I have never written a fanfic before, so I'm kind of just flailing around in the dark here. But basically, I started Lost Girl and thanks to Netflix, I finished the first three seasons in like a week (because I have no life) and I have a lot of muse and I love Denzi so much I decided to write something before I start season four and have my feelings shredded or something.

Either way, this is all kind of AU and it takes place after Kenzi gets rescued from the Kitsune's den. Just let me know what y'all think, if anyone reads this.

Disclaimer: I don't own Lost Girl, or the brilliant, beautiful characters that belong in that world.

Rating: I'm gonna go with M to be safe, but it's probably really only T.

"Please - Please, don't!"

It's the sound of her voice that causes something in him to stir, dragging him from his sleep. And, just briefly, he wonders what she's doing in his home. But then he realizes she's pleading with someone, and all instincts kick in - the wolf can smell her, and it pulls him towards her. She's not actually inside his apartment, like he assumed she was. No, she's outside the door and there's someone standing over her, and a desire to protect her blazes inside him.

So, he does, letting the wolf take over. All too quickly, the threat is gone and she's safe. Kenzi is safe. But she hasn't stopped crying. Instead, she's crying more. At least she's no longer huddled on the ground, though. He opens his arms, intending to hug her, but something changes. It's like the world is shifting the wrong way, just for a moment, and then she's different and has sharp teeth and he doesn't know what to do. But the wolf does, and it makes him react, pulling the trigger and watching her die for the second time.

When Dyson wakes up his heart is pounding in his ears, and he has to shake his head to make sure he's awake for real this time. And even though he knows he was dreaming, he still glances around and listens for her, only coming up with silence and an empty apartment.

It had barely been a week since she'd been rescued from the kitsune, Inari - or as Kenzi liked to think of her, the fox-y psychopath with bad acting skills - and even though she knew it would take time get over what had happened, Kenzi still felt anxious and wanted things to speed up. Honestly, everyone was acting slightly different, like maybe she'd killed a cat and used it's blood to mix cocktails to celebrate, and she was seriously over it. Over that, and the new nightmares. She was used to the old ones, but the new ones were just ridiculous. Inari hadn't scared her. The prospect of being alone and wondering if her friends weren't ever going to find out that the person parading around in her body wasn't her kind of had, but she'd still clung to a small faith that Dyson - and, y'know, Bo, too - would find her. And they had. So why did she still wake up crying and feeling like she was still far away from her friends?

"I'm going to the Dál," Kenzi announced, jumping over the last two steps, despite the height of the thin heels on her brand new black, lace up boots. "And she sticks the landing!" She smiled, throwing her hands up in the air and tossing her head back, posing like a gymnist or a famous trapeze artist in a circus.

"Very impressive, Kenz, especially in those shoes." Bo said, glancing up from her spot on the couch. "New ones?"

"Yes. Now come on, BoBo, I need to get my dance on so I can break these puppies in." She'd already grabbed her jacket and begun to put it on when she noticed the look on her best friend's face. "What? You're not coming?"

"I'm sorry, I promised Lauren-" Bo began, but she waved her off. "Say no more, you and Dr. Hotpants can have your fun." And I'll have mine.

The walk to the Dál didn't take all that long, but by the time Kenzi'd made it inside the pub, she was shivering and very seriously rethinking her beautiful boots, because as cute as they were, they weren't meant for slippery surfaces. But nobody, hopefully, had seen her fall on the wet concrete, so she was good.

"Sup, Trickster?" She asked, sliding onto a bar stool and laying her arms on the counter.

"I've got a group of Gorgons in the back driving me insane. Are you here for drinks? Ah, of course you are." He answered his own question, pulling a few bottles from underneath the bar along with a shot glass. "Help yourself, Kenzi, but please - stay in that side if the bar. I'm too busy tonight." He gave her a knowing look before leaving her alone, not even giving her the chance to protest.

She didn't want to be alone. But she poured herself a shot of liquor anyways. Wait, Gorgons? If she wasn't mistaken, it had been Gorgon blood in the ale due to that crazy guy that had made everyone switch bodies. Suddenly, she didn't want anything else to drink. Being in her own body was a lot better than being in anyone else's body, even Dyson's. Even though she had a lot of bad memories and feelings, the way she had felt inside of him was almost worse in a way. So empty, but hurt and complicated at the same time.

She'd gotten his love back, though, so he wouldn't have felt that way anymore, right? She needed to know. Right now. Taking one more shot for the road, Gorgons be damned, Kenzi slipped off her seat and sauntered towards the door, quite literally running into Hale as he entered the bar. "Woah, lil' mama, where's the fire?"

"I have to talk to Dyson. Is he with you?" She tried to peer around him, but the damn Siren was just too tall. Kenzi didn't really even give him a chance to answer, impatiently crossing her arms. "Do you know where he is?"

"Nah. I guess he's at home." He shrugged, stepping aside to let her go. He knew she was still mad at him, and she knew he knew, so what was the point in pretending?

She stood there for a minute before muttering a 'thanks' and making her exit.