Daughter of the Deadman: Another Place & Time

It's been even longer since I updated this one. The update date said 10/01/2014. Again, sorry to all of you, but I was burnt out and writer's block sucks!

Thanks to: duelistamy, Wolfgirl2013, Cena's baby doll, Dean's Country Angel, blackbear1020, and tomwilliams1990 for the reviews.

I'll let you guys get to it. See you at the bottom!

Chapter 8: One Bad Day

It was one month later and Angel was home now. Despite the fact that both Beth and Mark had been worried about taking care of her, Angel was doing well now. She had even gained more weight and was still perfectly healthy. Bethany always made sure that Angel made it to all her doctor's appointments and made sure that Angel got all the attention she needed and more.

Another thing that Beth and Mark had noticed was Angel seemingly showing signs of inheriting the powers that Leanna had warned them she would. She always seemed to know when someone was coming to the house. Usually, Dean and Liam dropped by the most. Beth and Mark always knew when they were coming because Angel would become excited and happy. Similarly, when Beth would leave, Angel would cry and when she was on her way home she would become happy and excited. This was also happen when Mark would leave and come back.

Bethany was laying in bed, snuggled close to Mark when a sound came through on the baby monitor. Bethany almost didn't hear it at first. Angel was softly making cooing noises as she had yet to discover her vocal cords or the volume therein. Beth smiled and got up. She walked into Angel's room. Everything was pink and white and there was a picture of Mark and Beth on the table next to the crib. There were also a few framed photographs of Mark o the walls. Beth did that because she wanted to make sure that if they were home and Mark was gone, their daughter wouldn't forget what her father looked like. Beth walked over to the crib. Angel was laying there, squirming. Her eyes lit up when she saw her mother. The fuzz of red hair that she had been born with was gone now. Instead, she had a fuzz of hair that was Raven Black, just like Mark's.

"Good morning, my beautiful Angel Baby." Beth said, picking Angel up from the crib.

She laid Angel on the change table and changed her diaper. Then she put a fresh sleeper on her. Then she carried Angel to her and Mark's bedroom. By this point, Mark was wide awake and sitting on the side of the bed. Beth sat down next to him and kissed him. Mark looked down at Angel and grinned before taking her from her mother.

"Good morning, baby girl. Come on. Let's go get you some breakfast while Mommy has a shower." Mark said.

Angel stared at him. Then she stared squirming. Mark laughed at her and took her downstairs. He wasn't sure why, but he thought someone was watching them. After a minute, he sighed and shook it off. There was no one around. He went to the fridge and got a bottle out. He put it in the microwave for about thirty seconds so it wouldn't be too cold for Angel to drink. Just as he took it out, Bethany came downstairs dressed in t-shirt, jeans and with her hair down. She gave Mark a kiss.

"Are you going to be alright here with her while I go and see how the renovations are going on the bus?" Mark asked.

Beth nodded. The renovations on the tour bus were coming along slowly, but well. Mark went at least once a week to make sure that things were on track and going well and so far they hadn't hit any snags. Mark finished feeding Angel and then burped her. Angel's eyes lit up when he handed her to Beth. Then he went upstairs and showered. When he came back down, he was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt and his hair was braided. He gave Bethany a kiss and a hug and kissed Angel on the forehead before he left. Beth sighed and stared down at Angel, who was starting to drift off to sleep now that her tummy was full.

"Well, Angel Baby, time to get to work." Beth said.

She laid Angel in her playpen and draped a light blanket over her. Then she got to work cleaning the house. She made sure to take at least a fifteen minute break once every hour. About two hours into her cleaning, Angel woke up. She started to cry. Beth dropped what she was doing and ran right to her. She took Angel upstairs and put a fresh diaper on her. Then she brought her back downstairs and fed her. It didn't help. Angel continued to cry.

"Angel Baby? Is someone coming? Is that why you're upset?" Beth asked.

