Hi ! So here is the new chapter ! I hope you will like it !

Sorry it's been so long... But this chapter is twice as long as the others, if it can make up for it :)

As always , I don't own anything...

Belle's house was quite big. Elsa remembered how empty it had seemed the first time she was here. But today, with people running everywhere, scattered luggage from the early guests, terrified cats hiding between sofa's pillows, diverse screams from the kitchen, it almost seemed small. Belle smiled in front of her slightly terrified look.

"Come, Elsa ! It's about time you meet my dad !"

They entered the kitchen, and it took Elsa a while to understand what was wrong. These people were talking in French ! She turned to Belle in awe who just laughed :

"Yeah, I didn't tell you but my family is originally from France. My grandma moved here when she was pregnant of my dad, so we have a lot of French relatives... I don't speak French very well myself but I thought you'd feel better with French people around !"

"Feel better ?"

"Yeah, you were a bit down today, I've noticed... But I won't ask question don't worry ! Just welcome in my family !" She smiled and guided her to a slightly chubby man with an enormous white mustache. If she had looked back, she would have seen Elsa's open-mouthed expression. Am I that obvious ? Is it the eyebrows ? It's probably the eyebrows. It's always the eyebrows.

"Bonjour Elsa, je suis le père de Belle, enchanté de te rencontrer ! Belle m'a beaucoup parlé de toi !" (Hello Elsa, I'm Belle's father, nice to meet you ! Belle told me a lot about you!)

"Enchanté Monsieur !" (Nice to meet you sir)

"Oh appelle-moi Maurice ! Now Belle, would you two go help Mrs Samovar ? I think she needs help to set the table with all the new guests ! And Belle, I want to hear you speaking French !" (Oh call me Maurice)

Belle nodded with a smile as they went in the dinner room. A chubby woman was trying to set the tabble, disturbed in her task by a little boy running around.

"Zip, arrête de courir partout et viens m'aider !" (Zip, stop running around and come help me!)

She then noticed the two girls at the entrance.

"Oh Belle, here you are ! And this is your friend ?"

"Yeah, her name is Elsa ! She's actually French, she's a student exchange !"

"Enchantée de te rencontrer Elsa ! Tu viens d'arriver à la maison ?" (Nice to meet you Elsa ! Did you just arrived here?)

"Enchantée de même." Elsa smiled. She added, understanding the confusion : " En fait, je suis la correspondante d'Anna, une amie de Belle. Je suis arrivée il y a un peu plus d'une semaine maintenant."(Nice to meet you too. Actually I'm with Anna, a friend of Belle. I arrived a little more than a week ago.) And I'm already questioning my sexuality... Elsa restrained herself from adding.

"Oh yeah, this Anna girl is adorable !" Mrs Samovar went back fluidly to English, mostly for Belle's understanding, and Elsa couldn't agree more to her statement.

"Can we help you ?" Belle asked.

"Well, I would be glad if you would get this little sacripan out of my way ! And Elsa, deary, if you would help me with the table ?"

The girls immediately obliged. Belle was quickly led upstairs by an over-excited Zip. The two remaining French women finished dressing up the table quickly, now that the distraction was gone. Then Elsa stood awkwardly, not really knowing what to do, now that Belle was gone. Mrs Samovar saw her trouble and said graciously :

"Elsa, you would be a real dear if you go talk to Mrs Blanchard ? She broke her leg last week and she would appreciate a bit of company, if you don't mind."

"No, of course not ! Where can I find her ?" Elsa said. She had heard this name before, she just couldn't recall where.

"She's in the garden, next to the roses. You'll find her easily, she will be grumbling about her wheelchair." Mrs Samovar added with a wink, earning a giggle from the blonde girl.

She realised why she knew the name when she saw Mrs Blanchard. It was the old woman who gave her chocolate in the France-USA flight. When she saw Elsa, the woman's face lit up.

"Oh I know you, my dear, don't I ?"

"Yes, we met in the plane, a few days ago. Nice to see you again !"

