"Master Kenobi," Emelia called and Obi-wan turned around. "Where are you going?"
"Emelia Catherine, why aren't you-"
"Joining the festivities?" She finished, her head tilted to the side like a curious cat. Emelia may have been a little airheaded, but she could still feel emotions and thoughts through the force. "Not my kind of party." Usually, on Valentines, Jedi would get drunk and the padawans would make fun of them... Of course, those with (secret) relationships would sneak off to see their loved ones.
Emelia never did any of those; though she found it hilarious when Mace jumped off the table, drunk.
"I'll be right back, Em." Obi-wan said. She continued to stare at him, curiously.
"You're going to Satine Kryze's grave, aren't you?" Emelia's tone wasn't accusing, just sad. "Here," she pulled a rose from her pocket. "give this to her."
Obi-wan blinked, a lump in his throat. "I will... Why don't you go talk to Drake?" A blush formed on her face.
"Yes, Master Kenobi." Obi-wan waited until his padawan was out of view before he continued his walk to the Jdi landing pad.


Obi-wan looked down at the grave covered in roses, lilies, and Satine's favorite: Tulips.
"Satine Kryze," Obi-wan croaked, then cleared his throat. He grabbed a piece of parcel and the rose Emelia gave him and placed it on her grave. "I'm sorry."

A breeze blew by, blowing the dead flower petals off the grave and blowing the stained letter away. The letter unfolded itself.

My dearest Satine,
I'm so sorry. But, I've probably told you this already.
Anyways; I just wanted to tell you that Avery misses you.
And I believe our daughter is showing signs of the force.
You would be proud, my love.

A lot of jedi and Senators attended your funeral.
Even former Death Watch members.
Bo-Katan and Korkie were there.
I think Ahsoka cried a little, and Anakin kept sniffling.
It would have been amusing
if it wasn't your funeral.

Do you remember when I faked my death?
So many were shocked when they
saw me walking around, scolding Anakin.
The Jedi Padawans started keeping
a HoloDiary of pranks afterwards.

It annoyed many Jedi Council

But, just remember Satine:
I will always love you-

Avery stopped reading once realization had dawned on her. This was Obi-wan's, her father's, writing. This was a letter to her mother.
Avery crouched down and dusted the dead flowers and leaves off the forgotten headstone.

Satine Kryze Kenobi:






Duchess of Mandalore

May you find peace.

A\N: *Sniffles* I think I need a moment... Writing a story like this usually makes me cry :'(
*Blows nose in Kleenex*