Kai sat in his parlor around a roaring fire and poured a generous amount of whiskey into his coffee. Just as he was about to take a drink he heard someone at his door. "Come in."

Gerda sighed and then smiled at the butler. "A little early to hit the booze don't you think?"

"Just trying to avoid a headache, my dear," he huffed, and then he took a rather long swallow. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"No, I'm just a little stunned by what Queen Elsa revealed to us."

Kai grinned. "I know. Can you imagine it?"

"That's the thing, my friend, up until a few hours ago, I couldn't."

The butler indicated a chair and Gerda sat down. "You sound almost worried instead of just being surprised."

"Worried? I suppose I am. She is—I mean, Queen Elsa—is just so vulnerable." Gerda knew she could trust Kai with anything she said about the Queen. The man was discreet, and a trusted friend.

"Are you concerned for her well-being—her safety?" Kai pointed to the coffee decanter and Gerda nodded. He poured a cup and set it on a table next to her.

"She's sneaking outside the castle, at night" Gerda raised her eyebrows and then looked at the bottle of whiskey.

Kai followed her gaze. "Want some?"

Gerda smirked and lifted her cup. "Yes, please." After the butler poured the liquor she sat back in her seat. "Do you think we ought to have a few guards follow her?"

"I don't think she'd appreciate it. Her Majesty doesn't want anyone else to know, remember?"

"Do you think she really meant it? Perhaps the Queen is not making the best of decisions. She has no prior experience in this."

Kai shook his head. "Do you know what? The Queen is better off without our interference."

"But I'm her personal Secretary, Kai. I have to know that what she does is safe because I'm the one who is ultimately responsible for her."

"She'll be fine." The butler poured himself another cup and added more whiskey.

Gerda took a long drink. "We have to do something, Kai. She could get hurt out there. What do you think will happen when her disguise is shattered? Not to mention, but what if this young woman that she is infatuated with means her harm?"

Kai nodded and offered Gerda a peculiar look. "Maybe she needs this experience?" When Gerda started to protest he waved his hand around him. "No, think about it, Gerda. Queen Elsa has been much too sheltered all her life, don't you think? You and I have spent more than twenty years seeing to her every need—making sure she wanted for nothing." He downed his cup. "Don't you think this experience will be good for her?"

The secretary shook her head. "I'm not following you, Kai."

"I think the Queen will benefit immensely from being in the real world—see how the average person lives and works. It could be good for her, you know, to get a few cuts and bruises."

Gerda smiled and looked down at the cup in her hands. "Cuts and bruises, you say?"

"Yes, so to speak." The man laughed at the look Gerda was giving him. "She'll be okay, Gerda. Trust me."

"What is this about her Majesty in the 'real world'?"

Both Gerda and Kai turned to see Harald Halfdansson watching them from the parlor entrance. They immediately rose from their chairs and made their way over to the burly man.

Halfdansson was the most powerful of Arendelle's nobles, and controlled one of its biggest duchies, although he refused to be called a duke, and took the title 'Chieftain' instead. He was tall, well over six and a half feet, and was rugged—a build more suitable for a logger than a member of the aristocracy, and his wit was keen and his mind astute.

He now looked upon the servants with an acute interest, as he always took matters involving her Majesty with grave seriousness. "Well, speak up. What did you mean by the 'real world'?"

Kai bowed. "My Lord, we were just making idle conversation. Please do not think—"

Halfdansson slowly walked into the parlor, his sheathed sword clanging slightly against his leg. "'Please do not think?' That's quite a statement for a retainer to make to a Lord, don't you think?"

Kai stiffened, overcome with both fear and anger, but held it in check. "A thousand pardons, my Lord."

"Never mind the apology, my good man. But I do need to know what you and her Majesty's secretary were talking about?"

Gerda sighed and then curtsied to the Chieftain. "We were discussing Her Majesty's social life—or lack thereof, my Lord."

"I see." Harald turned away from the servants in the pretense of straightening out his uniform. "And of what concern is it of yours?" He flicked away some imaginary dust off his lapel. "Speak up, woman."

"My most sincere apologies, my Lord. It is not my place to discuss anything about Her Majesty with others."

Halfdansson turned around and then stepped up to Gerda. "Not with others, woman. I would expect you to report anything amiss in the Kingdom to me. But to whom can you not discuss Her Majesty with?"