"The pleasure is all mine, sweetheart. Would you recall me your name ? I'm afraid I'm getting old..."

"It's Elsa."

"Elsa... It's a pretty name ! What have you been up to since the last time I saw you ?"

"Well, I'm a student exchange here. I'm staying at Anna's house, a friend of Belle."

"Oh, and how are you adjusting to the American life ?"

"Well, people are very nice !"

"I could never get use to their food !" The old woman said in a grumble. "And everything here is huge ! Houses, cars, roads, glasses... Everything !"

"Maybe it's because their country is so big ?" Elsa offered timidly. Mrs Blanchard smiled to her. A comfortable silence sat between the two women, before the elderly looked maliciously to the blonde girl next to her.

"Back to you, young woman. Has a young and handsome American caught your breath away ?"

Elsa laughed awkwardly before stuttering a "No".

"Come on young lady, I've got 12 grand children, and eight of them are girls. I know how to recognise a girl with love on her mind !" Elsa was going to deny, but the elderly cut her. "You're maybe not in love but you have a crush, a secret crush, and as you will notice, I love secrets ! Come on, give an old lady what she needs before her death !" She winked, but her look was as stubborn as it was gentle.

"You're not that old !" Elsa answered, trying to change the subject.

"Tttt, none of this ! Your secret is safe with me ! Does this boy know you like him ?"

Elsa almost snorted. No boys in view, unfortunately. The elderly studied her.

"So he doesn't know, does he ?"

Elsa was going to snort again but she remember that neither Anna, or anyone knew. She felt suddenly a chap of loneliness fall on her shoulders. Nobody knows. I'm alone. She could almost feel her eyes filling themselves with water. The older woman tilted her head on the right side, emitting a "tt-t" noise.

"Darling , I can feel your need to talk about this resonating through my old bones like an alarm in a college dorm ! Tell me, I promise I'll help you with it, alright ?"

Elsa hesitated, opening and closing her mouth for a solid minute before finally making up her mind. She had nothing to risk, did she ? And after all, she was the one begging for someone to help her not so long ago...

"Let's say, there is a person – it could be anyone, really – and I might have feelings for them... But they don't know ! And they probably don't feel the same... And let's say I'm not even sure I have feelings for them... What do I do ?"

"Seems to me that your feelings are pretty obvious, but tell me about that person a bit more... What do they like ? What do you like about them ?"

"Well, that person is beautiful, funny, adorable... They do these amazing painting full like color, just like herself, you know ? And they have these big teal eyes and these adorable freckles... And..."

Elsa just kept going, not even noticing how much she was talking, or even that she was starting to use female pronouns. The elderly sat back on her wheelchair, finally content with what she was hearing. God, this was so much more entertaining than she had thought ! When the blonde girl finally finished her rant, she noticed Mrs Blanchard's big grin.

"So you love that girl, uh ?"

She knows ! The fear made Elsa's heart jump in her chest so fast she thought she was going to collapse.

"A girl ?! No – no, not a girl !"

"Sweetie, there are two things I'm absolutely certain here : one, someone who arrives to the point of describing somebody's freckles one by one is definitely in love and two, boys rarely get named "she"."

Elsa' shoulders lowered in defeat and the elderly looked at her with compassion. Her tone changed to a more gentle one : "Now I don't care who you're in love with, young lady, but I love love stories that end well. You need to accept that you are in love, it's the first, and maybe the most important step, alright ? A boy, a girl, it doesn't matter ! Love is always complex and ridiculously hard. So from now on, know what you truly feel and go on with that !"

"But how do I go on ? I don't know what to do next ?" The blonde's voice was barely a whisper, and she was clutching her hands nervously.

"Well, what about flirting ?"

"Flirting ?" Elsa's heart missed a beat. Flirting ?

"Yes, flirting. Courting. Dallying. Wooing." It was starting to be painfully obvious for Elsa that the elderly was mocking her.

"I know what it means !" The blonde cut her. "I just – I mean I'm not – I don't know how..."

