Hello my darlings and welcome to Memories- Two Shot.
Now this is going to sound quite OOC for some reason, it just feels OOC for me, maybe its the Katherine/Nadia of it all but it does to be but I wanna publish it anyways.
It was meant to be a oneshot but it turned into a twoshot instead.
I don't know if you'll like it or not but please leave a review?
Memories: Part 1/3
Caroline's POV
They say things behind my back.
They do not know that I can hear them say things but I do not make move to tell them.
I let them say what they want to.
I let them say what they want to because I want to really hear what they have to say, what they feel, what they think.
I want to know how much they care, how much they want me to be happy, how much they care enough to want me happy regardless of what that entrails.
The question they ask or the statements they make angers her sometimes, hurts her sometimes or even makes her feel guilty at tiimes.
"What's wrong with her?" Elena asked, in a sort of bitchy tone one day
"What do you think it is?" Bonnie asked Stefan one evening.
"Maybe she's lonely" Damon comment with a sarcastic and annoying tone to his voice one early morning in her dorm room of all places while she was suppose to be asleep.
"Maybe she misses Tyler" Elena asked, in her normal usual concerned tone.
"She's just having one of those days, it'll pass" Jeremy commented dismissively before turning his attention somewhere else one night at the Salvatore boarding house.
"I've tried talking to her but she won't talk to me" Tyler said in a soft sad tone while talking to Matt.
"Maybe she just needs someone to be there for her" Matt had replied to Tyler's words.
"Maybe she feels guilty about something" Elena commented, her bitchy tone returning.
"Maybe she just realizes that college isn't what she thought it would be" Bonnie commented sadly.
Some of them were right though, she couldn't deny herself that particular truth.
Tyler did try talking to me, he really did and I really tried to talk to him, I really did. I just couldn't look him in the eye, knowing what I had done and even give him two good sentences without wanting to run far away from it all.
Matt was close but it wasn't just someone I wanted, it was him.
Elena was right as well, but it wasn't that I felt guilty for doing what I did, far from it in fact.
I felt guilty because I didn't feel guilty.
I felt guilty for all the crap I gave Elena about Damon since they got together, and broken up and gotten back together again, because I understand Elena's choices now, I understand her feelings now and I understand how Elena must have felt when she was still trying to get Stefan back while being tempted by Damon.
That didn't mean I liked Damon now, no I still hate him with every bone and every nerve in my body and that might never change but neither did my want for Elena to be happy has changed either. I've always wanted Elena to be happy, no matter whom she chooses to be happy with, just as long as she's happy. I've made it clear to her that I do not approve of the guy she picked but I never scratched her off for it and I will not.
It's been months since that day and to this day, I still can't forget it, from the moment I breathed out his name as if a silent prayer of mine had been answered to the moment she said goodbye to him with a kiss filled with passion, longing and desperation, the memory felt like a movie I couldn't get out of my head.
It was on constant repeat, over and over and over in my head, punishing me for making him promise never to return, torturing me for not doing what I had done that day long ago. The memories were torturing me, eating at me slowly, with every passing day and I let it. I deserve it.
The memories of that day, that moment ignites a fire in me that only he can put out. Ironic since he is the one to ignite the flame to begin with.
The memories of that day burns at my heated core and not even my own fingers can help me now, only he can. It's cruel and unusual punishment but I deserve it for being a coward.
Those memories make me feel things in my chest, where my heart is and I know what those feelings are but I'm still too much of a coward to confess them and it clenches in pure agony at the harsh truth of my reality.
It's true, I was planning a life for myself and none of those things involved him, my friends were in those plans and they would not accept him so he just didn't fit in. I wanted a human life and he didn't fit into that human life, no matter how many times I try to find somewhere for him to fit, he didn't, and that was my harsh reality.
It was also true that I hated myself for what I felt for him, I did.
But the way his eyes slightly widened as if in shock or surprise when I leaned towards him.
But that kiss, that one little kiss, though it was brief, it felt far too powerful to ever ignore.
That smile, not one of those 'I caught you lying' or 'I knew it' or any of those smug smirks always on his face, but the smile, dimples and all he showed to me that held so much happiness, as if I just made him the happiness man on the planet with but one kiss…
How can I hate my-self for making him look so happy?
How can I hate my-self for feeling so happy?
