Warning: Contains Lemon

Chapter 7: Make up what?

It was apparent at the moment right then, that Natsu was in fact, an idiot.

Lucy grumbled and crossed her arms, sitting lazily at the bar. How Natsu somehow came up with a way to turn body parts of Lucy Heartfilia into food, shall forever remain a mystery. He needed to know calling a girls boobs vanilla ice cream with a cherry on top was not the way to have sex nor get into a heated session.

But somehow he did manage to find a way and do her good that evening anyways. Well, not sex wise though but she couldn't help herself from the utter bliss of the moment.

But of course, Natsu and Gray were requested for a mission by the master the next day. Lucy really wanted to speak her mind to Natsu the but to find him gone and her having to go to the guild to find out why just made her mopey.

She couldn't believe he would just leave like that and not tell her.

" Miss Natsu?" Lucy lifted her head up and sighed, it was Mira. Not that she didn't like Mirajane, trust her, she loved her to death but she just didn't want to be bothered at the moment.

" Not now Mira..." Mira pouted and rested her hands on her curvy hips.

" Well you can't just sit around and mope," She extended her right arm out and pointed at Erza who was sitting a few chairs down. " Look at Erza, she's in good spirits!" Mira rejoiced. Erza turned her head from her strawberry cake to give the two a questionable stare. She then moved over to where they were.

" What's up?" Erza asked happily. Mira and Lucy stared at her, a little shocked with her cheery mood. Mira smiled and Lucy slammed her head onto the bar counter.

" Lucy misses Natsu~!" She sang and brought her hands to her pink cheeks.

" Isn't it sweet!?" Erza paid no mind to the barmaid while she continued to eat her cake.

" Yeah sure." Lucy watched Mira and Erza for a few minutes as Mira rambled on about romance while Erza simply ignored her. That's it. Lucy stood up from her stool and headed for the entrance of the guild doors.

" Where're you going Lucy?" Erza asked curiously. Lucy kept walking but shrugged. She was probably just going to go home and work on her story. She sighed again.

She just hoped Natsu got back soon...


Lucy sat on her bed, hugging her pillow and glaring at her feet.

It's already been a week and a half now and still no Natsu in sight. Lucy was getting frustrated and angry... And a little sexually frustrated as well... Anyways, Lucy was gonna have a big bone to pick with Natsu when he got back. Leaving her like that without even saying goodbye and then disappearing out of her life for more than a week.

It was funny though that Lucy now realized how much she needed the flaming idiot in her life. Because without him she was just a total mess.


" We made it back alive!" Natsu yelled happily as he kicked the doors open while they slammed into some people standing too close by, yet again. People never learn.

" Aye sir!" Happy cheered. Juvia skipped up towards to them, mainly to her Gray-sama, and smiled.

" How was your mission? You guys have been gone for a month!" Yet again, she spoke mainly to Gray, clinging onto his arm while she walked off with him before either of them could even tell the tale. Guess she wasn't that interested.

Natsu didn't care thought, he only cared about the blonde who was slouching at the bar just a few meters ahead of him. He ran over in excitement and slung an arm over her shoulder, yet she still remained motionless with her head on the table.

" Hey Lucy! Ya miss me!?" Said blonde was still quiet. Natsu raised a brow to this. Mira saw the two and rushed over frantically with a happy face.

" Oh well look who's back!" She cheered, nervous for the salmon-haired dragonslayer in front of her on the other side of the bar counter. Natsu let go of Lucy and sat on a stool next to her, waving a hand at Mira, not noticing the deadly aura at all emitting from his girlfriend though everyone else did and backed away slowly.

" Hey Mira! Can I have some fire chicken?" Mira nodded slowly and gave the blonde a nervous glance. Once Mira disappeared into the kitchen behind the bar Natsu turned his attention back to Lucy, a huge smile on his face.

" Hey Lucy! What've you been up to lately?"

