Thank you so much Ruby Casablanca for helping me!

Musa was trying her best to sleep but couldn't. Suddenly she heard the main door of the dorm open quickly and many footsteps and murmurs were heard.

The door to Tecna's and her room opened slowly.

"Musa" she heard Flora whisper.

She pretenedeed to be asleep.

"We know you're awake" Layla said.

Musa sighed and sat up on her bed. The girls walked over and sat on the bed as Tecna turned on the bedside lamp.

Everyone was quiet.

"Your dad is still at Red Fountain. Saladin said he could stay there until everything is worked out" Bloom said, breaking the silence. "Riven isn't too happy about it".

"He really wanted to come here and make sure you were ok but the headmasters wouldn't let him cause it's after curfew" Stella continued.

"Yeah he tried calling me but I didn't answer. I really didn't want to talk to anyone" Musa said. " my dad's still here huh".

"Yeah, he's really upset. He's not going to leave until you talk to him" Layla answered.

"Well I'm not going to talk to him. He'll just take me back to Melody" Musa protested.

Layla put her hand on Musa's shoulder. "Musa you can't avoid him forever".

"I can if I try which is exactly what I'm going to do".

"That's ridiculous" Stella said oh-too-quickly as she was just speaking her mind. But everyone knew what Stella said was the truth and Musa needed to hear it.

"Excuse me" Musa replied in an angered tone staring at Stella.

Stella was at a loss for words so Bloom took over. "What Stella is trying to say is avoiding your dad isn't going to solve anything. He's going to keep looking for you until you talk to him so you might as well get it over with and just talk to him".

Musa looked at her friends. "So what your really saying is you guys don't care if I get pulled out of Alfea and can never see you again".

The girls were shocked at what she just said.

"How could you even think that" Tecna responded.

"Musa, you are the best friend we could ever ask for. We don't want you to leave" Layla said in a serious voice. Secretly when she said 'we' she meant 'I'. Musa was her first friend at Alfea and became her best friend. She was closest to Musa and would be heartbroken if she left.

"We just want what's best for you" Flora said.

"Well who says talking to my dad is the best thing to do? " Musa answered.

"Musa you're going to have to talk to him. He's probably going to come here tomorrow to look for you. You knew you would have to face him if you choose to sing" Stella said.

"You guys are the ones who told me I should sing even though you knew what could happen, and now your encouraging me to face the consequences" Musa replied annoyed.

"Well maybe talking to him would be a good thing. You could work things out or make a compromise or something" Bloom said.

"My father does not compromise" Musa answered.

"You never know" Bloom barely got out before Musa started talking again.

"Why are you guys taking his side?" Musa asked angrily.

Layla started to answer. "We're not taking his side, we're just worried about you and-". Musa cut her off. She was tired of arguing with them.

"Look, I'm not talking to him and nobody can make me. My dad doesn't care about what's best for me. He just thinks what happened to my mom will happen to me. It won't though. The point is I love music and I will keep singing and he'll have to live with it. And if you guys aren't happy with my decision then whatever, I guess we're not as close as I thought. Your just going to have to deal with it".

Everyone looked at her speechless.

Musa spoke when she decided no one was going to say anything more. "I'm going to sleep" she lied and turned off her lamp, leaving the room in darkness.

The girls slowly got up to go to their rooms. They figured they should let Musa calm down and try to talk with her again in the morning.

As the silence rung around the room, Musa was thinking about the conversation with her friends. She knew they really did care about her but they just didn't understand how she felt. She wasn't going to talk to her father and her friends would have to live with her decision. Thinking about what had happened that day, the embarrasment her father gave her and her fight with her friends, made her really mad and sad. Musa had to escape and go somewhere to think.

Bloom laid in her bed thinking about what life would be like without Musa. Musa was the girl who was always chill and could make anyone's day better. She always made Bloom feel better on her worse days.

Flora, unable to sleep, also thought about life without Musa. Musa was always there for her. She was fun to be around and always knew what beat to play.

Stella thought about what a great friend Musa was. Sure they butt heads a lot, but Musa always kept Stella on her feet and she was thankful for that.

Tecna knew Musa was awake but also knew she didn't want to talk. There's some things you learn about a person from being their roommate for at least three years. Her and Musa were always so close. Then Layla came and Tecna was pushed aside alittle. Don't get her wrong, she loved Layla, but she was always jealous of her. Layla took her spot as Musa's best friend and they were closer than her and Musa ever were.

Layla couldn't sleep at all. What Musa said kept running through her head. "So what your really saying is you guys don't care if I get pull out of Alfea and can never see you again". Layla cried to herself. Musa was her best friend in the whole world. After Ann left, Layla couldn't let anyone close to her, until Musa. Musa showed her it was ok to be open with people. Musa was always there for her to fall on and Layla was always there for Musa. Life without Musa, no that couldn't happen.

Bloom, Stella, Flora, and Layla had just woken up and were in the common room when Tenca walked in.

"Hey" Bloom said. "Musa still sleeping?"

"I'm not sure. I didn't turn the light on incase she was" Tenca replied.

"I hope she's not still mad at us" Flora said.

"We just have to give her alittle space and try talking with her later" Layla replied.

Knock, knock.

"I'll get it" Layla said. She went to the door and opened it to come face-to-face with Ms. Faragonda and Musa's father.

"Um hello" she said awkwardly.

"Hello Layla. We are looking for Musa" Ms. Faragonda replied.

"I would like to speak with her" Hoeboe added.

It took a few moments for Layla to respond. "I'll get her, hold on". She walked toward the common room, leaving the door open.

"Ms. F and Musa's father are at the door. They want to see Musa" she told the rest of the girls.

All the girls knew Musa would be really upset that her father was at the door but they knew she had to see him. Right?

"Um...I guess wake her up" Bloom said.

Layla nodded and walked to Musa and Tecna's room. She walked to Musa's bed and turned the lamp on.

"Musa, Musa" she whispered trying to wake her up. When she got no response, she decided to pull the covers down.

Musa wasn't there.

Layla gasped. She went into the common room.

"Musa's gone" Layla said in a loud but quiet voice so Musa's father and Ms. Faragonda wouldn't hear her.