Don't own Bleach.

The Seireitei was quiet at night. The usual hustle and bustle of various squad members rushing around through the streets and around corners were scarce. This made it all the more easier for Utsumi Kaito to sneak out. He got shihakusho on attached his Zanpakuto to his back and with one last look at his squad's barracks, he left it behind as he walked out the door as to not riski elevating his Reiatsu with shunpo. He walked quietly and swiftly to make his way to the portal where he is able to get to the world of the living. His senses were in overdrive and it only hindered his ability to sense other Reiatsu approaching, He was climbing the stairs when he sensed a high Reiatsu approaching, he knew who it was, he just didn't want for it to be him.

Captain Kyoraku shunpoed his way to where he could sense him, I was starting to like him as well. Kyoraku and Utsumi were similar in many ways they didn't enjoy the act of fighting as such, they would do it if they had to and they felt it was justified, but prefered to be able to reason with people. He caught up with his third seat. as his subordinate was climbing the stairs to the portal to the world of the living. Kyoraku stopped in front of him, his haori flowing in the breeze. "Utsumi, you know there is no going back after you leave, right? If you are planning to do what I think you are doing, it's treason? It may not have ended the way we would like but, what will running away do to fix that?" He asks

Utsumi Kaito froze. I knew I couldn't fool the Captain. He's to smart for that. "Captain, I can't stay here. You know why I can't. Right and wrong are absolutes and that decision was wrong. How could they do this, they were victims surely Head Captain Yammamoto isn't so old that he can't see that?" he asks a thought just occurred to him.

Kyoraku smirked, this was why liked this guy, he wasn't afraid to make the odd off hand comment, "I understand, you've put me in a tricky position. I can't just let you go. However, if I were to simply return to the barracks, I was none the wiser. Just don't make it any worse. I'll ask Jushiro to assist me in looking into anything to help." he said as he turned to leave.

Utsumi Kaito checked to make sure he still had his Zanpakuto and took one last look at the Seireitei, where he had been the third seat of squad 8. He had worked his ass off to get to where he is. He obtained Shikai early on, he has worked on obtaining Bankai. He stood looking out over the Seireitei wandering if his squad will miss him, will they to protect him when, inevitably, he will be branded as a traitor along with the victims of Aizen's experiments and the ones who found out about it. It's sickening to Utsumi, how the laws of the Soul Society have deemed Urahara the others traitors, whilst the monsters who carried out those experiments continue to swan around like they have done nothing wrong. With one last look at the Seireitei, he closes his cerulean blue eyes and heaves out a sigh. His opens his eyes and heads through the portal determined to one day return and put the wrongs made here right.

Once he reached the world of the living he found a tree and opted to take a nap. It was night-time in whatever town he found himself in. He was completely drained, hiding his Reiatsu to avoid detection in the Soul Society was one of the most trying and nerve fraying thing he had done in a long while He jumped up to the highest branch he could find that was long enough for his five foot eleven, wiry frame. He propped himself up on the thick trunk and checked zanpakuto was still on his back. He gripped the purple hilt and pulled it and tied the katana to his belt. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He was on a small island surrounded by crystal clear oceans as far as the eye could see. The sea breeze was refreshing on Utsumi's skin, the breeze was soft blowing through his wavy golden brown hair. He closed his eyes and took it all felt strong Reiatsu approach him, he opened his eyes and reached for his Zanpakuto on his back only to find it not there. Instead the woman coming out of the ocean clad in all black with ebony colored hair spiked in all direction coming to a to a long fringe with face completely void of emotion. She had a blue aura surrounding her. In her left hand was a katana with a purple hilt and a round guard. It was his Zanpakuto.

The woman started speak in a voice as cold as her expression "Kaito, you failed to give justice to the exiles. That was the promise we made when I gave you my name."

Utsumi flinched. He knew he failed he doesn't need to be told that. He scowled, "You think I don't know that?!" He exclaimed "What would you have me do exactly? Take on the Gotei 13 in its entirety? That's suicide." He exclaimed falling back into the sand.

The woman, undeterred by Utsumi's reaction, strode toward the man, "Yes that is exactly what you should have done. You should have trusted in me to protect you. It would have been just and right to fight the ones who caused innocents to have the lives ruined for such a perverted experiment." she said her cold demeanor never faltering.

Atsumi couldn't believe his ears, she wanted him to take on all the power that the Seireitei has and win? Is she that confident in her abilities or is she blinded by her own arrogance? "That's insane! We would die, then what? Injustice still wins and we are dead." Atsumi retorted.

The woman smirks before responding, "You're forgetting one thing, that is justice will always win as long as there are people like you to fight for it. If no one fights for justice, then how do you suppose it's distributed? It isn't. The corrupt will always win and the weak will always lose. That is why you are needed to fight the Seireitei on their decision to support the corrupt. If your reasons are just and your belief in the fact that you are right never wavers, then you would win. That is why you failed." she said before turning around and heading back to the water.

Utsumi shouted out,"Seigi no Torento, I promise I will not fail again." he said to her retreating.

Seigi no Torento turned slightly and smirked, "Be sure you don't."