Still silence. Natsu's eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly and he gave off a little frown. Mira soon came out with his food and he smiled at her, giving her his thanks. And just like that, Lucy jolted up out of her stool.

" I'm going home." She tried to say calmly but the tone came out stern. Everyone watched as the gloomy celestial mage marched out of the guild. When she was out of sight, Mira sighed and pouted at Natsu.

" Natsu!" Natsu jumped and turned back around on his stool to look at the scolding Mirajane with her hands on her hips. Natsu raised a brow.

" What did I do? And what's wrong with Lucy?" Mira stood up straight and shook her head, a displeased sigh leaving her lips.

" Natsu... Lucy's really upset with you..." Natsu eyed her in surprise.

" Why!?" Mira stared at him for a long hard minute and then closed her eyes for a moment before opening them.

" She's been upset since the day you left. You just got up and left and didn't tell her a thing. So of course she's gonna be upset and worried." Mira lectured Natsu. He stared at his food in thought before standing up. Mira's eyes flickered slightly.

" Wait, is it because of that?-"

" I'm gonna go see her." And then he was off and out the door. Mira dramatically reached out a hand to him even though he was already out of hands reach.

" Wait Natsuuu! You still have to paaay!"


Lucy grumbled into the little curled up ball she was in.

" Jerk." She sighed to herself.

" Who's a jerk?" Lucy heard slight shifting from her window and a weight falling onto her bed. Lucy grumbled some more and hid her face in her pillow.

" Don't talk to me, I'm mad at you." She felt Natsu sigh and lay down next to her, wrapping an arm around her.

" Sorry alright. I just forgot to tell you." Lucy shot up and glared at him.

" You can't just forget to tell me! Hell! I was the person right next to you when you woke up before you left on your stupid mission!" She yelled and crossed her arms, pouting and turning her face away from him.

Natsu gave her a blank stare.

" Oh yeah..." Lucy glared at her feet.

" Yeah. Oh yeah." She repeated in a mocking tone. What pissed her off even more was the laugh Natsu let out after that.

" Can you not take anything seriously!?" Lucy turned around and started banging her fist into his well-toned chest. She highly doubted that her impact had any damage on him since he just sat there and took the blow casually. Natsu stared at her plainly as a sigh escaped his lips.

She was stopped when a hand grabbed onto her left wrist. Lucy glared up at him and was a little taken back at the serious face he had on.

" Yes I can." He said cooly before pulling her wrist down and pulling her into a kiss. Lucy's eyes widened and she really wanted to fight back at first but she had been longing for the warmth of his lips for a whole month already so it wasn't really hard to get her to kiss him back infact.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, sliding his hands underneath her shirt. Lucy sighed softly to his touch, allowing him to slip his tongue in to her mouth.

The feeling was heavenly,yes, something she had been waiting for for a month now. His tongue swept every part of her mouth, exploring. To him, she tasted wonderful, as if she had just had chocolate. Which she had been eating as compensation for her loneliness while Natsu was gone.

Lucy leaned back in to the bed slowly until her back rested upon it. It was a strange position for Natsu though but it still was sort of comfortable. Since the two had just been sitting upright, Natsu was still in that sitting position but his back was turned a bit and he was leaning onto Lucy with his arms caging her.

Eh. What should he care? He was with the girl he loved.

Natsu's hands then began to slide her shirt up. He broke the kiss and stared at her with a wry grin.

" You're not still sore, are you?" Though his question sounded more like he was confirming something, Lucy still couldn't help but blush and smile back. She shook her head quickly and bashfully, giggling a bit.

" Idiot. That was a month ago." She couldn't find a way to sound annoyed or angry so she ended up sounding gentler than she expected. Natsu laughed and kissed her again, taking her shirt fully off of her and discarding it somewhere else in the room.

His hands reached up to her breasts slowly, trailing his warm fingers up her side. Lucy sighed softly and squeezed her legs together. He groped her mounds tenderly, admiring the softness of them.