Angel started to squirm and cry louder. Obviously, someone that Angel either didn't like, didn't know or was unsure of was on their way to the house. Sure enough, about ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Beth laid Angel in the playpen again and went and opened the door. She got a huge shock. It was Kristal that was standing on the other side of the door. Beth sighed. Now she was in trouble. She hadn't even spoken to her Mother since the wedding.

"Mother..." Beth said.

"Can I come in?" Kristal asked.

"Not until you tell me why you're here." Beth said.

"I'm here for the baby." Kristal said.

"For the baby? What do you mean?" Beth asked.

"I'm going to take the baby to an Adoption Agency. She'll be given to a family who knows how to take care of a child. She'll be loved and cared for." Kristal said.

"You've got some nerve Mother. You crash my wedding, you don't speak to me for over a month, you completely ignore the birth of your Grandchild and now you come to my home and demand that I hand my baby over? If you think for one second that I'm going to just step aside and let you take my Angel Baby, you've completely lost whatever sanity you may have had." Beth snapped.

"Shut up, you no good whore and give me the baby." Kristal said.

"No! Now get out of here or else I will call the police and have you arrested." Beth snapped.

She tried to shut the door in her Mom's face, but Kristal stopped her. Beth reacted instantly and instinctively at that point. She ran as fast as she could into the living room and scooped Angel up from the playpen as fast as she could. Angel relaxed slightly, but she was still crying. When Kristal entered the room, the soft crying that Beth was used to turned into an outright scream. Beth knew then that it was Kristal coming to the house that had Angel so upset earlier.


"If you don't hand her over to me, I will take her by force. I want to make sure that she is looked after properly and you and he can't do that. I know it and you know it too. Now hand her over." Kristal snapped.

Before Beth could say a word or react in any way, her mother had lunged at her. Beth hugged Angel closer to her chest in a protective way. After that, everything happened quickly. The next thing Beth knew, both her back and her head had hit the wall. She slid to the floor and just before she blacked out, she saw Kristal walk over and snatch Angel from her arms. The last thing she heard was her Angel Baby screaming at the top of her lungs.

Kristal took Angel, who was still screaming upstairs and placed her in her car seat. Then she grabbed the diaper bag and put diapers, wipes and a few sleepers and onesies in it. Then she took Angel downstairs and went into the fridge. She grabbed a few of the bottles that Bethany had made the night before and added them to the diaper bag. Then she carried the still screaming child from the house.

About an hour or so later, Mark came into the house. By this time, Bethany had regained consciousness and passed out again twice. Mark looked around the house, a feeling of worry creeping over him. He didn't hear a single normal sound. He walked into the kitchen, looking for Bethany or Angel. His eyes widened in horror when he saw Bethany slumped against the doorway that lead to the living room. She had evidently woken up and crawled there before passing out again. She was semi conscious by now, but clearly in pain. He ran for the phone first, wanting to get help for her as soon as possible. He dialled nine-one-one. Mark tried to keep calm as he explained that he had come home to find his wife crumpled on the floor, slipping in and out of consciousness. Mark started to cry openly as he also explained that his one month old daughter was missing from the house. He could barely request an ambulance and the police, let alone give his address. Once he was done, he hung up the phone and ran over to Beth. He knelt down and took her hand. She looked over at him, obviously dazed and disoriented.

"Mark..." she said, tears rolling down her face.

"It's OK, Beth. Help is on the way. Don't move around much, alright? You're hurt." Mark said.

"My back...and my head..." Beth said.

"OK, Bethy. Just try and stay calm. Keep talking to me." Mark said.

"Kristal...it was Kristal. Mark...Kristal came to visit...but then she demanded that I hand Angel over...said she was going to give her to an Adoption Agency so that she could be take care of by people who know how to care for children. I refused to...she attacked me...she took her. Mark, she took Angel! Angel is gone. We have to get her back...we have to. Please...you have to believe me..." Beth said.