Is this what Elena felt like with Damon? Did she really hate herself so much and only to give in to her deepest desires and finds herself happy and the man in front of her happy in return?
That feeling I got when Klaus held her in his arms so carefully, so tenderly and did the things he did to her, did Elena feel like that as well?
I always secretly hated Elena for wanting to be with Damon, the man who compelled me to have sex with him, the man who fed off me when I was too weak to fend for my-self, the man who physically and mentally abused me all in the name of some sick game of revenge he had against his brother. I held my tongue because that look of complete happiness and bliss on Elena's face was too beautiful to take away from her. So despite what Damon had done to me, the happiness on Elena's face makes me think that I can't be so selfish to not want that for her, to not want her to be happy after all the sadness and pain.
I had spent the first few weeks since that day, trying to forget about it but to no avail. I used the neurotic freak in me and busied my-self so that I would not have time to think or even wonder about Klaus and all his—glory, just…no.
I cleaned my dorm room spotless, from top to bottom, I wiped it down, sprayed it out, dusted and swept but I still couldn't get him out of my mind. My memories were becoming my worst nightmare.
I then decided to busy my-self more by cleaning the house I once lived in. I used a day when my mother was working to make it spotless by the time she had reached home. Liz knew something was wrong instantly but respected my decision not to tell her, rather than just lying to her face. They were past that. They were close. My mother deserved the truth and unfortunately, I don't want to tell anyone, not yet.
Stefan thinks I feel guilty about something so I'm distracting my-self by doing what I do best; being a neurotic control freak as I once so poetically put it.
No I totally don't feel guilty for having scandalous sex with Klaus. I refuse to even dwell on how intimate it was to even insult it by calling it scandalous sex. I'm glad I did it. I gave myself the one and possibly only chance to not only let out exactly what I felt for that man but to be able to walk away and be freed from all these feelings and emotions and move on with my life.
But instead of being rid of those nagging feelings, they've intensified.
That want I had for the love I always saw in his eyes when he looks at me…
That strong desire for the man and beast in him to just take me however he pleases and that beast in me that wanted to take him in return…
The need to comfort him and the possibility of loving him so much that he'll never doubt himself ever again…
It's even stronger now.
Not because of their little tryst in the forest, it was more than that.
It was after their tryst, that little blissful bubble where I lay on top of him, in all of our naked glory on the green luscious grass, he was just starring down at me smiling like an idiot and I stared up at him smiling like an idiot and we both like two love sick idiots and we went at it again and again and again.
Then when times for goodbyes came, we were not making out, or kissing; we were sharing the feelings that neither of us had the strength to say out loud with our lips and our hands.
Then when time to really say goodbye, neither of us could even utter a word and sadness seem to have swept over us in that moment.
It took all of my strength to pull away from him but he pulled me back just as quickly and held me in place. I've never felt so safe in my life in that moment. He stole a couple more kisses, but I knew what he was doing and I allowed him to do it for a while but Bonnie has been blowing up my phone and she needed to return to them, however reluctant she may be.
Those last words they spoke were so fresh in my mind that I could close my eyes right now and as if I'm watching myself on television, I'd see that memory once more.
"I'll never step foot in Mystic Falls ever again, I'll never be able to come here and see you ever again…" he whispered, holding onto me as if his life depending on it and maybe, just maybe, in his mind, it did.
We stood in the forest, him leaning against a tree, my back against his front as his arms wrapped around me and his chin rest on my shoulders and if anyone saw us, they would believe that we've been together for years…
"You promised and you never go back on your word" I whispered, allow him to hold on to me, because he didn't know it but the subtle way I placed my arm on his, I was holding onto him as well.
"I never go back on my word" he whispered, repeating my words as if he was trying to remind himself of that fact.
"You never go back on your word" I repeated, voice barely a whisper now.
He turned me around slowly and I came eye to eye with those sad blue eyes and I knew I was the reason for such sadness but he does not fit into my plans and he's accepted this, or I believe he has.
"Then allow me to do the one thing I was never able to do freely…" I was confused for a bit but then his lips came down on mines and I didn't know how much I missed them till that moment right there.
