Jean felt his body go cold as he saw Armin's small frame smash to the ground. Blood splattered where his body made heavy impact, and his maneuver gear broke off from his waist and flew away. After tumbling many yards, the small boy smashed to a halt, his body laying in a crumpled mess on the ground.

"NO! ARMIN!" Jean choked on his own voice, forcing his body to move. Pain shot through his limbs when he moved, but he made himself swallow the pain and run towards Armin. He glanced up to see Eren take down the Titan, then swing to the ground and run alongside Jean. When Jean glanced over at the other boy, he saw a reflection of himself. Tear stricken face, blood splattered everywhere, clenched face, a portrait of horror.

Jean couldn't take another death. Another funeral. More sleepless nights, sobbing into the back of his hand. Not after Marco. He skidded to a halt beside Armin's torn up, bloody body.

"Armin, Armin get up!" Jean barely heard Eren's desperate plea, and instead turned over the precious boy. Armin's head flopped back limply, his eyes closed and face paled.

"Armin?" Jean brushed a stray piece of hair off his face, slipping his finger through blood in the process. Armin groaned slightly at the contact, sending a glimmer of hope through Jean's veins. "Armin, it's me, Jean.. a-and Eren! we're here. Dont worry!"

"J-Jean…" Armins voice was so weak, so small. His pretty blue eyes fluttered open, but they weren't their normal bright color. They were dark, dull, empty… lifeless. His mouth fell open slightly, releasing a sigh that shook his whole body. At the movement, the boy's weak frame shuddered and coughed up blood, staining Armin's cloak and chin.

"Sh… shh now Armin, you're going to be okay!" Eren insisted, leaning over his friend's body, sobs convulsing his body. "You're going to be okay.."

Armin rose a shaking hand and rested it upon Eren's face, staring up with glazed eyes and slight smile. Jean shifted his position so that Armin's head was resting in his lap and stroked his small face.

"HEICHOU!" Eren cried out, frantically searching for his captain. "HEICHOU, WE NEED HELP. ARMIN'S HURT."

"Eren, no." Armin begged, coughing again. He turned then to Jean, a single tear rolling down his face. Jean felt his own tears flow down his face, falling onto Armin's chest.

"Armin.. You're gonna be okay…" Jean's voice sounded weak even to him, and he sobbed, bringing Armin's body to his in a feeble hug. At this point, he wasn't sure who he was trying to assure. Eren was now standing, sobbing into his elbow and punching trees, still desperately trying to call for help.

"Jean…." Armin said again. Jean pulled back to stare at him. His eyes were glazing over again, closing ever so slightly. "I-I'll say hi to Marco for you…"

And his breath stopped.

For a moment, Jean didn't move. He couldnt. He was sure the world tipped upside down at that moment. Then he comprehended, and the tears came. They weren't silent tears like before, when he was alone in his room, these were strong, long over due tears. He buried his face into Armin's cloak, savoring the smell of him before it faded like his life. Eren, now unoblivious, screamed loudly, his voice cracking from tears. Jean looked up to watch as his friend attempted to take his anger out, but collapsed next to him instead, crawling over and throwing his body over Armin's. Jean dipped his head back down and sobbed into Eren's back, still holding Armin's body close to his.