Lucy gave him a puzzled stare through her pleasure. When Natsu was able to get his eyes off of her mountains, he looked up at her and raised a brow.

" What?" Lucy eyed him curiously.

" Why are you being so gentle all of a sudden? You're not usually like this..." Natsu smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head, tensed. Lucy's eyes squinted even more and she raised a brow when Natsu started avoid eye contact.

" What's going on here." Lucy demanded suspiciously, trying to sit up. Natsu laughed and shook his head, pushing her back down onto the bed.

" Nothing. Really." He smiled before continuing to grope her breasts.

Lucy bit her lip and ran her fingers through his surprisingly soft hair as he stuck his tongue out at a perked bud.

As much as Lucy wanted to know what was going on, the pleasure was just too great to set aside. Natsu smirked up against her nipple, listening to her soft moans.

He brought his warm hands down her waist, leading a trail of kisses from her chest to her stomach. He stopped at her belly button and stared at it, then proceeding to poke it with his finger. Lucy gasped, a laugh strained in her throat.

" St- Stop that! It tickles!" Natsu smirked up at her.

" Really? Then..." His finger slipped away from her stomach and went under her skirt, rubbing his finger on the slightly wet fabric hiding her womanhood. Lucy gasped and squeezed her hips together.

" Does it tickle down here?" Lucy glared at him through her soft panting and her reddened face.

" You're such... A pervert." She whined as he slipped his fingers in to her panties, rubbing her clit. Lucy whined much to Natsu's delight and arched her back up. Natsu smirked again before fully discarding her of any clothing. Lucy gave him an embarrassed look.

" I'm the only one naked..." She whispered shyly. Natsu sighed and took off his one-sleeved vest along with his pants, leaving him only in his boxers which were red by the way.

" Happy?" He asked crossed her arms.

" If you're gonna give me attitude then you're not getting any of this." Natsu chuckled and proceeded to stroke her womanhood while leaving marks on her neck.

" Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Lucy grumbled but it ended up coming out as a moan. He soon slipped a digit into her sacred area and Lucy sighed softly, bighting her lip. Soon another digit slipped through and Lucy gave out a little cry as her back began to arch more.

Natsu smiled against her neck, but his smile was soon stopped as he let out a quick breath. He lifted his head and stared at the blushing blonde under him, a small blush coming to his own face.

" L-Lucy..." Lucy looked away shyly, her blush spreading. Her hand was currently wrapped tightly around his hard member and he had to force himself to keep back the urge of just pouncing her right then.

" I-I thought... It wouldn't be fair if I was the only one... Feeling good..." If possible, her face got even redder after each word. Natsu stifled a groan deep in his throat as she began to move her hand up and down. His forehead fell onto her shoulder, his whole body was frozen stiff.

" Why are your boxers on?" Lucy asked, feeling more confident. Natsu stayed quiet while he was strained against her body.

Somehow, Lucy managed to get his last garment off of him. And hell yeah, Natsu thought it felt hot seeing this strangely bold side of Lucy.

" It feels so good..." He groaned against her neck. Yet another bold source of energy started to flow through Lucy and she began to pick up the pace. This time, Natsu let out a small growl and began to nibble onto Lucy's neck.

She felt the pride soared through her as she thought of this being Natsu's punishment and her dominating. But the idea was soon washed away when Natsu grabbed her wrist that was connected to the hand holding his member.

Lucy gave him a confused look. He brought his face up to hers and she gasped slightly. His face was so animalistic and full of lust that she could already tell what was coming next.

" I can't take it anymore Lucy." And at that, he smashed his lips against hers and thrusted straight in to her. Lucy let out another gasp against his lip as he began thrusting in and out of her.

His tongue darted in to her mouth and began swerving around, tasting her everywhere. Lucy tried to fight back for dominance but Natsu would only pound harder against her. Eventually, she pretty just fell limp in his grasp and just allowed him to do whatever he wanted.

