'How did my life come to this?' Lightning Dasher thought to himself. He was surrounded by several mares. Two mares to be exact. He wasn't in a bad situation, in fact, he was willing to do it - for the most part -.

The two mares, Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Two mares who like to play rough. Lightning Dasher, a stallion with green fur and gray hair color, not to mention wings. He always wondered what this would feel like, but suddenly he had second thoughts.

"Remember Lightning, you said anything goes. So you ready?" asked Rainbow.

"Uh, maybe...?"

"You said right after your 18th birthday party you wanted to do this."

"Let's uh, just get this over with."

"Alright Sugarcube," said Applejack, "let's get started."

Let's get this story started from the beginning. Lightning Dasher wasn't originally 'Lightning Dasher' stallion of Equestria. He was actually Dylan Rodier, normal guy of Earth.

He was walking down the streets of his neighborhood, off to meet fellow Bronies of his city. Once he saw one of his friends he shouted, "Yo, DJ X!"

That's how he and his friends spoke to each other, by their OC names. "Hey, Lightning Dasher, what's up?"

"Nothing much, that last episode though, what thriller right?"

"Well duh." the two laughed.

"DJ, you going to Bronycon this year?"

"I don't know, why?"

"I've heard some rumors, that they have actually built a portal to Equestria, and one lucky person will get the chance to go. One person is gonna go like every hundred years or so."

"Is that so? Let me guess, Pinkie finally succeeded and told them how to make it?"

"I'm being serious, and it's not who gives up the most money. It's 100% random. They use a random number generator of all the tickets bought, 3-day to platinum, and the number that is called, gets to go as their OC."

"Man, I wish I could afford it. I'm broke."

"Me too, I have to work all through out summer, street performing, just to make enough money."

"Dude that sucks, I wish there was some way that I could join you, who knows, maybe it's a surprise 'you and your friend' kind of thing."

"Heh, I wish. Being lucky enough to go for my first time this year, it would be ungodly if I actually won to go into Equestria."

"You'll never know unless you try, look, Lightning, I gotta go, see ya later."

The two saw each other off, and walked home.

Dylan did what ever he could to make money, his number one income, street performing. He would stand around, playing his guitar, and singing MLP songs. Be it from the show such as 'Winter Wrap Up' or fan made such as 'I'll Fly Higher' by AcousticBrony.

Every chance he got - which would be a lot on the weekends and no school days - Dylan would go out and play guitar for money. He wouldn't put up a sign for tips, asking for money, none of that. He only played guitar and left his case open.

Other incomes for money would be odd jobs that people around him needed, and his actually job he has at Publix. Those didn't provide as much money as street performing. He also used those jobs to help for paying for his apartment and other necessities - such as food, drinks, clothing, etc. etc. -.

Earlier in the summer, Dylan had bought his Bronze Bronycon ticket, an airplane ticket to Baltimore and a room reservation to a hotel near the Bronycon building.

As it got to mid-summer, near end of July, Dylan flew to Baltimore for his first ever Brony convention. Not to mention it was the biggest convention of them all, including a 1 in a 1,000,000 chance of going to Equestria.

Dylan walked around the convention, buying many souvenir. A plush, pony ears, wings, T-shirts, and even more. "How am I going to care this all home?" Dylan asked to himself.

A voice came on the intercom, getting ready to call out the lucky ticket number. It turns out, it wasn't a fake. There was actually a portal to Equestria. Everyone had taken out their tickets.

"And the ticket number is 6... 3... 4... 8... So please, ticket number 6348, please come to the lobby."

Dylan heard the entire building 'aw' and sigh. He looked at his ticket, as he looked at the number one at a time, saying each of them out loud. "6, 3, 4, 8... I won..."

Dylan swore his heart skipped a beat. He never wins anything. This day must have been the best day of his life.

Dylan arrived at the lobby, a guy saying, "Are you the lucky ticket winner?"

"I am," Dylan showed his ticket to the guy.

"You seem to have bought a lot of stuff."

"Yeah, first convention, had to come home with a bunch of souvenirs."

"Your first convention? Today must have been an amazing day for you so far."

"It has been a wonderful day."

"Alright, well follow me."

The man walked away and Dylan followed.

When the two stopped, Dylan saw a big circular ring with a touch pad next to it. "Okay, now please make your OC here, using this touch pad. You can picked your race, what town you're teleported into, and you are even given a house in the city of your choosing."

Dylan used the touch screen to make his OC Lightning Dasher, green fur, gray hair and a pegasus. He put the town as Ponyville, and his house in Cloudsdale. He clicked the done button and the circular ring started up.

"Now, step through there and you are your OC in the town that you chose. You'll already know where your house is and it's already refurbished. I do suggest leaving your stuff here, since you wont need it anymore."

Dylan took off all of his items and set them down, then stepping up to the portal. He looked over to the guy, who said "Your new life in Equestria awaits you." He looked back at the portal, he took a deep breathe and sighed. He closed his eyes and stepped through the portal.

As he slowly opened his eyes. He stood up and looked at himself, correct fur, hair and wings. Surprisingly, Dylan could walk, and even move his wings, all of this feeling natural to him.

He looked towards town, seeing the candy-colored ponies he knew about. He smiled and walked into town.