The kiss was filled with a longing and passion. Deep longing and thick with passion and for one moment, I felt no wind, I heard no animals running around me, I heard no voices, but his breathing and mines, I felt nothing but my lips and his…the kiss took my breath away, quite literally because I was finding it difficult to breathe. He had one hand cradling my face and the other wrapped around me, keeping me close to his fully clothed body. I wrapped both of my arms around his neck, keeping my body close to his, knowing full well that this was a goodbye kiss; this was him telling me, giving me his final goodbye.
He was the one who pulled away, reluctantly I could tell. His forehead rested against mines and our eyes were both closed as we caught our breaths.
"I also promised that I'll be your last mon amour, and I fully intend to keep that promise, no matter how long it takes" and with that, the arm that held onto me around my waist was gone, the hand that cradled my face was gone and his forehead that was resting against mines was gone, along with his voice and words but two things stayed, his promises and his scent.
"Oh god…" I whispered to my-self, suddenly realizing what he had said to me.
"Mon Amour…"
He always called me love or sweetheart but in English, never French.
I was in my dorm room, a wave of depression struck me and I didn't feel like going to class today so I quickly grabbed my phone and translated the words he head.
My love
He called me my love…
'Love' was always a term of endearment and I knew this, but my love was completely different and intense.
He basically admitted to being in love with me in French.
Did he even know what he said to me?
If he knew, would he ever say it to me again?
Of course not, I made him promise never to return and he never goes back on his word.
"I never go back on my word"
I tried to tell myself that it was just rebound sex, that I needed to get back at Tyler for choosing Klaus over me, for choosing revenge over me and of all the people on the planet, Klaus chose me over his revenge or need to kill or whatever.
But that wasn't revenge sex; it was far too intimate to ever be revenge sex. Can I even call it sex or making love? It was far too intimate even being in the woods for it to be sex or even scandalous sex. Klaus made love to her. He made sweet, hot and passionate love to her in the woods, in high broad daylight, over and over and over again.
I was snapped harshly out of my thoughts when I heard the door open and Elena walked inside, looking at me with those confused eyes and I shook my head slightly to rid myself of such bittersweet memories.
End of Caroline POV
Katherine wondered why Caroline was in her room instead of her class, from what she gathered, it was Caroline's idea to go to college and get a degree and live life and all that crap, so why was she not living it up with the rest of them, why was she looking like someone killed her favorite puppy?
Truth be told, Katherine couldn't care less and she had bigger fish to fry anyways, like how to get her body back from the Salvatore's…
No, how to find out where Stefan buried her body as quick as possible before it starts decomposing or something.
After she had 'died' she had sex with Damon, which was annoying because he kept calling her Elena all the time and even the sex didn't feel like much anymore, maybe Stefan had ruined her…or maybe Elijah had ruined her. Sex with Stefan wasn't exactly explosive but it got the job done she supposed. It was no disrespect on Stefan; he was great in bed, tender and sweet so she would like to believe that it was her and not Stefan at all.
Speaking of which, Rebekah was here and she heard that Klaus had come to gloat over her soon-to-be dying corpse but he never really did show up, she wondered if Elijah was here. Did he know she was dying, and if he did, why didn't he come to see her? Has he fallen out of love with her, has he found someone else? She decided not to think on that too much because it will take her to a place where all hope is lost and her mind would make her believe that there was no more hope of love for her and she was better off dead.
Then when she woke, it seems that Damon found out that not only had her body not start to decompose or age anymore than it had, it got younger, like back to her hot perfect body and dark brown hair and everything. Stefan said she had no broken bones or failing organs or so much as a tooth missing or a strand of grey hair.
She had gotten younger after dying it seems.
But stating what she already knew, she wouldn't wake.
She tried to get close to her body to do the spell and return but none of them would even allow her anywhere close to the room much less to her rightful body.
Elena's body was annoying, being called Elena was annoying, Damon's constant presence was annoying and Stefan was worst, because he just kept moping around all the time.
She just wanted to get out of this body, return to hers and never step foot in Mystic Falls ever again as long as she can live, if vampire blood was no longer a definite no-no to her body.
No matter how much she tried, none of them would say a thing, Damon thought she would try to set her on fire and even offered to help but she had a feeling that even he didn't know where her body was and Stefan just kept changing the topic every time she asked so she tried looking for herself and got nowhere.
She could get the blonde to help but she'll just ask questions and she didn't want Caroline to know that she hitchhiked into her best friend's body to evade death.