"With other servants, my Lord."

The Chieftain smirked slightly and then made his way towards the door. "See that it never happens again. And should it ever then perhaps a—change in your duties is required. Good-day." He left with a flourish.

Kai and Gerda remained rooted to the spot for a few minutes after the man left, and then looked at each other when they were certain he was far away.

Kai let out a deep breath. "We were foolish, Gerda. Speaking openly about her Majesty with my parlor door wide open!"

"What? You don't think we were doing anything wrong, do you?"

Kai closed the door and then locked it. "No, but we mustn't ever do this again so explicitly. Who knows, maybe the walls themselves have ears."

"I can guarantee you one thing, Kai, that man does not have Elsa's best interest at heart. He's only mindful of the Kingdom—and not its Queen." Gerda sat back down in her chair and took a drink of her coffee to soothe her nerves. "That was—that was humiliating."

"Then you let him achieve exactly what he wanted to, my dear. He wanted to 'put us in our place,' don't you think?"

"I'd like to tell him exactly what I think of him—"

Kai took his place opposite her. "No, please don't say that so loudly, someone might hear."

Gerda slammed her empty cup on the table. "I don't care, Kai." She took a deep breath and handed her cup to Kai, who filled it with whiskey only. "I'm sorry. I just happen to believe we are closer to Elsa… and that she cares about us."

Kai nodded. "Yes, she does, despite what that arse would have us believe." He downed a rather large swallow of whiskey. "I've got to get back to duty—are you sure you're going to be alright?"

"Yes, I think I'll go for a walk. You know, to clear my head."

"Promise me you'll stay away from Lord Halfdansson."

"I promise, don't worry. I may be mad, but I'm not stupid."

Anna rounded a familiar corner in the alley, the one where Kristoff often parked his sleigh, and hoped she would run into the mountain man, but he was nowhere to be seen. She sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear, a nervous habit that she did quite often when agitated. Her encounter with Ingrid had upset her, and she needed to talk with the one person she knew she could count on. Several people continued to walk past her as they went about their business but she was oblivious to them, her mind distracted, and she retreated into her thoughts.

Like Kristoff, Anna was prone to despair, and at the moment was desperately trying not to fall into its clutches. The Queen was asking much from her, namely to trust in her, and she wondered if she was capable of such a thing at the moment, considering the course of her life. She liked to think that she held no delusions, and that she was a realist in every sense. But the last few days had shown her something of a life that she just didn't think was possible, and the first elements of hope began to simmer within.

Anna fought hard to understand how someone of Elsa's caliber could possibly be attracted to her. She had always believed that she did not possess any attractive qualities, and that her personality was much too gruff for someone of the aristocratic class—she was too gauche, walked upon, and used. Perhaps she was too used to being treated as a property and not as a human being. How long had it been since someone had actually seen her for the person she was inside, instead of just ogling her in the hopes of bedding her. But Elsa—she represented a life that could mean so much more—was privileged, and perhaps could not fully comprehend what her life was really like. Anna serviced the upper classes. It was those of the patrician class that treated her that way, and the Queen was asking her to trust her?

Such an act of immediate trust, especially considering that she just met the Queen, went against every instinct that told her not to do it. And not just because she had issues with trust in general; she pondered on what exactly Elsa could do to improve her life, because she knew that the Queen would be hindered by what her own laws dictated.

Anna blew out a frazzled breath and turned to go. There were just too many questions to wonder at and it was becoming too much for her. As she was walking away she heard someone call her name.


The redhead whirled around to see Kristoff waving at her from a distance. He was holding Sven's reins and leading the animal down the alleyway.

"Where is your sled, Kristoff?" she asked when the young man was close enough to hear her.

"Don't ask; it's a long story." The mountain man reached up to cup Anna's cheek. "You're a sight for sore eyes, friend." He moved closer to her, bending his head in the hopes for a kiss.

But Anna backed up a few steps, and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Please, Kristoff, I really need to talk with you."

The young man frowned, not only at the rejection but also by the strangled sound of Anna's voice. "What has got you so freaked out, Anna?"

"I'm in a predicament, and I don't know what to do."

"Is it the same old problem, Anna? Does it have to do with one of your clients?"

"Well, yes," Anna began, and then she switched tactics. "I had a visit from Ingrid today."