"You have to get out of your comfort zone, sweetheart. If you don't, how can this girl know you love her ? You don't need to tell her yet but make her understand that she's important to you. Compliment her, offer her presents, make her feel good, listen to her, be thoughtful, ask her for a dance... there are so many things you can do ! Trust me ! Love court can be really fun !"

Elsa stared at Mrs Blanchard, clearly unconvinced.

"Ask her for a dance ?"

"I might be a bit out of it with your generation." The elderly admitted with a grin. "But the idea still stands. It's about time you act on your feelings !"

The light-haired girl was going to answer back, probably to deny, but Belle arrived at this moment.

"It's time for dinner ! Anna's mother called, she said she'll pick you up after dinner."

During dinner, Elsa was surprised to see Gaston at the table. Belle saw her incredulity and explained : "He's some cousin by alliance, but pretty far from me. Lefou, his friend, is also partly French. Don't talk to them and you'll be fine. They're trolls but they're not dangerous."

"I have already talked to Gaston once. I think he was trying to flirt."

Belle laughed openly.

"Yeah, I'm sure he thought he was being super sexy !"

They exchanged a smile, but when the blonde turned her eyes to Gaston again, she saw that he had noticed her too. He was now winking at her and sending her flirty looks. She let a small sigh. Hopefully I'll be better at flirting than Gaston is.This thought stopped her right on her tracks. So I'm really going to do this whole flirting thing, am I not ? This woman was right, it's about time I admit myself the truth. I'm in love with a girl. A fantastic girl named Anna. And now I have to try to win her over. I just have no idea how...

When Jen arrived to take her home, Elsa felt a little pinch to her heart. In the short time she was with these people, she had felt home. Coming back to Anna's house meant to think seriously about what she had been through tonight, and to finally act. She was feeling a bit nauseous just at the idea. Maurice invited her to come "as often as she wanted", and before she got in the car she heard Mrs Blanchard screaming from the kitchen : "N'oublie pas ce que je t'ai dit, petiote ! Et tu as intérêt à venir me raconter tout après !" ("Don't forget what I told you, kiddo ! And you better come tell me everything about it later !"). Jen looked at her with a perplex face in front of Elsa's blush, before giving up as the blonde was stubbornly mute.

Anna felt guilty. She had let Elsa at Belle's house on her own, without even warning her. Sure, Belle was there, but she should have been there too. Arf, I'm such a bad friend. She took a look at the clock : 23:00. Elsa should be there soon. She rolled on her bed, unsure of what to do.

That girl really is something... In a bit less than two weeks, she had learned more about the platinum-haired girl than she had learned about some of her friends in her entire life. Elsa had nightmares, anxiety, and probably some serious family issues. She also was one of the most adorable human being Anna had ever met. And, oh God, is she gorgeous ! When Anna came to think about it, they were completely opposed : she was loud, cheery and obnoxious whereas Elsa was collected, polite and reserved. And yet they were friends ! Anna felt a bit self-conscious : what if she was pushing Elsa ? What if Elsa didn't actually like her ? What if... ?

Anna hated these moments where her mind was running free, distorting her own life into some big lie. She was paranoid, and, oh so unworthy of anything. She was looking for someone to tell her she was valued but no nobody seemed to see through her cheerful barer. In that way, maybe, she understood Elsa and her obvious insecurities. She just needed someone to hold onto. Or more like someone she could hold, and won't disappear into dust when she would start to get attached. A friendship, or more like a relationship. The concept of love was never something she could quite put her finger on. Her parents were in love, right, Rapunzel and Eugene were in love, she got that so far. But for herself ? She didn't know. But one thing she had learn was that other people were not medicine, and one of these days she would have to face this whole thing by herself. A part of her, still, wanted to believe that she would be swept off her feet one day, and every problem would magically disappear.

The door swinging downstairs woke her up from that dangerous trail of thoughts. Elsa was back ! She stood up, took a look at the mirror and put up her smile. She then headed downstairs.