Still, the blonde was always bubbly and full of life and energetic and seeing her moping around was odd and annoying, even though a bubbly Caroline was annoying, a moping Caroline was worst, intolerable.
"Care, what's wrong?" she asked, taking a seat next to the blonde on the bed.
Caroline sat up straight and cleared her throat "I'm fine" it sounded fake and for some reason Caroline believed that they both knew it.
Katherine scoffed "We both know that's not true Caroline, you've been moping around here for two months and you've been trying to hide it behind one of your infamous smiles but lately you're faltering"
Caroline decided that she really needed someone's opinion on her situation and while Elena should be the last person she ever goes to, Elena might be the only person who might understand her. Elena is her best friend anyway; she should be honest with her best friend, right?
"I did something I've wanted to do for a really long time" she started and almost wanted to break out into laughter because it wasn't something she did but someone.
Katherine was intrigued a little bit there "Go on…"
Caroline took a deep breath because even though Elena should understand her predicament, that didn't mean she had to be outright about it to her because that would be just stupid.
"After I've did it, I made a promise to myself that I would never do it again but it changed me. It changed my whole perspective on everything and now I just want more of it and it's wrong, I know it's wrong, god knows it wrong but it feels so right" she didn't realize it until she stopped talking but she was smiling so big that Katherine thought she was about to go blind by it.
"Whatever you did clearly makes you happy so I say keep doing it until you're not happy with it anymore" Elena shrugged as if the answer was just that easy and Caroline knew, if Elena knew exactly what she was talking about, she wouldn't be saying those words at all, far from it exactly.
"But it's not that easy!" Caroline stressed "If I keep doing it then I'll feel like I'm going against everything I stand for and I'll feel like I'm betraying everyone I care about-"
Katherine cut her off, not entirely understanding the situation "How can you be betraying your friends for doing something that makes you happy Care? We're suppose to want you to be happy and if we don't want you to be happy then we're not really your friends…" no harm in planting a tiny seed of doubt, it wouldn't kill anyone…hopefully.
That had her thinking, she was right, if Elena and Bonnie and Matt and Stefan and all of her friends wanted her to be happy then they should be able to look past this right? Can they see past the fact that she slept with the enemy or has strong intense feelings for the enemy and made the enemy so happy…?
He freaking called her 'my love' in French.
He admitted to her that he was in love with her in French!
She was expecting some harsh words of something along the lines of 'Now that I had you we can both move on with our lives' or he kills her after or something...
Instead he said those words and called her my love in french and still promised her forever...
Katherine decided that a change of topic was needed for the both of them because she didn't have the energy to deal with the blonde's troubles when she had her own to deal with and what a better topic than the possible location of her hopefully still healthy and beautiful body?
"Hey, do you by chance know where Stefan buried Katherine?"
Caroline shook her head in an uninterested manner while annoyed Katherine got even more annoyed. It's not like Stefan would just tell anyone if she out rightly asked for her body, he would start asking questions and no one needed to know what she did. Even she felt a tiny bit of guilty about it. Elena had forgiven her for all the sins she had done towards her and her life. Even if it was meant for her dying corpse, she still said it to her and that made her feel guilty for taking a girl's body. You still can't blame her for wanting to live. She spent five hundred years surviving and she will not die by something as ridiculous as old age, she had told Nadia that one too many times.
Her original plan was to take Elena's body and be done with it but guilt mixed with the fact that her body seemed to have rejuvenated it-self to a seventeen year old girl who just had a child was like a blessing in disguise for her, now she can rid herself of the guilt, return to her body and go as far away from Mystic Falls as remotely possible.
She can't just threaten the Salvatore's by holding Elena's body hostage, because she knows how they function. They would try to get her and Elena separated without having Katherine back among the living and she didn't want that to happen at all, which meant she needed them to either slip out the address of her body or give it to someone who would care enough to want it.
If only Elijah cared…
She doesn't know if he knew she was dying but chose not to come because he had no more feelings for her or he just didn't know she was dying and that might be the reason why he didn't come but it's not like she can call him and find out. He changed numbers, she lost her cell phone and only Damon had Klaus's number.
If she showed up at Elijah's what would he do?
If he kicks Elena out on her ass that might be funny, she would feel it but it would still be funny, at least not everyone wants to save poor Elena Gilbert.