Mark nodded. He understood and promised Beth that he believed her and that he would tell the police when they arrived. Beth nodded at him. Then she lost consciousness again. Mark tried to wake her up, but to no avail. She was completely out of it. Mark waited. It seemed like hours, but finally the paramedics and police arrived at the house. Mark got a huge shock when the paramedics came in. Liam stood there with his partner.

"Mark, what happened to my sister?" Liam asked, looking concerned.

"Hold on, you're a paramedic?" Mark asked.

"Yeah. My partner and I got the call out. What happened to her?" Liam asked, knowing that Mark would never hurt his sister.

"She's been drifting in and out of consciousness. I was out checking on something, but she told me that Kristal showed up here. She tried to take Angel. When Bethy refused to hand her over, Kristal attacked her. She took Angel. Bethany was telling me that her back and head hurt." Mark said.

"WHAT?! DAMN MY MOTHER!" Liam shouted.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to go talk to the police officer in the other room while we take care of your wife." Liam's partner said.

Mark nodded. He was ready to cry all over again. He knew Bethany would be OK now that she was in the paramedic's hands, but he was worried about Angel. He knew that Kristal was more then capable of hurting the little girl if she wanted to. Mark sighed as he walked into the living room.

"Sir, can you tell me what happened to your wife?"

"I was out at the time, but I can tell you what she told me." Mark said.


"Bethany told me that her Mother, Kristal, showed up here. You have to understand that they don't get along at all and Kristal can be very vindictive." Mark said.

"Alright. That's good to know. So what happened when Kristal showed up here today? What did Bethany tell you?"

"Kristal demanded that Bethany hand over our baby. According to Beth, Kristal said that she was going to take our baby, Angel, to an Adoption Agency so that she could be given to people who know how to take care of children." Mark said.

"Is Angel well cared for?"

"Of course! Bethany and I do our very best to make sure she's loved and cared for." Mark said, tears springing to his eyes again.

"OK, you said that Kristal is vindictive. Can you elaborate?"

"She hates Beth. She didn't want Beth. All Beth wants is to be happy and loved by someone besides her father and brother. I love her. And she also wanted a little girl. She had Angel and she's the happiest she's been in a long time." Mark said.

"And Kristal doesn't like that?"

"Not a bit." Mark said.

"Alright. Let me make sure I have this straight. In an effort to make your wife suffer, she comes in and tries to take your child. Your wife refuses to hand the baby over, so Kristal attacks her and takes the baby anyway."

"That's what Bethany said happened and I believe her because I know how Kristal can be." Mark said.

"Alright, Mr. Calaway, I'm going to need some information about your daughter...Angel I think you said her name was. And a recent picture if you have one."

"We haven't had a chance to take many pictures. But her name is Angel. She's a month old. She's got black hair and blue-green eyes. And...she's never been away from us."Mark said, tears rolling down his face.

Before the officer could respond to this, Liam and his partner wheeled Bethany by. She was awake again. Liam told his partner to take Bethany on to the ambulance and told Mark to go with them and he would meet them there after he had a word with the police officer. Liam's partner nodded and Mark agreed. He helped with the stretcher and helped put Bethany in the ambulance before getting in himself. He sat down and took Bethany's hand. They waited, After a few minutes, Liam came back. He got into the back of the ambulance and told his partner to drive so that he could be with his sister.

"Mark...Liam...they have to find Angel...they have to find her...Kristal will hurt her...please...they have to find her..." Beth said.

"Bethy, just try and relax, alright? Mark told the police officer everything you told him when he got home. I backed Mark up and even gave him Kristal's address. He said they were going to find Angel and when they did, they would bring her to the hospital, check her over and get her back to you two." Liam said.

"She'll hurt her..." Beth said.

Mark and Liam both looked at each other. They knew that Kristal was more then capable of hurting Angel and what was more was she was ready and willing to do so if she felt she had to. They tried not to think about what could possibly happen to Angel while she was in Kristal's home.