When she arrived at the door, Hans was already by Elsa's side, asking her how things went, taking her coat off, basically being the gentleman of the situation. That reminded her she would have to tell the blonde about Hans 'bad reputation. She sighed, before she saw Elsa's eyes. They were gleaming with something different, that she couldn't really name. The French girl opened her mouth as of to say something, before closing it again and repeating the action. She obviously wanted to say something. Elsa finally managed to articulate a sentence :

"You look lovely."

Anna blushed violently, un-understanding. She was just wearing her pajamas. Hans looked like he was going to murder his sister. Elsa was looking at anywhere but the redhead and Jen was completely lost. What is going on in this house, I don't even know ! Oh teenagers ! Markus was right, this is way too much work for me... She sighed and wished them good bye, to join her bedroom.

The three remaining looked at each others in silence before Anna suggested that Elsa might want to take a shower, followed by the expected rambling : "Not that you smell bad of course ! You smell amazing ! I mean, I didn't sniff you or anything -uh..." Elsa simply smiled and followed her upstairs. She had had enough of emotions for one day.

Anna was quietly reading a book, waiting for Elsa to come out of the shower, when a loud shriek almost made her fall out of her bed. She immediately ran to the bathroom door.

"Elsa, is everything okay ? Did you fall ?"

But all she could manage to hear were muffled tears and little shrieks.

"Elsa ? Elsa ! Open the door ! Tell me what's wrong !'

"No-nothing ! Everything's fine !"

"Well, you're obviously lying, I can hear your voice shaking."

Only a silence responded.

"Elsa ?"

"Do you think if I spray it with water, it'd go away ?"

"What ? What are you talking about ?"

"There is an enormous spider right here, in front of me. Do you think water will kill it ?"

Anna snorted. So that was what it was all about ? She was so relieved.

"Come on Elsa ! It's just a spider, leave it alone... It won't bite you I promise !"

"Yeah, well, it doesn't seem too friendly to me. It's really big ! And black too !"

"Promise me you won't try to kill it ! It has done nothing wrong but killing mosquitos ! That's a good thing right ?"

Once again, Elsa didn't answer.

"Elsa ? Promise me okay ?"


Anna turned around to go back to her book, finally relieved. But before she could put herself in a comfortable position, she heard another shriek, this time followed by a loud bang. She went back to the bathroom door immediately.

"Elsa ? Elsa ! Answer me ! Elsa ?"

She waited a few seconds but the blonde was still not answering her. She took a large breath, and knocked the door violently with her shoulder. The thing wasn't really solid anyway.

Elsa was lying on the shower floor, and the shower curtain had somehow fallen on her. She looked groggy but still somehow succeed to point a wary finger to the other side of the bathroom, where an enormous spider seemed almost hesitant on what to do. It was wiggling its arms, water droplets slowly gliding on the wall next to it. Okay, Anna had to admit it, this was a big ass spider. However...

"Elsa, didn't I told you not to try to kill it ?" The redhead sighed, before trying to catch the spider in her bare hands. The audible breath intake behind her distracted her, and the spider managed to escape on the left, closer to Elsa who shrieked again and gripped the shower curtain even tighter. After a few more failed attempts, Anna finally got a hold on it and opened the window to release it. She then turned to Elsa with a smile :

"See, that wasn't that hard !"

It was only at this moment that the redhead realised the current situation. She was in the bathroom. Where Elsa was taking a shower. Naked. Elsa was taking a shower naked. Of course. Anna blushed like mad, trying to prevent her eyes from roaming on the French girl form, but to no avail. Elsa's body was mostly hidden by the shower curtain, but as most curtain shower, specially wet ones, it was mostly transparent, just making things more blurry, and more importantly was clinging on Elsa's body. The redhead followed the undercovered legs to the soft curve of Elsa's butt, then the inviting snow-white back and finally ended on the French girl's face. Who seemed to realised only now that she was naked. Elsa averted her eyes, redying more and more as the silent was getting longer. Anna shook her head, seemingly getting a better hold on her body.

"Well, I'm gonna go now, since there is no -no spider anymore. Uh – have a nice – a nice shower !" And with those words she left hurriedly.

