Welcome back to another chapter, my friends! So, this story is nearing its end. Just a little bit more to go and then we can bring this to a close. With that, let's get started. I only own my OCs and the storyline and everything else belongs to their respectful owners.

Glimpse let out a battle cry as he slashed at Shadow Dark Gaia's arm, making it roar in pain. Aura stabbed it with his crystal blade arm and dragged it up it's belly, making a large enough gash. At least it would look like a deep gash if the creature wasn't entirely black. The gash healed itself as Glimpse launched his chaos orbs at the beast, piercing through its body. The shadow summoned large orbs of its own, made of dark energy and fired them at Aura and Glimpse. They dodged each shot except for one in which they deflected the dark orb right back at it. Once it was struck, it became paralyzed and the two hedgehogs charged together, with strong auras around them as they swirled together like a beam and pierced through the shadow. They flew overhead and Glimpse conjured a chaos sphere in his right and Aura conjured an aura sphere in his left. The two fused the spheres together into one sphere that engulfed their hands. The sphere was shaking violently with power, stretching and shrinking uncontrollably while Glimpse and Aura were trying to contain it. They dived down, pulling the attack in front of them. Shadow Dark Gaia recovered from it's paralysis and tilted its head upwards and began to charge a beam of dark energy. In just a moment, the beam was unleashed with great force and collided with Glimpse and Aura's attack that sent a shockwave of air throughout the area. The hedgehogs were putting every bit of their power into the attack as it pushed against the beam. The shadow deity growled and poured in more power into its attack, engulfing Glimpse and Aura completely, but not entirely disrupted. Inside the beam they were hurting from the its dark energy. "We're not losing!" They shouted in unison and pushed through the beam with all their might. The two were speeding right through the dark beam, inching closer to Shadow Dark Gaia's head. Time almost seemed to slow down when they pushed through the beam and found their way to the shadow creature as they made contact with their attack. The orb shone a bright light as it grew in size. Aura and Glimpse twisted the ball of energy, making it push through its head. The hedgehogs drilled into Gaia's head and into its body, going all the way down at the base of where it begins. When they reached the bottom, the shadow started cracking with beams of light seeping out of it. A bright light shined from the bottom that started reaching up its body until it was completely covered. A moment later and an explosion of chaos energy and aura took place that filled the area with a blinding flash of light.

Inside the library, Glimpse was glowing and Aura was spat out onto the floor. He looked back and saw Glimpse glowing very brightly. The green hedgehog opened his eyes and a pillar of chaos energy surrounded him and shot through the ceiling and out the roof. The pillar reached into the dark clouds in the sky. All around, the pillar of energy caught the eyes of everyone. The Equinox ponies, residing at the heart of the army, saw the pillar and sneered. "It would seem the green hedgehog has awaken from his cursed slumber," said Dimmer, walking besides her small group. "Then it won't be long before we launch our special surprise," Dimmer had quite the wicked smile, the thought of whatever plan she had in store for their enemies gave her a chill of excitement that looked very disturbing. The army of beasts and demon-like monsters growled at the sight of the pillar and picked up their moving speed. Over in Canterlot, everyone saw the pillar reaching into the clouds. From where they were standing, it was a sight to behold. The Mobians, knowing full well what that light was, smiled. Sonic stood there with his team and chuckled. "So he's finally awake, huh? Well, better late then never." Inside the castle, Applejack stared at the pillar through a window as she placed a hoof over her chest where her heart is. A sort of twinkle appeared in here eyes and a feeling of hope washed over her. She tipped her hat over her eyes and smirked, walking away from the window.

The light faded away and Glimpse was seen standing with the same form he had when they were both fighting Shadow Dark Gaia. Aura got up and approached the awakened hedgehog. "How do you feel Glimpse?" he asked.

"I feel great actually" Glimpse threw some punches in the air, testing his physical condition. "Yeah, nothing seems to be wrong" he said as he kicked into the air. After that he generated a chaos sphere. "Definitely nothing wrong" Glimpse powered down and then directed his attention to Aura's new arm. "Can you sum up what happened there?" He asked pointing at the crystal arm.

"Oh, I got caught in an explosion, lost my arm, got saved by a unicorn stallion with tons of science and magic experience and now I have a new and virtually indestructible arm" Aura summed up as requested and in an almost casual tone. "But we're wasting time. We need to get to Canterlot on the double" Glimpse nodded and the two ran to the door and broke through it. When they got outside, they were met with a large crowd of beowulves, ten in total. "These must be the scouts." Aura shifted his arm into a blade and got into a battle stance.

"Let's just take them down" Glimpse ran forward to deliver a spiraling axe kick to a beowulf's head, but it dodged it in an instant. "These things are faster than they let on!"