Then again, it's not like someone can kidnap Elena and show up at Elijah's house ready to barging her life for Katherine's body…
Wait a minute…
That might actually work, providing someone with right reasons would want her body back…
Nadia…of course! Who would want her body, even for sentimental reasons other than Katerina Petrova's daughter?
If Nadia pretends to kidnap her and show up at Elijah, wants his help to get Damon to cough up her mother's body to bury her in her homeland that might work.
Elijah is noble, even if Elena helped kill his brother, he would still help her. She doesn't know that for sure but there's only one way to find out. If that goes sour she could always reveal her true identity and ask Elijah very nicely to get her body back.
It's not like she can ask Klaus
She heard the hybrid got an obsession with the blonde but she doubt that might work if she kidnapped Caroline.
Then again, she heard Klaus came to Mystic Falls to gloat over her soon-to-be corpse…
Then again, he never did show up.
As far as she gathered from everyone, Caroline was A-wall for the day too.
Katherine stared at Caroline from the corner of her eyes as she pretends to be searching for something in Elena's purse, she didn't really get why the girl wrote journals but she doesn't care at the moment.
Caroline looks like she killed someone and now she's feeling guilty, or she slept with someone's boyfriend or something…
Katherine gasped and a smile beamed on her face…
Or she slept with the enemy…
Oh that would be rich. Elena obviously cannot shun her for it, Damon screwed with Caroline in his time and Caroline is very verbal on her opinion of Damon as a bad choice for her but Caroline never went out of her way to break them up or shun Elena for it, so if Elena did do that to Caroline, she would be a hypocrite.
She'd always wondered how Klaus was in the sack but she obviously couldn't ask Elijah or Rebekah because, duh they're his siblings.
Then again, Caroline wouldn't exactly cough up the details to Elena but she would to Katherine…
Then again, Caroline could be her backup plan to her backup plan.
Her plan sounds perfect and all because she decided to waste time listening to Caroline's sad and lonely life story.
Have Nadia pretend to kidnap her and carry her to New Orleans to Elijah and ask him to get Damon to give her back her mother's body or she'll kill his loved one and they'd have a suicidal Damon on the loose, Elena cannot escape because Nadia got her traveler people to kidnap her little brother and threatened to have him killed if anything happened to her or if she ran and if that went sour, she could cut the act and ask Elijah herself to help her get her body back and if that went sour too, she'd have to turn to Klaus and jump into Caroline's body and act suicidal. It's a good thing what happens to Elena, happens to her as well.
It's brilliant, almost diabolical.
She can't ask Caroline to outright go to New Orleans with her, which meant that she had to actually kidnap the girl.
This meant that she had to do this in the night rather than high broad daylight.
"Hey, I'm going to go see Damon, will you be alright here?" Katherine asked in her best concerned voice looking down at Caroline who looked up at her and nodded.
"Thanks Elena" she smiled and Katherine smiled back before exiting the room.
Katherine had already had her boring relationship chat with Damon before running off to contact Nadia. She told Nadia of her plan and she was happy to oblige, almost too happy.
"You seem quite chipper with this plan, what's in it for you?" Katherine asked, listening intently into Elena's phone.
"It's obvious, I get to meet the man that fell in love with the infamous Katerina Petrova" Nadia chuckled in her thick accented voice and Katherine rolled her eyes but smirked.
"Don't get your hopes up, he might not feel the same" Katherine stated in a dismissive voice and Nadia scoffed.
"You mean just because he didn't come to visit you on your death bed? Katherine you're supposed to be smarter than that. For all we know and considering the stuff you've told me of the originals, do you think that Damon or Klaus would tell the man that loves you that you're dying? He might come back and try to save you while everyone else wants you dead"
Katherine nodded and hummed in response, it sounded logical but still… if he found out after everything, he would have still come back for her body right?
"Elijah's sentimental, he would come back for my body, at least or Klaus would have told him about you and seek you out"
Nadia groaned into the phone "Katerina Petrova!"
Katherine sighed "Yes mother?"
She could almost feel the glare through the phone "We don't know anything, now stop assuming things until we get there, just snap Caroline's neck and inject her with vervain that should keep her down till the morning. That way she's far away from Mystic Falls and maybe then you can tell her who you really are and she'll have a laugh when she finds out that you finally grown a conscious in Elena Gilbert's body" she heard Nadia's giggles before she hung up out of spite and anger at her mocking.
