"Tell me everything." Nell squealed as she admired the diamond ring on Kensi's finger.

"Sorry, that's classified." Kensi winked at Deeks.

"The hell it is. You better tell us." Sam crossed his arms, trying to intimidate Deeks.

Deeks raised his hands in surrender. "Don't look at me, it was all her."

"Kensi!" Nell whined.

"If you want to know what happened. Figure it out."

They were out for a drink after finishing up a case. It was a Monday and they'd had no time to talk that morning before they got the case. So as soon as the bad guys were in someone else's hands, Nell stormed out of Ops dragging Eric behind her demanding that everyone march to their cars because they need to celebrate.

So of course Kensi could never be a normal woman talking about her proposal. She had to make it more interesting. They were federal agents after all.

They didn't even make it difficult. Had Kensi known that this was happening she would have taken the batteries out of their cell phones and the GPS tracker out of her car so it would be at least a little bit of a challenge.

But she had no idea it was happening, so when she told Nell to figure it out she knew it would take them all of half an hour to determine exactly how Deeks proposed.

Eric knew Nell all too well. He knew she would bolt out of the bar and back to Ops to start tracking their movements. So as soon as he heard Kensi challenge Nell he began to pack up his stuff and prepare to have his girlfriend go into "Hetty Mode" and start barking orders.

Sure enough, that is exactly what she did.

Sam and Callen followed before a 5 foot 2 red headed pixie verbally beat their asses.

Kensi and Deeks left too, but took their time to get back to the mission.

Hetty decided to leave so that she wouldn't see her team using government resources for personal reasons. In the end, plausible deniability is better than staying around to watch the fireworks between her team. She would surely hear about it later.

They all arrived in Ops and Nell and Eric slammed themselves in their office chairs, Nell to track their phones, and Eric to track the car.

After fifteen minutes, a new team record, the case was solved.

They discovered that Deeks had taken her to the gym where they first met, the stadium where he saved her from the laser maze, and finally back to their home.

Nell checked the security cameras from the gym and the stadium, and all they saw were Kensi and Deeks walking around and holding hands.

On the security cameras outside their house, all that could be seen were them walking in and walking out the next morning.

So they knew where, but not how.

Nell stormed down the stairs ready to do anything to get answers.

"Blye, I know you went to the gym and the stadium, and then home. I have all the security cam footage so I know he proposed in your house. Tell me. Now."

Deeks stepped in front of Nell who was quickly and furiously approaching Kensi.

"Before we have to move this interrogation to the boat shed, I'll tell you."

He waited until everyone was in the bullpen, and Eric had Nell restrained in his arms.

"So you know all the basics, I took her places that were important to us. First where we met, the place where we first started to trust each other, and the place where we put away the past and started our lives together."

"Yeah, yeah, romantic stuff, then what?" Nell asked as she tried to move forward before Eric snaked his arms around her waist again.

Deeks chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"I'm just getting to the good part. You got really lucky Kens."

She pushed him back and tried not to smile.

"Alright, let me finish. Then we walked into the house and when Monty came in the room he had the ring box around his neck and I turned around and he was down on one knee."

Nell and Eric awe'd and Sam and Callen gave Deeks a nod of approval.

Eric released Nell and she ran up to Kensi shouting "group hug" as she grabbed everyone in her reach.

They all piled in as tightly as they could.

They were a team of federal agents.

They could speak every language you could think of.

They could kill you in a thousand different ways.

They could turn into anyone they needed to be.

But most importantly, they were a family.

Each member is important, and without one the team would be lost.

In a family you aren't supposed to have favorites.

But Kensi is easily Deeks favorite. She always has been and always will be.

All because she shot him straight through the heart.

I'm so sorry for the delay.

I love anyone who has read this story, and I hope you are satisfied with the ending.

Writing this has been amazing therapy for me, so thanks for reading what my negative feelings produce :)

Love you.