She had seen Elsa naked. She had seen Elsa naked. She covered her face with a pillow. She had seen Elsa naked. The shame was so strong she couldn't think properly. She stayed in that position even when Elsa got out of the bathroom and went to bed. She was mortified. Simply mortified.
Elsa let some time pass after she turned off the lights, then decided to talk before Anna somehow manage to suffocate herself with that pillow.

"It's okay Anna, don't worry."


"No really, Anna, it's okay. You can take that pillow off your face."

The redhead slowly obeyed.

"Don't work yourself over this okay ?"

Silence still on the other side of the bedroom.

"Plus you did save me from that awful spider, didn't you ?"

When Elsa heard an inelegant snort, she knew she had won.

"Good night, Anna."

"Good night Elsa."

Elsa waited for Anna to fall asleep to take her computer and go hide in the bathroom. She had something to do, and it was about time she took care of it. She sighed. She really hoped Merida was on her sleepless game nights again. Luckily for her, when she connected to skype, a green button welcomed her next to her friend's name.

"Hey, watcha doing French girl ? Ain't you supposed to be in bed in America ? You being rebellious ? I already loving it !"

The joyful tone of her best friend immediately relieved Elsa. She smile happily before remembering why she was calling.

"Hey Meri ! Don't shout please, Anna's sleeping..."

"Wow, you're hiding from her ? Is she hurting you or something ? You know I'm a good shot with a bow ! Where is America ? This way ? Bet I can reach it from here !" The tone was playful, but Elsa had no doubt that if anything were to happen, Merida would be the first to come to rescue her.

"No, no..." She laughed. "No, she's not the problem here..."

Merida's face became serious instantly.

"Nightmares ?"

"No – I mean – I've had them but Anna has been helpful with that, actually."

"Oh, okay. Cool, I'm glad. Then what then ?"

And here it was. The million dollars question.

"I – have something to tell you."

Merida simply smiled. She knew better than to push Elsa.

"I came to the recent conclusion that... I mean, it's still in discussion... No that's not true, I'm pretty sure of it. I think I'm in love with someone."

"Oh and who ?"


Elsa closed her eyes, as if she hopped it could make the things better. But when Merida kept silent, she opened them again, to see Merida grinning wildly.

"Oh I'm finally gonna be able to mock you being all mushy-mushy with someone ! Merlin knows how long I've been waiting for this !"

Elsa stared at her bewildered.

"So, tell me more about Anna !"

And that was it. Elsa started crying. Of joy. Of relief. She wasn't really sure. Probably both.

"Hey there girl ! I wish I could be next to you to hug you !" Merida said gently.

Elsa dried her tears with her hand and laughed :

"Well, knowing your hugs, I'm probably better on this side of the ocean !"

"Oy ! That's mean ! And you didn't answer, how's that Anna girl ?"

"So you don't care that I like a girl ?"

"Why would I ? Like I said, I'm just happy. Happy to see my best friend being in love ! Love is all that matter, right ?"

They talked for about an hour. Or more Elsa talked for about an hour. Finally able to talk freely. She talked about all that had happened, including her exchange with Mrs Blanchard.

"Flirting, oy ? Can't help you with that, I'm not really a specialist..."

"I don't know what to do either..."

They stayed silent for a while, pensively starring in the blue. But suddenly, Merida raised her head excitedly :

"Hey didn't you say that Hans boy was flirting with you, right ? He's pretty good at flirting, isn't he ?"

"Yeah, he is. But I can't really asked him for advises on how to woo his sister !"

"You don't have to ! Just do as he does ! It'll work, I'm sure of it !"

Elsa looked at her, unconvinced. Well, this is probably the best idea we've had so far...

"Okay. I'll give it a try. But I can't promise anything."

So what do you think ?

Normally, all the dialogue between Elsa and Mrs Samovar or Mrs Blanchard are in French, but I got lazy -_-'

Next chapter, Elsa is going to try to flirt... So I think it's gonna be pure fluff :)

Also I'm not quite satisfied of how I treated the whole Hans story so I might work that more...