She just prayed that her neighbors couldn't hear this.

" N- Natsu... I'm going to..." She could feel it. Her climax was reaching up to her limits. Natsu could only grunt in agreement. And after a few more thrusts, they were finished and sprawled out on the bed.


" Well I wasn't expecting that to happen... But I'm glad it did." Natsu smirked smugly at his last words. Lucy could only blush and glare at him.

" Then what were you expecting to happen then?" He voice seemed evil, she felt her anger towards him earlier coming back. Natsu turned his head to her and smiled apologetically.

" Hey, I said I was sorry and we did have some pretty good makeup sex." Lucy crossed her arms and turned around from him.

" Don't talk to me. I'm still mad at you." She heard him laugh from behind her. She sighed, she could see a pattern forming. Something then perked up in her mind and her anger was gone again.

" Hey Natsu." She said turning around to him, watching as he put his ants back on. Feeling strange being the only one naked now, she walked over to her dresser and put on some comfy clothes.

" What?"

" I want you to tell me what's going on." Natsu choked on his spit and looked up at her nervously.

" Wh-What?" He stuttered quickly when he almost tripped over himself. Lucy crossed her arms and eyed him.

" You didn't think I would forget you avoiding my questions with sex, did you?" Her voice became very suspicious. Natsu scratched the back of his head and scoffed, walking over to her snack shelf.

" I don't know what you're talking about." Lucy grumbled and bawled her fists to her side, marching over to him.

" You know well enough what I'm talking about! Now tell me!" She stomped her foot like a child. Natsu grabbed a bag of chips and opened it up, popping a chip in to his mouth.

" What?" He asked, acting oblivious. Natsu regretted saying that because Lucy then began to stomp her feet even more and scream like a child. Natsu's eyes began to twitch in annoyance after a good five minutes until he finally had it.

" All the things I do for you and-!" Lucy's voice was brought to a halt when a little object was shoved to her face. It was too close to her so she backed up to look at what Natsu was holding out to her until her mouth dropped.

" Natsu... You do know what this is... Right?" Natsu snorted and nodded. In Natsu's hand which was currently right up in Lucy's face, a small black, velvety box was there.

" Everyone told me that just being mates wasn't going to work, so I had to make it official. But I don't see why girls need this though." He opened the box and a beautiful diamond ring was in it. It was simple yet elegant at the same time.

Lucy threw her hands to her mouth, tears began to brim her eyes.

" You idiot, we've only been going out for a few months..." But you could tell she was clearly happy. Natsu smiled.

" Well you're gonna be with me always so why not. Once the people in the guild started explaining more about it to me, I couldn't help it." Lucy smiled at him and a few tears found it's way rolling down her face.

Lucy let out a bubbly laugh and jumped over to Natsu, throwing her arms around him. The amount of force though almost made Natsu stumble back and hit his head, but he managed to return the hug.

" Thank you Natsu! I love you." She laughed some more.

" Yeah. I love you too." He laughed back before slipping the ring onto her finger. Lucy stared at him for a moment like he was an idiot.

" Natsu, a wedding ring doesn't go on your pointer finger." Natsu let go of her and the two looked down at her hand.

" Then which one does it go on?" Lucy frowned and a grumble came out of her mouth. Way to ruin the moment Natsu.

" There!" She pointed harshly at her ring finger in annoyance. Natsu leaned away from her with confusion on his face.

" Then just take it off and put it there." Lucy glared at him.

" I can't!" Natsu backed away slightly.

" why not!?"

" It's stuck!" Lucy cried, showing him as she tried to pull it off but it wouldn't budge.

" Put some strength in to it!"

" Natsu help me take this ring off right now!"

Author's note: OMG! I was seriously so embarrassed making this chapter it took me like five straight days to make it... Anyways, I hope you liked it and a new chapter will be coming out soon.