolled away from her releasing his grip.
"Come on Oliver, it's been ten years for god sakes, it was a pathetic argument over nothing you both need to move on. I mean he's Issy godfather wouldn't you like them to a least know each other" Felicity lectured "look I know you, your still religiously against admitting that your wrong but for the sake of the city maybe you should just let it go, if we want to destroy the Mirukuru once and for all, I say we need him" she continued talking to Oliver's bare back
"Fine, I'll go talk to him tomorrow. How are you always right?" Oliver replied with an irritated tone as he rolled over
"Its a gift" she said with a wink

Oliver placed a kiss on Felicity's lips, as he gently pushed her onto her back. She wrapped her arms around his back feeling every scar that resided there.

"I love you so much" Oliver whispered to his wife.
"I love y..." Felicity began but was cut off
"Mummy, daddy?" It was Mia knocking at their door

Oliver rolled off his wife as Mia let herself into the room, jumping up on their bed.
"I had a scary dream, can I sleep with you please?" She begged with a pout
"Of course you can sweetie" Felicity replied moving over to make space for their small daughter, and ignoring Oliver's glares.


"Okay Mia, your lunch is in your bag and Daddy is taking you to school on the way to work, Issy $10 is in your bag" Felicity yelled in a rush to get her girls ready for school.

Oliver came into the kitchen in his best suit and tie, kissing Felicity on the cheek before he left.
"Hey don't forget that thing we talked about last night" Felicity said

"Don't worry I've got it organised, lunch with Dig at 12:30pm" Oliver said flashing his phone calendar at Felicity, before picking up Mia's school bag and leaving the house.

"Issy, I have some things to do so I'll take you to school" Felicity yelled up the stairs to her daughter
"Thanks mum" she replied with a mouthful of tooth paste.


After taking Isabella to school, Felicity drove through the city and into the glades, pulling up in an old car park opposite Thea Queens club.
She sighed as she walked through the secret entrance under the club. Memories flooded back to her as she turned on the lights.
The old table where Oliver had laid injured on many occasions, the salmon ladder, her computers which now looked extremely out dated.
This was going to take a lot of work she thought as she noticed Oliver's hood and bow... But it will be worth it.