Hello everyone, this is Aira. Misty has a very busy schedule so the majority of this story will now be written by me. We are now planning to also start up a Gakuen Alice one-shot series on this account. I will still update the story on this account. Well enjoy the next chapter and stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming one-shot series :3

After their classes ended for the day, Mikan and the gang met with the headmaster so they could be assigned their dorms. Mikan and Hotaru were assigned as dorm mates, obviously leading to Ruka and Natsume sharing a dorm.

"Yata! I get to share a dorm with Hotaru! Now we can be together all the time!" shouted an excited Mikan.

"Baka. If you talk in your sleep, prepare to be shot by my new automated baka gun with a built in sensor so that it automatically aims and fires at any idiotic actions. I call it the Auto Baka Gun." said Hotaru with a blank face.

"As well, welcome the other newest edition to the Baka collection, the Baka Alarm. This alarm is programmed so that once it rings at the set timing, it will punch the person who pressed the snooze button until they awaken."

"Waaah! Hotaru you meanie!" cried Mikan.

"Oi Polka, shut up. You're making my ears bleed." Natsume stated alongside his annoyed expression.

"NATSUME NO HENTAI! YOU PEEKED!" shouted a volcanic erupting Mikan.

"I did not. You showed it to me little girl."

"NATSUME NO BAKA!" shouted an enraged Mikan.

"Natsume, we should get going. We still need to find our dorms and unpack before we can get ready for tomorrow." interrupted Ruka so he could end their ongoing augment.

"Hm." Natsume responded.

"Let's go find our dorm to Hotaru!" Mikan said with glee.

As they arrived at their dorm, Mikan was surprised to see Ichigo opening the door to the dorm room adjacent to theirs.

"Ichigo-chan" called out Mikan as she waved to her.

"Mikan-chan?! Oh my god! We're neighbours!" Ichigo stated "This is great!

"Ichigo-chan who are you taking too?" asked the person stepping out of their dorm.

"Ah great timing! Ichigo-chan, Hotaru-chan, meet my dorm mate and friend Rumi-chan"

"Nice to meet you!" Rumi said while extending out her hand.

"Nice to meet you too Rumi-chan! Wow you have such pretty long hair." said Mikan.

"Thank you. Oh and you must be Hotaru-chan. Pleasure to meet you." Rumi-said, once again expending her hand out, only to have Hotaru nod her head in response. This cased Rumi to sweat drop.

"Anyhow we should go to head inside soon. It's almost curfew. Goodnight Mikan-chan and Hotaru-chan! See you tomorrow." Ichigo waved as she started to enter her dorm.

"Goodnight Ichigo-chan and Rumi-chan!" Mikan waved before turning around and entering her dorm.

Meanwhile Ruka and Natsume had arrived at their dorm. To their surprise, their dorm was located adjacent from Kashino and Hanabusa's dorm, which was located beside Ando's dorm. However, unlike Mikan and Hotaru, Natsume and Ruka entered their dorm without greeting their neighbors.

The next day, the gang went to their new homeroom. Mikan was excited to meet her new classmates while Natsume dreaded the thought of the new fan girls. When he enter the classroom, his nightmare was realized once the girls caught a glance at his physique.

"Kya! He's so hot!

"He's almost on par with Kashino-sama!"

"I wonder if he's single?! "

Natsume groaned in detest of his new fan base."

'Time to start selling those photos again. ' Hotaru thought as a smirk appeared on her face.

"Hey isn't that girl with the brunette hair pretty cute?"

"Yeah . And look at those eyes. You could stare into those forever and still be captivated by them."

"And that hair. It look so silky. I want to touch it."

"Hey I wonder if she's single."

"I wonder what they're talking about?" Mikan said to Natsume while looking at the group of whispering guys in the back.

Natsume glared at the group but, they didn't notice his deadly stare.

"Alright class, settle down. These are our new transfer students. Please introduce yourself." instructed their homeroom teacher.

"I'm Nogi Ruka"

"Imai Hotaru"

"Hyuuga Natsume. " He said as he started to entwine his hand with Mikan's.

"She's Sakura Mikan. My girlfriend." He said as he rose their linked hands to show the class as he glared at the disappointed guys, giving them the "touch her and you die" look.

Mikan on the other hand was now staring at the floor as a deep blush overtook her face. She never thought Natsume could ever be so possessive yet, romantic at the same time.

"Ah, les jeunes l'amour." (Ah, young love) Madame Lenouir, their homeroom teacher said.

"What did she just say Natusme?" whispered a confused Mikan to Natsume.

Natsume just remained silent as he also did not know what language their teacher was speaking.

" Let's get started with the lesson. " madame said.

As the lesson progressed, Mikan listened to the teacher completely lost on what she was saying. Even our genius Kuro Neko had no idea of what was being taught. Well what would you expect when this was the first time either of them ever hear French?

"For homework, finish pages 34-36." the teacher stated right as the bell rung.

Natsume approached Ruka and saw him completing the homework with ease.

"Ruka how are you able to understand any of this?" Natsume asked.

"Oh that's because I'm half French. The French language is like a second nature to me. " Ruka said.

Meanwhile Mikan approached Hotaru's desk.

"Hotaru when did you learn French?" asked Mikan.

"I never did." stated Hotaru.

"Then how were you able to respond to the teacher's questions and do the homework?" asked a confused Mikan.

"With this." Hotaru said while holding up her new invention. "This is the Translator Collar. It is linked to the school wifi and has access to a translator. Whenever you speak, the top of the line voice changer will counteract the vibrations of your vocal cords. Then whatever you say will be translated to the set language and it will sound as though you are speaking. It's partner, the Translator Bracelet, similarly interacts the signals sent by your nerves to take the words you ever going to write and translates it so your hand writes the set language in the translated version." she said.

Mikan sighed knowing Hotaru would be of no help. She decided to go to the library tonight and take out some reference books in order to try and complete her homework. When she arrived at the library, she reached for a book that the librarian had recommended for French basics. When Mikan reached for the book, she was surprised when her hand was greeted by another one reaching for the same book. She was met by a greater surprised when she turned her head, only to be meet the crimson orbs of her boyfriend.

"Natsume what are you doing here?" asked Mikan.

"What does it look like, Polka?"

"Wait, could it be that you don't know French either?" Mikan asked.

"Why else would I be taking out a book on French basics?" Natsume asked, annoyed Mikan discovered him in this state.

"Why don't we study together then?!" asked Mikan. "I mean we'll probably never get a chance were we can learn something together like this again, considering your intelligence."

"So you finally realize your stupidty, Polka." Natsume smirked.

"Shut up you conceded fox!" Mikan pouted.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Natsume asked her while he held book in his hand.

Mikan similed and ran up to Natsume, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. "Thanks Natusme."
"Hm." Natsume turned his head and covered his face with his bangs as a blush crept onto his cheeks.

The couple them proceeded to finding a place to sit, failing to notice a smirking Hotaru holding a camera.

Well that's all for now. We will update all when our one-shot series is released. Until then take care!

Aira taking off! :3