Angel was lying in a crib that Kristal had set up in Bethany's old bedroom. She had gone to sleep for a bit, but now she was screaming at the top of her lungs once again. Kristal hadn't fed or changed her in several hours. In fact, the door to the room was locked tight and Angel was lying in the dark. It was all part of Kristal's plan. She was going to leave Angel there for a bit longer and then take her to the Adoption Agency and say that Bethany and Mark had neglected her and left her in this condition. The only problem was that Angel's screaming was starting to get to her.

She wasn't sure how much longer she could deal with it. She was about to go upstairs and shut the girl up when she heard sirens outside her house. She froze in her tracks as they stopped outside. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Kristal opened the door. The officers identified themselves and then placed Kristal under arrest, explaining why they were there.

"What?! No! This is all just a big misunderstanding! Angel is my Granddaughter. I'd never hurt her! My daughter, Bethany, let me take her for a visit." Kristal tried to explain.

"That is not what Bethany, Mark and Liam told us. You're being arrested for assault and battery for what you did to Bethany and kidnapping for taking Angel without her parents permission. Now where is she?"

"In the upstairs bedroom!" Kristal snapped.

One of the officers ran up the stairs and followed the sounds of Angel's crying. He kicked the door open and flicked the light on. The baby didn't look hurt. She just looked like she needed to be fed, changed and reunited with her Mom and Dad. The officer wrapped the baby in the blanket she was laying on and picked her up. He grabbed the unused diaper bag and left the room. He walked outside with the baby and got into his police car where his partner was waiting. Angel had relaxed slightly as if she knew she was sort of safe again.

One police car drove in the direction of the police station with Kristal in the back. The other headed toward the hospital as fast as they could drive with their lights on and sirens going. One officer was driving and the other was holding Angel, talking to her and telling her she would be alright and see her Mom and Dad again soon. When they arrived at the hospital, they rushed Angel to the Pediatrics Ward where they handed her over to the nurses. One of them took Angel and gave her a warm bath to clean her up. Then she carefully examined the little girl. Luckily, she was unharmed. She was just hungry, cold, and probably confused by everything that had happened. The nurse reached into the diaper bag and got a diaper and one of Angel's own sleepers. She put them on her and then wrapped the baby in a pink blanket.

Then the nurse picked her up and took her down the hall to Beth's room. They had examined Beth thoroughly and done every test on her that they could think of when she came in and she was doing alright, although a few of her ribs were broken and she had a headache. The nurse knocked on the door. Beth and Mark both stopped talking and looked up with hopeful expressions.

"I've got a baby girl here who's missing Mom and Dad very much." the nurse said as she walked to Beth's bedside.

Beth burst into tears as she took the bundle of blankets from the nurse. Angel stared up at her and blinked. Then she started to cry softly. Beth just held her daughter, repeatedly kissing her forehead and apologizing for not being able to keep her safe. Then she looked up at the nurse with a questioning look.

"She's just fine. I checked her over as thoroughly as I could. She's not hurt." the nurse said.

"Thank you...thank you so much..." Beth said through her tears.

"Here's her diaper bag. Although I wouldn't risk using the bottles in it. They look like they haven't been refrigerated in awhile. I can go and get one for her if you'd like. She seems awfully hungry." the nurse said.

"That would be great. Thanks so much." Mark said, noticing that Beth couldn't say anything more.

The nurse nodded and left. It was only then that Bethany handed Angel to Mark. Angel snuggled closer to him, but didn't go to sleep. She just stared up at him. Mark could see in her eyes that she was unsure if she was safe or not.

"Hi, Baby Girl. You're safe now. Promise. And your Mommy and I are so glad to have you with us again." he told her, leaning down and kissing her forehead.

It was then that Angel finally relaxed fully. She squirmed in her father's arms and snuggled as close to him as she could get. She started to drift off just as the nurse came back in carrying a bottle in her hand. She handed it to Mark, who thanked her. Then she left. Mark fed Angel and then burped her. After that, Angel got herself comfortable again and finally went to sleep. The sun was going down. It had been a long day for all of them.

That's it for now. Hope you guys liked it. Leave a review! Bye for now!~Taker's Soul Girl