Great, just what she needed, Nadia of all people making fun of her.
"I want your confession…"
She groaned and opened her eyes in frustration. She glared at the ceiling, willing it to fall on her face in an effort to give her a moment of peace but alas, the universe is not that kind a person is it?.
She took a deep breath and cleared her mind of him and everything else and closed her eyes again, very determined to get some sleep even if it kills her.
She smiled as her entire being grew tired and her drowsiness finally caved in just a little bit…
"I just want you to be honest with me…"
She snapped open her eyes and sat up, wanting to slap the very person that invaded her mind but again, the world isn't that kind a person because said hybrid is back in New Orleans living it up away from her while she suffers from insomnia because of him…
His body…
And his lips, god those lips…
She groaned out loud, completely forgetting that there was another person in the room that hadn't gotten her sleep yet.
"You're usually out like a light at 10 Care, what's wrong?" Katherine asked, guessing it had to do with a certain hybrid's lingering aftertaste…
She would know because she uses to feel the same way every time she slept with Elijah. Well when she slept with him and moved away the very morning after their night together it would be as if he was living in her mind, replaying their time together like a broken record and she would just long to turn around and go back into his arms but then remembering that he's the brother of the man she's been running from for the last 500 years would always glue her back in place. Sometimes it was like he was living inside her head.
"I just can't sleep"
Katherine smirked, knowing the remedy for that and a very evil plan came to mind.
"Can I help?" the blonde raised an eyebrow at her in confusion "Jeremy use to have problems to go to sleep when he was younger and a method I used on him always helped"
Caroline shrugged and welcomed her to do what she needed, she would try anything at this point, even snap her own neck if need be but she wanted, no needed to get some sleep as soon as possible.
Katherine made her way over to her on her bed and sat in front of her.
"Close your eyes" Katherine stated and Caroline closed them.
"Clear your mind" Katherine said and Caroline did that as well, thinking of absolutely nothing.
Then in one quick move, Katherine snapped her neck and sighed with a smile on her face when it worked.
She reached over to her bed and pulled out the syringe filled with vervain and injected it into the blonde, making sure she didn't wake anytime in the middle of the night and pulled out her phone from her bed and called Nadia.
"It's done, now come and help me get her in the car so we can be on the road ASAP"
Caroline groaned loudly as her hands automatically went to her neck to massage the aching pain and she slowly opened her eyes to get adjusted to her surroundings. She felt her body moving forward as if she was in a moving vehicle and gathered that she was, in fact, in a moving vehicle.
A Car…
From the smell of it, her car
She sat up and looked around, she noticed the road in front of her did not look like she was anywhere near Mystic Falls, this caused a panic to form in her chest as she looked to the side where her driver sat and saw the one and only Elena Gilbert.
Then everything came back to her mind
"You snapped my neck" Caroline grumbled with a pout "If you've done this to Jeremy before he should be dead by now"
Katherine smirked at her and shook her head "I lied"
Caroline sat up straight and looked ahead of her "Where are we going?"
"New Orleans"
Caroline froze like a statue.
She specifically heard Elena state that they were going to New Orleans…
She and Elena were heading to New Orleans…
She was going to New Orleans…
Where Klaus lived…
Where the Originals live…
"Seriously" she shrieked, a little too highly for sensitive ears "Do you realize that the Originals, who have all evacuated Mystic Falls and no longer terrorizes us anymore lives there?"
"That's why I'm going Caroline"
"Are you crazy?" Caroline asked, seriously considering her own question as she narrowed her eyes at Elena "You're going to pick a fight with the Originals?" Elena made no move to speak "Rebekah hates you, Klaus only tolerates you and Elijah might not even care enough to save you since you helped kill his brother"
"He tried to kill Jeremy!" Katherine said in a defensive tone, wanting to get her opinion out of her about that particular event.
"You know my opinion on the subject Elena, when Elijah was daggered, the compulsion on Katherine wore off, and the same would have happened for Kol, you killed him because he was trying to warn us about Silas. You and Jeremy killed him for a cure neither of you took but was instead stuffed down Katherine's throat and now she's dead because of it so in a way, you got your wish and now, you're no better than her"
Caroline gasped as she finished her speech.
Oh my god
Where in the hell did that come from?