Kristoff sighed. "And you owe her money, right? Why don't you pay her on time, Anna? She could kick you out of that house and then where would you go?"

The redhead frowned. "I was hoping we could talk without you being judgmental."

"I'm sorry… Look, I'm sorry if I sound like an ass but I lost my sled today."

"It was stolen?" Anna blanched.

Kristoff shook his head. "No, a debt collector took it. I'm fucked, Anna. I missed one payment and they took my sled. I can't get it back until I catch up on my payments, but how in the hell do they expect me to do that if I can't deliver ice!"

Anna had a bad feeling about where the conversation was heading. "Who took the sleigh?"

"The Royal bank."

Anna cringed. "Oh, god, Kristoff, what are you going to do?" She could have phrased the question in the plural, and asked what are "we" going to do, but she chose not to.

The mountain turned to pet his reindeer. "I've thought about selling ole Sven, but then who would pull the sleigh?"

Anna took the man's hand. "I'm sorry, Kristoff, I don't know what to say. Perhaps I could give you—"

"What could you possibly give me, Anna? You owe Ingrid money, don't you? Have you been seeing clients for free again?"

"Now, Kristoff…"

"No, Anna! We both know you've done it before—with that "gentleman" who promised to support you, and you… and you believed him! I could help you then, Anna, but I can't now. I only have enough for three more weeks rent, then I'm out, on the street." The man turned away, both frustration and shame warring for dominance.

Anna leaned in close and rested her head on Kristoff's shoulder. "What can I do to help?"

Kristoff wound a arm around Anna and pulled her in close. "Nothing, I guess. If you need a place to stay, well, I guess we can make do until…until…" He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers.


Both Kristoff and Anna turned their heads at the small voice. A soldier was apparently standing a few yards from them, and his voice sounded a bit strangled.

Anna screeched and pushed Kristoff away. "It's you…"

Kristoff stared at the redhead, a little hurt by her actions, and then turned his head towards the smaller man. "Is this the guy I sent to you, the one who did something you didn't like?" He frowned and took one step closer to the soldier but Anna quickly grabbed his arm.

"Please, Kristoff, its not what you think!"

Elsa took a step back and couldn't quite believe that Anna was allowing someone else to kiss her. She felt as if someone had just punched her in the stomach and she had an overwhelming urge to walk away. But as she turned to do so, the look in Anna's eyes said something different, so she hesitated.

Anna took a few steps in the Queen's direction. "Please, don't go."

Kristoff peered speculatively at the soldier then turned back to Anna. "What is it with you and this guy, Anna? " The mountain man was jealous, and aggravated. "Is he more than just a client?"

"I am not a client!" Elsa's ire was peaked, and she recognized the man as the one who had sent her to Anna in the first place. "Don't speak to her like that!"

Anna closed the distance between her and Elsa and took the Queen's hand. Then she looked pointedly at her friend. "I am so sorry, Kristoff, but I have to go."

"With him? You just met the guy, how can you prefer him to me?"

The redhead could feel Elsa stiffen, and desperately didn't want the Queen to make an outburst, so she grabbed her around the waist and held on tightly. "Come with me, okay?" she whispered.

Elsa glanced up at Anna, and kept her face hidden from the mountain man. "Okay."

Anna glanced back at Kristoff as she led the Queen away. "Elsa, what are you doing here? We agreed to meet tonight, remember?"

The Queen frowned and disengaged from Anna's grasp. "Why were you allowing that man to kiss you?"

"Elsa, please, he's just a friend."

The Queen paused, her look incredulous. "You let all of your friends kiss you?" She felt frustrated by her jealousy, and her ire was piqued by Anna's insolent tone of voice.

Anna winced at the accusatory remark. "I don't want to fight with you, Elsa."

The Queen sighed and regarded the young woman in front of her. She adjusted her hood to get a better look. "I didn't come her to quarrel, Anna, I'm sorry." Her gloved hand ghosted over Anna's cheek. "I came because I sensed that you needed me."

Anna nodded, and a solitary tear rolled down her cheek. "I'm sorry, too." She closed the gap between them and wound an arm around Elsa's waist, pulling her close. "I'm glad you came, this morning has been a little rough."

"What can I do?" The words were out of Elsa's mouth before she could stop them.

The redhead eyed the Queen, and knew that she was being honest. "I… I don't know if you can do anything. I kind of feel that I need to solve my own problems."

