"Kaito you have some visitors…" The nurse called out. He was in his masters spared bedroom. "This is so embarrassing for someone like me!" Kaito murmured. He thought of acting like he is sleeping. He cant avoid the situation anymore.

"Kaito you maniac" The doctor permitted visitors just two days after the incident. Len was angry because everyone knew the secret except him. "How dare you leave me under Luka's care! She wants to dress me up like Rin"

They found out hat Rin was related to Kaito and Luka and she was there long lost sister. "How is she?" Kaito said out loud.

"Rin you ask? She is still living in that forest but comes every morning for breakfast." Len sat next to Kaito and gave him ice cream. "The doctor said your throat is fine and you can eat this."

"Thanks… Sorry for the out burst. I didn't intend to hide it from you from the beginning it just turned out that way" Kaito licked the ice cream. "This is good!"

"I made it especially for you" Len said. "Now spill!"

" Spill what? The ice cream? no way! " Kaito made an invisible shield around the ice cream.

"Not the ice cream you doof! The trauma! Everything you are hiding from me!"

"Fine… but some conditions should be added!" Kaito smirked playfully.

"Should I make you my dinner Kaito?" Len growled. That idiot is seriously annoying.

"You could but you can never find the things you want from me would you?" Kaito finshed his ice cream. "First I want is unlimited amount of ice cream!"

" Fine but 20 ice cream buckets per day. What else?" Len was rich enough to get Kaito icecream. But the amount he can consume is infinity. That guy eats ice cream for breakfast.

"I want you to be obedient and at least listen to what I have to say from now on"

"You don't understand what it is like to be 14! Puberty is never friendly with you… But I guess I will listen… though I don't know if I can obey"

"Final request. Can we have a sleep over?"Kaito stared with his puppy dog eyes.

Len twitched at the word sleep over. "Why?" He slowly asked. The last time he had a sleep over was with oliver. Len will never forget the day he humiliated him. Oliver drew mustaches and bunch of other stuff on his face and posted on the internet.

"I might draw stuff on your face. But I wont embarrass you to the whole world! If I did your mom is going to shoot me on the head" Kaito said in a weak smile.

"Fine. Tomorrow night we will have the sleep over. You have to tell me everything tommorow"

"How about going to Rins place for a sleep over? We have really comfortable but never used tents in the storage?" Luka asked entering the room. "Sorry for eaves dropping but I thought we'd show Rin plus Len real camping!"

"Hey I was a scout! I also lived with Rin for a few days"

"Doesn't count in my book. Lets go camping Kaito!" Luka said showing puppy dog eyes like how Kaito does but this time adding some feminine charm to it.


Sorry for the really short chapter. But I'm very busy.I have work to do and I get bored of them and try to avoid them. I cant run away anymore! Due dates within a weeks time! HELP MEE! T.T Thank you for the people who even cared to review this story. Im going to update sleepover within two weeks!