Well my lovelies,

This little bit won't be a drabble :P

No matter what I tried I could not simply write it in 100 words.

Aiko needed his little bit of happiness.


xxx Neheigh xxx

It had been a long day, well thinking about it a two very long day's.

Aiko tried his hardest, but no matter what he tried he could not keep his eye's open as the largest car he had ever been in bumped along the road towards wherever they were destined to go, the people seated around him were silent all of them stuck in there own thought's.

The tall dark hair man he knew to be a big actor person had gone with the woman who had been plastered on poster's, adverts and all over TV for almost 3 weeks. The woman he had helped save.

He could be proud of that Aiko thought as he fought of the sleepiness that was trying to consume him. It was a soft and gentle arm that shook the sleepiness a little.

"Lean on me Aiko." the beautiful woman said her smile was like sunlight on a rainy day and even as Aiko tried to pull his eyes away from her smile, her arm pulled him down onto her side then slowly onto her lap.

"T..Thank you." Aiko muttered as the beautiful woman smiled again.

"It's fine, I have a son he used to always do this when he was younger on the long journeys." Aiko nodded gently, he felt embarrassed and confused yet at the same time comfortable as again sleep overtook his sense, yet this time he allowed it to lull him into dreamland.

"Aiko... Aiko... where here Aiko." Julie said softly as she shook the young boy's shoulder.

Sister Miku looked on as the woman who was called the most beautiful in the world smiled so lovingly at the young boy before her, the boy who had no real home, no real family yet so much love to give.

The little boy who had been willing to go into isolation just so he could help a young woman that he had never known, never met. Yet he had done it, he had gone against everything to try and help this young woman that meant so much to so many maybe one day he too would find love like that Miku thought as she sighed softly.

Kuu looked at the young sister, he had seen the steely look in sister Rena's eyes. He knew far more than he would like to know about some care homes and orphanages, there were some places full to bursting due to economical change, poverty and so many other terrible things and not all of them were should we say... pleasant.

"here let me take him." Kuu said as he gently lifted the boy from his wife's lap and literally carried him out of the car and into the hotel where they would be staying whilst Kyoko was being treated at the nearby hospital for her injuries and the beginning of what the doctor had called system failure.

He never really asked too many question he knew it was bad, you only had to look at Kyoko to know that. he hugged the small form closer to his chest remembering when Koun was that small, when Kuon had fitted in his arms so perfectly.

Lory sighed as he looked towards the airport he was approaching on his private jet plane, it was his job he knew he was the one who not only needed but wanted to be there to see her testimony. To see why she had done it, to try and understand why?

Why? it was the biggest question of all, Why had she taken Kyoko? Why had she thought that it was the only way? Lory new Kuon had some crazy lunatic fans, but really Rena was an actress? not quite at the top but she was an actress none the less.

Lory sighed as he looked down at the small form lying on his lap in slumber, Lory knew how much Maria wanted to stay with her Onee-san, but she had denied her own wants and she had made the decision that her grandfather needed her more and acted on it.

She was growing up

Lory thought as he stroked Maria's beautiful blond hair.

and she's growing up well.

"Kuon?" Kyoko asked softly he heard her voice crack.

"I'm here Kyoko." he said softly as he stroked her hair gently, she was still asleep but still she cried out for him and it wounded him deeply, how long had she been crying out for him? all this time? since the start had she been crying out for him in the night? had she cried out his name in a vain hope that he would come save her?

He had fallen apart when she had taken her, he had been willing to give up and simply die. without Kyoko he was nothing... Without Kyoko his life was not worth living.

"You came." it was the softest mumble yet, but when Kuon looked up Kyoko had a soft smile on her lips and Kuon's heart melted.

Yes maybe he had given up to begin with, but in the end after everything... or maybe a kick up the ass off his mother. He chuckled to himself at that thought, he had... hadn't he? he had come for her and he would follow her anywhere.

"I will always come for you Kyoko. No matter where you are, no matter what happens I will always come for you Kyoko.