"But, if I can help you in any way, I will."

Anna ran her free hand around Elsa's neck and pulled her into a sweet kiss. "I know you would, and I really do appreciate it. Thank you, Elsa."

Elsa smiled. "I have an idea if you'd be open to it. My private gardens in the castle are forbidden to anyone but me, and there is a small path that leads from them to a small hot springs. Would you like to join me? I can arrange for a small lunch for us."

Anna's eyes went wide. "That sounds great!" But her smile faltered for a brief moment. "How would I get to your private space without being seen?"

The Queen paused for a moment, considering her options. "I have several cloaks, Anna. I'm sure I can get one here in no time at all." She brought one of Anna's hands to her lips and kissed it. "Will you wait for me, at our meeting spot near the docks?"

"Just please hurry back, Elsa. I'll meet you there in an hour."

"An hour then." They kissed goodbye and Elsa blended in with the crowd as she walked away.

Elsa, having hurriedly changed her clothes, walked into the kitchens and was met by either curtsies or bows from the staff. Her head chef, Adalbert, approached and bowed with a flourish before taking her hand and kissing it.

"How may I be of service, Your Majesty?" Adalbert watched the Queen's face for any kind of displeasure.

Elsa just smiled; she was fond of the man and his excellent cuisine. "What is on the menu for lunch today, my friend?"

Adalbert clapped his hands together. "Two selections today, Your Majesty, and I'm very pleased that you asked. The first is a traditional Labscouse. Very tasty, if I do say so myself. And the second is a lemon baked cod with red potatoes and broccoli."

The Queen's stomach growled in anticipation and she blushed slightly. "Well, that sounds wonderful. I was wondering if you can arrange a picnic for me today at my private hot springs?"

"Certainly, your Majesty. What would you prefer, the Labscouse or the fish?"

"I would like you to send both dishes—I'm actually very hungry. Oh, and chose a good wine for the occasion."

"Your wish is my command." Adalbert began giving orders to his staff, and then turned back to the Queen. "You mentioned, 'the occasion,' Your Majesty. May I ask what occasion it is?"

Elsa thought for a moment, not wanting to give away too many details to her plans, so she lied, again. "Well… I'm actually looking forward to a nice relaxing day by myself. I don't have any meetings scheduled."

"Very good, Your Majesty. If you will give me a half hour, everything will be prepared."

Anna waited near the docks for her soldier to surface, and fidgeted about with anxiety as the minutes passed and Elsa still did not appear. But her worries were assuaged as soon as she recognized the lithe figure of the Queen as she approached. The hood hid her eyes, but Anna could tell that Elsa was smiling.

Elsa approached cautiously, looking around her for any hint that someone figured out her disguise. Finally, she stopped a few feet from Anna, and gingerly took her hands. "A part of me was afraid you wouldn't show up."

The redhead tilted her head. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I… I really don't know."

Anna looked at the garment slung over the Queen's shoulder. "Are you sure this is going to work? I really don't want to be recognized by any of your servants."

Elsa began to walk and Anna followed her. She paused for a moment and draped the extra cape she was carrying over Anna's shoulders. Then she lifted the hood and put it over her head. "Feel better now?"

"Yes, thank you."

"This is all still all so new to me," Elsa admitted, feeling a little bit reluctant at all the subterfuge.

"What is?"

Elsa stopped and looked at the smaller woman, wondering herself. She had been raised to honor truthfulness, yet she was lying to people that she trusted. Her parents had instilled in her a keen sense of righteousness, but she had abandoned it so quickly in order to lie in another's arms, albeit with someone with whom she was growing very fond. She looked at Anna again, into those viridian pools and divested herself of all worry. "Nothing, really. I was just thinking out loud when I ought not to."

They arrived at the castle door near the docks and Elsa took Anna's hand again. "Are you ready?"

Anna, her face partly hidden, offered the Queen a lopsided grin. "As ready as I'll ever be."

The Queen's private gardens were located on the west side of castle and were accessed through her personal library. As Anna walked through the room she was just as awed as she was when first entering the castle. She knew immediately that she was in a different world; altogether foreign to the one she lived in. The castle was opulent, and every space seemed to hold one incredible treasure after another. Pampered people lived amongst these walls, and so did the people who served them. But there was no mistaking the difference between them. As they walked—a soldier, apparently on his duty, along with a female servant—they passed various Lords and Ladies as they went about their business, with various servants following at their heels.