She can't believe she just said that, all because the one person that literally is the cause of her insomnia lives in New Orleans and she would gladly keep snapping her own neck to avoid the sight of him at this point. She has no clue what she would do if she sees him again, but her core had an idea or two in mind.
Elena's mouth popped open and an amused smirk played on her lips and that was the most confusing thing she noticed about Elena for the day.
"I wonder what Elena would say about this opinion of yours…" Katherine trailed off with a sadistic smile on her face.
Why is Elena speaking in third person?
"I'll give you a hint, I'm not Elena"
Caroline eyes widened and her mouth popped open as realization kicked in.
"Katherine!" Caroline exclaimed "Start talking now"
Katherine smirked "What? No more Anti-Elena speeches?"
"Katherine…" Caroline warned and Katherine rolled her eyes.
"Alright, so Elena was the last to visit my corpse-to-be the night I supposedly die and I had planned originally to take her body instead of my own daughter's but then sweet Elena had to forgive me for all my sins and all this sugar stored in her deformed body got to me and long story short, I feel guilty and I don't like it"
"Katherine Pierce feels guilty for something, cry me a river" Caroline quipped "Give me back my friend"
"I want my body back without letting everyone know that I'm alive but no one would tell sweet Elena who wants to visit the grave of the woman who terrorized them all so I had to do something drastic"
"What do you mean…?" Caroline asked, narrowing her eyes at the woman currently driving her car.
"Well I plan on getting Elijah Mikaelson to get my body back and you're my back-up plan, you can come willingly because I know deep down inside that pretty blonde hair of yours, you want to see Klaus more than anything, because you just can't get him out of your head…" Katherine trailed off with a smirked and watched from the corner of her eyes as Caroline's head lowered in embarrassment.
It's true, if Katherine could see it of all people, then it must be obvious to everyone, or at least Stefan. She can't focus in class because memories force their way into her mind, clouding it with nothing but his touches and kisses.
She loses control in the classroom when her mind wanders there and she can't control it sometimes so she has to run out of class and compel the teacher when she returns the day after when they don't believe her excuses.
She'd like to believe she has the control to be able to focus on building a life for her-self but it's like her body and mind doesn't want to focus on anything but him.
She can scream at her mind to focus and stop thinking about him but a subconscious part of her mind doesn't want to, it wants what it's been craving her entire life, it wants what it's craved since she befriended Elena, it wants to be chosen first, it wants to be loved like never before, she wants someone to look at her the way that Damon looks at Elena or the way Jeremy looks at Bonnie. Is that so wrong to want?
"What do you know about me and Klaus anyways" Caroline grumbled at her and folded her arms across her chest as she sits upright.
"Nothing much but I do know exactly how you feel" Katherine began, knowing that going down this road will only give her that sink in her heart but she needed to know, for some reason Caroline needed to know that it is not okay for her to want something but not be able to get it because of her friends. Katherine didn't have many friends apart from Pearl but even she wanted Katherine to be happy. She saw that she was happy with the Salvatore's so she tried as much not to mention it and Katherine was grateful for it, even if she saw the distaste on her face, Pearl tried to hide it with a smile, wanting her to be happy and that is what true friendship is suppose to be "You feel like you're at war with yourself and it's both annoying and frustrating. You want to do the right thing if not by you then by your friends but you can't help what you want. You can force yourself to never think of him again and you can force your body to adjust to life from that moment onwards but your body and mind no longer agrees with you and you can just feel it in your bones that sooner or later you're going to give in and disappoint everyone you love but you're going to be happy with your choice because you've never felt more alive, more loved, more cherished and more welcomed in your life and that you know you'll never tire of the feeling ever again"
Caroline just stared at the woman who was driving as if Katherine and Elena had disappeared and someone she has never met in her life just showed up at the driver's seat of her car. She's never heard Katherine speak like that and she's never seen so much emotion on her face since…well never really. It was as if Katherine wasn't just explaining what Caroline felt, it was as if she was explaining how she felt as well.
She heard about Katherine and Elijah but she didn't think it was as deep as Katherine made it to be. She had thought that it was one of Katherine's plans to seduce the Original to bargain for her freedom but she didn't believe for a second that Katherine actually loved him.
Obviously she was wrong
"I heard about you and Elijah…" Caroline trailed off and Katherine scoffed.