"No kidding!" Aura yelled, attempting a slash at the beasts, but missed. "But we're faster!" Aura's eyes glowed an electric blue color as a shroud of aura covered his legs. He placee a leg behind him and launched, leaving a small crack in the ground. Glimpse activated the rockets in his shoes, giving himself a large speed boost. Glimpse curled up into his ball form and tackled a beowulf into a wall. Aura slammed his foot on top of one's head, knocking it unconscious and left it with a large bump on its head. One beowulf attempted to bite Aura's arm, but he spun and made it bite his crystal arm instead. The beowulf pulled its mouth away as bits of its teeth fell like glass being broken off. Aura pulled his crystal fist back and punched it square in chest, launching it a good distance away into a building. Glimpse grabbed a beowulf's tail and swung it around at incredible speeds, creating a small tornado before launching it into the last of the pack

"That should do it. Come on, let's go" Aura nodded and they took off, leaving a dust cloud trail behind them. Way behind them, on the other side of town, the Euqinox army invaded the small town as they blindly started toppling homes and shops.

Glimpse and Aura were making their way to Canterlot, Glimpse saw something flying above them. "Hey Aura, isn't that Spike?" He asked the red hedgehog and saw the flying dragon. Aura's eyes glowed a bright blue color and his vision zoomed in on the creature. To Glimpse's assumption, it was Spike, but the dragon was high up in the air to even notice the speeding hedgehogs let alone hear them calling his name. Aura had an idea of getting his attention. He pointed his finger out like a gun, and fired a small aura sphere a few meters in front of where Spike was flying. The small orb of energy exploded in the air like a firecracker and caught the attention of the flying dragon. Spike looked down below him and saw Aura and Glimpse waving at him. Spike flew down to ground level and was now flying beside the running hedgehogs.

"Hey, Glimpse. Good to see you back on your feet"

"Thanks, Spike" He replied, nodding his head. As they were nearing the base of the mountain Canterlot was residing on, a silhouette was watching them from high up in the sky, hovering in place with jets fire shooting from his leg. It smiled, engulfing itself in flames and dive bombed towards the small group at an alarming speed. Aura, Glimpse and Spike noticed a faint light around them and looked up to see a falling ball of fire aiming towards them. They all dived out of the way as the ball crashed on the ground, leaving a smoking crater from the landing. The smoke had a figure inside as it climbed its way out of the crater. Once the smoke cleared, the figure was revealed to be Flare.

"Well, well, well. Look who's back from the dead," taunted Flare, drawing the attention of Aura.

"Flare!" Aura surrounded himself in a shroud of aura and charged at his corrupted brother. The corrupt hedgehog raised his left hand and sent a strong gust of icy wind at Aura and blew him back. Aura landed on his feet, staring daggers back at Flare.

"As much as I like reunions, this one..." Flare held up his arm and fired a fireball towards the sky, reaching great heights before exploding like a firework. "Won't be so nice"

Dimmer watched the flare explode and smiled. Her horn was glowing very brightly before launching a magical flare of her own. Once she did, she started charging up some of her dark magic before releasing it into the sky as a small orb. The ball of magic floated in the sky and from the looks of it, it was growing in size. It went from the size of a basketball to the size of a small house in just mere seconds. Then it suddenly collapsed on itself, shrinking to nothing before reappearing as a large portal. The portal itself was oozing a waterfall of what seemed to be black water that when it touched the ground, everything wilted away. Dimmer laughed maniacally as she commanded the demon troops to run wild towards their destination. From the portal, emerged a swarm of winged demons, most likely gargoyles. The swarm dived down to the army, scooping up their wingless allies and carried them to Canterlot.

There were loud screeches echoing a far ways from where Aura, Glimpse, and Spike were. They looked at the sky and stared in shock as the horde was flying over them. Flare looked up as well and smirked. "Well, so what are you going to do now?" He asked as he covered his left arm in an icicle blade, "Be warned that I will stop you from helping your friends" Aura stepped up front, getting a confused look from Spike and Glimpse "Oh? Is my little brother going to be the brave man?" Flare taunted, but received no reaction from his brother.

"Glimpse, Spike. Go, I'll keep him busy" The two were about protest when Aura held a hand behind him without removing his eye contact from Flare. "Go, now" Glimpse and Spike nodded hesitantly before turning and leaving. Flare tilted his head to stare at the two boys running, but Aura stepped in his line of sight. "You are fighting me" Aura gave his corrupted brother a cold stare, sending chills down corrupt hedgehog's spine and making him coo in anticipation of the imminent fight.

"Yes, that's it Aura. Get serious because this fight will be your last!"

I'm going to end it there. Sorry it took me so long again. Damn, well at least I got another chapter done. Well, I don't have much to say so I'll just end it here. Don't forget to Review, Follow, and Favorite. I will see you again next time.