Anna realized all too quickly that she could just as easily fit in with the servants here. Not because she herself had a desire to, but because she knew her place in society, was practically born into it, and would never rise above it. That knowledge left her somewhat melancholy, and the Queen noticed just as they were about to enter into the gardens.

Elsa turned to Anna. "Wait a moment." She went to her library door and locked it, and then went back to the redhead. "Is there something wrong, Anna?"

Anna thought for a moment, but decided not to tell the Queen about her momentary discomfort. "No, Elsa, nothing is wrong."

Elsa removed her cloak and placed it over a chair. She held out her hand. "Shall we?"


There were over 80 types of roses in Elsa's garden. On the main terrace was a central fountain of glazed tiles representing magnolia leaves. The arbor walkway led to the fountain and then ended abruptly on the opposite side of it where a canopy was set up supported by four wooden polls. Under the canopy her Chef had already set up the Elsa's picnic. Besides the two main courses of food there was bread and cheeses, pastries, and two bottles of wine.

Elsa unbuttoned her uniform coat and led Anna around the fountain and towards the shaded area. When Anna looked at the picnic spread out before them she was shocked, having never experienced anything like it in her own life. The Queen removed her coat before sitting down on a few overstuffed pillows and beckoned Anna to do the same.

Anna sat, and a strange feeling stole over her. "Are you sure all this is for us?"

Elsa looked up, quizzically, and replied, "Are you sure there is nothing wrong, Anna?" She poured two glasses of wine and handed one to the redhead. "Here, this will help you unwind some."

Anna took a sip and all but died out of pure pleasure. The wine was sweet, a German eiswein, fermented from frozen grapes. Her senses were overwhelmed. "This is so good, Elsa."

"I know." The Queen removed a cloth from the large basket to reveal their repast. "What would you like, Anna, some Labscouse or baked cod?"

Anna's eyes went wide. "I've never had Labscouse before, do you mind if I have that one?"

Elsa smiled. "No. I don't mind at all." She picked up the plate and handed it to the redhead. Elsa watched Anna for a short while, trying to decipher what was bothering her. But after awhile, she gave up, and took a long sip of wine.

Anna took a bite of the meat entrée and briefly closed her eyes at the savory taste. First the wine and now this, it was almost too much for her. Like being in a different world, which she was. When she opened her eyes again, there was a mixture of elation and sadness in her eyes.

Elsa put down her plate and scooted closer to Anna. "Will you tell what's wrong, Anna? I know that something is bothering you."

Anna looked around her at all the splendor—the immaculate gardens and serene fountain, and the perfect picnic set up just for her—and thought of her life that was waiting for her outside these castle walls. "I kind of feel like I've died and went to heaven. This is all so perfect, Elsa."

"What is perfect?" Elsa ran her hand slowly down Anna's cheek.

"You, this garden, this heavenly meal before us—all of this."

Elsa frowned somewhat, and at first was at a loss for words, not quite understanding the full meaning behind the redhead's words. But as she locked gazes with the young woman realization hit her, like a thunderbolt. "I'm sorry, was this a bad idea? Bringing you into my world?"

Anna put down her meal and leaned into the Queen's touch. "No, I want to know everything there is about you, including this. Because this is a part of you. I mean, this who you are, Elsa. I shouldn't feel uncomfortable around you."

"But, you do, don't you?" Elsa held pulled Anna into a hug. "Like I've told you before, Anna… I don't know what the future has in store for us. But, I want you in my life, Anna. Is it the same for you? Do you desire to be in mine?"

Anna closed her eyes again and sighed. "Yes, I so very much want to. But it's just so confusing for me, to be here like this, and to know that I have to leave."

Elsa took in a ragged breath, her feelings exposed, and her appetite gone. "Would you feel better if we went to the hot springs and relaxed a bit?"

"Can we finish eating this fabulous food first?"

The Queen chuckled, and nuzzled Anna's neck. "Anything you want, Anna, okay. Anything you want."

A/N: Sorry for the long time between updates, but I've been plagued with major depression and a serious writer's block. While I still have the former the latter is lessening up a bit, so the next update won't be so far away. Anyway, thank you for all the faves and likes, I really appreciate it. Please review.