(A/N Sorry for shortness and angstyness and sad Nico.)


Ever since I could remember,

Everything inside of me,

Just wanted to fit in

I was never one for pretenders,

Everything I tried to be,

Just wouldn't settle in

If I told you what I was,

Would you turn your back on me?

And if I seem dangerous,

Would you be scared?

I get the feeling just because,

Everything I touch isn't dark enough

If this problem lies in me

~Monster, Imagine Dragons

The Argo II had never been quieter. Nico Di Angelo sat on the mast, a perch he had taken up the past few days, since… they had fallen.

Nico couldn't shake the horrible feeling of watching Percy fall. Fall and fall.

It was all his fault.

It had always been his fault.

"You promised you would protect her." He had said once.

Why hadn't Nico been there to protect her?

"Go away! I hate you! I wish you were dead!"

Percy couldn't die now. He hadn't meant it.

"They let my sister die! They're here to kill me!"

Percy had never done anything but help him.

"Don't speak her name! You're not even worthy to talk about her!"

Percy was more than worthy.

Oh, what had he done?

"Bianca's soul is worth a thousand of yours!"

Percy was worth just as much. He had to live.

"Don't do me any favors, Percy. I don't want your help!"

Percy had always been there to give it anyway.

"He's not your friend."

He shouldn't be Nico's friend. Percy deserved better.

"It hasn't been easy, you know. Having only the dead for company. Knowing that I'll never be accepted by the living. Only the dead respect me, and they only do that out of fear."

Is that his excuse? He let everyone around you fall and… die, but he was never accepted anyway. Why wasn't he accepted?

It's because of who he is.

A monster.

"I don't belong."

And he never will.

Monsters never can.

He was going to get Percy out of there.

He never could fit in, but maybe he could still save Percy. Not for him, for Percy.

The monster climbed down onto the deck.