Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on in a while. I've been going through some very personal issues. But I've heard your pleas. And I thank you all for all the time you gave to reading my stories and everything.

But I'm posting this note to say this. I read a review from a guest and it was kind of touching almost. It basically talked about how he'd been looking for a fanfic where Naruto was raised by the Yautja forever. And I don't mean learn their techniques and go on where you don't even see a hint of Predator or alien in them. I mean full on raised, like from birth until his death.

That's what I've been doing with this fic so I'll say that for now, I'm back. But my new policy is one fanfiction at a time. Since I'm posting this A/N to Volpe first, I'll complete this fiction first.

But on a secondary note, the fanfic Beyond the Rise is also on Wattpad under my name Fallen Skaar. Look it up, it has more chapters and has a much better beginning than this version. So anyways, I'll get back to updating this story as soon as possible.

Ja ne, Onikai Yoko