Dear Readers who might be concerned about me,

Echo here... and possibly signing in for some of the the saddest things for me to say.

I don't think i will be updating anything for a rather long while, so many things are happening at once. I got kicked out of the school and my principal is saying I dropped out.

I keep thinking my dog is going to be right there on my moms bed when no one is home even though he's been dead for over three months.

I'm getting depressed and nearly... went six feet under over five times last month because of the things happening lately.

I might be shipped off to this one boarding school.

A friend recently committed suicide and everyone is so depressed about it when I have no clue how to react to it...

I'm getting into a lot of fights with both friends and family due to things, so I no longer have that many friends, I have maybe two friends I can trust unconditionally unlike the people who I thought were my friends.

and the worst of all is that my laptop charger broke so I can't even get my notes for any of my stories, off of that damn thing because its DEAD. *curls up in a corner* so If anything... Its been fun.. .. and I just don't know what to do with my life at the moment. I literally have all this time now, but all the fights and stuff... i just don't know... The only reason why i'm still up here is because I have a desktop that I FIXED so i could get onto the internet and post this message on my stories for you guys. sorry that I might not be here for too much longer. The ride has been real, and amazing. And with each new review I had seen all those months ago, believe it or not, bu the reviews you guys give me make me smile.

I'll be fine... I just need a break from the stress ya know?

See you on the flip side...


Echo the Slowpoke.