"Of course you did, either from sweet Elena or Damon. You heard their version, which includes a bitcher version of my-self from an alternate universe that uses Originals to bargain for her freedom because the very blood in her veins is as cold as ice" Katherine turned to sneer at Caroline before turning back to the road "Katherine Pierce cannot love, she's pure evil, she's the devil and Nadia is her spawn, her blood runs cold and her heart is dust in her chest. She has no conscious and her hair might as well be made of ice, just as they claim Klaus to be as well"
Caroline turned in her seat to look at Katherine then "What's your version?"
Katherine almost smiled at her question "My version is a lot sadder I'm afraid"
"Try me"
Katherine glanced at Caroline before turning back to the road, knowing she had a lot of time to kill before they reached their destination and the conversation was obviously distracting Caroline from doing anything stupid or asking questions she cannot answer yet, she figured, why the hell not?
"Before your friends murdered Klaus's brother, yes I knew about it the very moment it happened as well as Elijah, he wanted to kill Jeremy and Elena him-self but I told him that if he did that then who would get the cure? Elijah knew he couldn't keep Klaus from searching for the cure so he gave me the idea to use it as a bargaining chip for my freedom. My plan was to let Elena go through with the foolish plan to go after the cure and I would grab it at the last minute and get the hell out of dodge and that's how my plan to get the cure succeeded. When I returned, it was the first time in five hundred years he told me that he loved me; it was the first time in over a hundred years since I meant those three words too. I really did love Stefan but I love Elijah more. I will always love him, no matter what happens"
Caroline almost smiled at the story, if Elena knew that Katherine was the reason why Elijah never tried to kill them…
"Elena said something to him that made him doubt my love and he broke up with me and chose Klaus because of it" she added with venom in her voice and coldness to her eyes.
"To be fair, her emotions were off" Caroline tried to defend her because it's true, Elena was a heartless bitch and she'd say anything to anyone just to hurt them.
"Of course it was" Katherine scoffed and Caroline knew that the excuse was slightly poor but she will agree that Elena has changed since she became a vampire.
"Elena is the biggest hypocrite of you all and when she finds out what you did with Klaus you'll get to see it for yourself just how big of a hypocrite and a fake friend she is"
Caroline visibly cringed at the words, she didn't want Elena to ever find out, she knew it would eventually blurt out one day but she just didn't want to go out of her way to tell her that she slept with the man that killed her aunt and killed her.
Katherine then cleared her throat and smirk appeared on her face "Now that I've told you my life's story, why don't you tell me yours?"
Caroline looked more scared than the last time she almost faced death.
After Caroline had quite reluctantly told Katherine what happened between her and Klaus in the woods and made her swear that she won't help her willingly if she tells anyone what she told her, they had been talking about everything and everyone, from Damon and Stefan to Elena and Bonnie and Matt and even the Originals. Eventually it was dark and they had finally entered the French Quarter of New Orleans. Katherine claimed that before she entered the lion's den, she needed to find someone she had brought with her. Of course Caroline being…Caroline waved herself in front of Katherine before Katherine carefully explained that the person she invited to the trip was a little closer to her than she was.
That's when Caroline spotted Nadia coming towards them from inside a bar called Rousseau's. She had a proud smirk on her face as if she had just won the lottery or something but for a vampire, that meant something a lot more dangerous.
"You made it" Nadia greeted with a smile.
"I made it, now what's with the smile?" Katherine quickly asked, wanting to know what Nadia had been up to during their trip here.
"Chill, I just got here fifteen minutes ago; I want to meet him already"
Caroline raised a confused eyebrow at Nadia's excitement.
"You do know that it is not above them to rip your head off, I hear it's an Elijah specialty"
"Along with ripping out their hearts" Katherine smirked "She wants to meet Elijah because…" Nadia cut her off.
"The one man able to love the infamous Katerina Petrova also known as my mother, of course I want to meet him"
"Well when you say it like that, you make it sound like he's a priceless form of art" Caroline snickered.
"He has to be to love this one" Nadia replied, pointing at Katherine who snarled in response.
"Let's just go before all my teeth fallout from all this talk of love"
Please Review?
Xoxo Cindy
PS: I've finished writing this and I plan on uploading the second part on Sunday but depending on how I'm feeling or maybe the reviews, I might publish it earlier.