Chapter 9

I opened my eyes and was instantly hit with a blinding light. I squinted and managed to make out a figure hovering over me. As my vision came into focus, I realized that the figure was my father who had a relieved smile on his face. I was slightly shocked to see tears shimmering in his eyes.

"My son, you have returned!" My father exclaimed, hugging me. Then he pulled back and looked at me sternly. "Promise me you won't do this again, Michelangelo. I almost had a heart attack."

"Okay, I promise." I managed to croak out; my voice hoarse from lack of use.

Suddenly, there was a yell from outside the med lab. "MIKEY!"

I looked up just in time to see my brothers rushing in, eyes wide with joy and excitement before all of them wrapped me in a hug. I felt a rush of warmth in my heart; it was nice to feel wanted by my family, but I found it a little hard to breathe as his brothers were hugging him so tightly it felt like they were squeezing his lungs. Fortunately, my brothers seemed to realize this a moment later and immediately released him, albeit a little reluctantly.

"Mikey, do you feel any pain? If you're in pain, tell me immediately; I have some painkillers that will help." Donnie said in full doctor mode.

"It's okay, Donnie, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired and hungry." I reassured him.

Donnie eyed me skeptically for a moment, before nodding and stepping back.

"MIKEY! Don't EVER do something like that again!" Raph yelled, "If you do, I…I will pound the green off you!" He sighed, then continued in a more subdued tone. "You really scared me, little brother. I don't want to see you hurting yourself again."

"Don't worry, Raphie, I give you my word of honor that I won't do this again." I said solemnly.

"Good." Raph growled. "And don't call me Raphie."

"Okay…Raphie." I grinned cheekily at my brother, who flashed me a mock glare in response.

"Mikey." Leo said quietly, drawing my attention to him. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those stupid words; I didn't mean them! What kind of brother am I to say those kinds of things to you? I love you, Mikey, you're the best little brother in the world. I'd understand if you never want to speak to me again; I don't deserve your forgiveness."

It was heart-breaking for me to hear the loathing Leo felt for himself. I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around him. "It's okay, Leo, I forgive you. I love you too, big brother. I just thought that you guys didn't need me anymore, but I was wrong. We are a family, and we need each other. I'm sorry that I was selfish and only thought of myself."

"No, Mikey, you have nothing to apologize for. But how can you forgive us so easily? We hurt you, made you run away and nearly made you kill yourself. How can you still love us?" Leo asked in confusion.

"A kind person helped me to see the light and made me realize the pain and sadness I was causing all of you while I was in the coma."

"Who helped you?" My father asked.

"Mother." I answered.

"Mother?" My brothers echoed.

"Yes, Mother. She's our guardian angel and has long black hair, smells like lavender and wears a kimono that has blue, red, purple and orange colors splashed across it." I said, catching sight of my father looking at me in surprise and wonder.

My father cleared his throat. "My sons, it has been a long and tiring day for all of us and we should all get some rest, especially you, Michelangelo."

Leo pushed me gently back into bed and tucked me in. I watched as my brothers stood up and turned to leave.

"Hey, uh, guys? C-can you stay? I don't want to be alone." I mumbled, feeling embarrassed.

My brothers' faces lit up. "Of course, Mikey!" They exclaimed in unison.

Donnie pulled another bed beside mine and we all huddled together. Even though there wasn't a lot of space to move and I felt a bit squashed, especially with Raph's elbow digging uncomfortably into my side, I felt safe and secure. I felt happy to have a family who cared about me.

-(Page Break)-

Master Splinter entered the dojo and walked up to the mantel, where there was a picture of a man, woman and baby girl. He smiled at the picture and said, "Thank you, my love, for bringing back our son."

As Master Splinter kneeled down on his mat for his daily meditation, he could have sworn he heard a sweet voice whisper, 'You are welcome, my Yoshi-boo.' .