Aiko watched as the woman on TV was pushed into the police car in handcuffs, the hot buttered toast before him was a rare treat for Aiko normally he would have to wait his turn to eat and when you're one of the bottom of the pecking order so to speak hot food is a bit of a luxury.

"Are you OK Aiko?" Kuu asked as he shovelled down the quantity of food that normally would feed at least 50 people, Aiko simply looked at him sitting there with 12 stacks of buttered toast. Julie looked up too noting that Kuu was not eating which was a big thing for Kuu.

"Well I was just wondering, what's going to happen now?"Kuu slowly lowered the toast he had been holding back to his plate and linked his fingers.

"That all depends on you Aiko." Kuu said looking at the boy with his full attention.

"On me?" Aiko said pointing at himself, as Kuu nodded Julie took this chance to join them at the table.

"Yes Aiko, did you ever watch the TV programs or adverts related to Kyoko?" Julie asked as Aiko nodded.

"A little the sisters used to watch bits about it... especially when Tsuruga Ren was on. They were all so disappointed yet all kept saying how sweet it was when he got upset over Kyoko." Kuu smiled and Julie chuckled.

"Well just you wait until they announce the engagement." Kuu smiled at his wife in a very knowing way, Kuon had asked the night before for his grandmother's wedding ring he was definitely making sure she was never getting away again. Aiko's face split into a big grin.

"I don't think they would like that very much." Julie completely agreed.

"So Aiko, the really question is what would you like?" Kuu asked as he leant forwards and looked at the young boy before him.

"What do you mean what do I want?" Aiko asked eyes open as wide as they could be, as he stared at the two people before him.

"Just what I said, what would you like? We did say there would be a large reward and we meant it Aiko, whatever you want that we are able to give we will." Aiko was simply stunned, he hadn't even thought of the reward when helping Kyoko, yes a few of times before they had been talking about winning the lottery ect they had talked about what they would do with lots of money, but really when it came down to the fact he could have lots of money he truly did not know what he wanted.

Or did he? Aiko looked at two people he knew were like kings and queen's in this world, or thats what it felt like to him anyway. Could they really give him anything? anything at all that he wanted? Aiko swallowed the lump that had risen in his throat... did he dare?

"Well... there is one thing..."

Kuon couldn't keep the smile off his face as the woman who was about to become his wife came walking down the aisle towards him, he turned slightly and smiled at the two people standing beside him, Yashiro looked about to burst with happiness.

He had been almost unmanageable when Kuon had asked him to be his best man, the fan girl attack that had happened lasted at least 3 hours before Kuon could calm him down enough to add another bit of information for Yashiro to intake.

"I will be sharing the honour with your brother?" Yashiro asked confused.

"I thought you were an only child?" Yashiro asked thoroughly confused.

"I was." Kuon replied with a roguish grin, "I'm not any more." Yashiro simply looked at him but said nothing.

Kuon looked down at the boy he had come to love, the boy who was not only his future wife's and his own sanity's saviour, but also the boy that would become one of the most important members of not only his life but also his family.

Kuon smiled at Hizuri Aiko and all Aiko could do was smile back, Aiko no longer wondered what his name meant.

It no longer mattered if people called him a love child, because Aiko knew the truth now.

His name was not a based on his birth conditions or what people thought, it was based on who he could be and what he could be.

Aiko's smile grew as he saw his future sister in law looking so well, then towards his ever doting parent's Kuu and Julie smiled back lovingly.

No Aiko no longer meant love child...

Aiko now meant child of love, for that's what Aiko was he was a very loved child.

Even if his father was a doting Baka at times.


That's it :)

I could not leave Aiko without his happy ending after all :)

I'm sorry if this story has lots of mistakes and everything,

I do try my hardest but as you all should know by now I'm dyslexic and this story has not had my wonderful Beta reader rsdiall doing her amazing work on it.

Yes, yes I know I'm nothing without my wonderful beta reader shoot me :P

hehe but honestly I hope you enjoyed the story and I do think I have learnt a lot from writing it :)

What do you think?

Do you know what it was that Aiko wanted more than anything?

Love you all,

xxx Neh xxx

Love PM's and Reviews so why not send me some :D