Hiiee guys! This is my new story and my first BRETTANA fic, because there aren't many Brettana stories and I'm in love with them, I decided to write one yay! Hope you like this one and yes I truly appreciate the reviews so leave them haha, thank youuuuu!

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Chapter 1

Hello there, I'm Santana Lopez and when I was in high school people made fun of me because I was a bit of a nerd, well a lot, anyways it was because I read a lot. Most of the popular kids slushied me, and I hated them. Well, not Bretton, because I had kind of a crush on him, and I used to tutor him. So I knew the real him; the one not surrounded by the popular ones. I dare to say that I think we could have even become friends, but it didn't happen. I helped him with math, and then, when we stopped he was back with the popular ones, he never made fun of me but he never really stood up for me either, but it was still a start.

Anyways that was 5 years ago and I'm over it. I'm now 23 years old and I work at a diner in Chicago with my best friend Quinn, they pay well and we also sing there on some nights, I met her when I started working here, she could tell I was new so she help me a lot with the orders.

"Hey, Tana, you have a new customer on table 5!" Quinn yelled.

"Okay! I'm going now, thanks Q." I called to her as I went to the table.

"Good morning, what would you like to order?" I say as I raise my eyes up to see the customer.

There is a man sitting on the table. He has messy blonde hair and built arm muscles. He is definitely gorgeous. But his piercing blue eyes tell me that I know him.

He smirks at me and raises an eyebrow as his eyes move up and down my body. I gulped before I attempted speaking again.

"Uhm what would you like to order?" I ask again.

"Just a cheeseburger and a soda thanks." He said. "You look awfully familiar, do I know you?"

I quickly look up.

"I don't think so." I pause. "Okay I'll be back with your order."

"Wait. What's your name?" He asks.

"This is really inappropriate." I sigh. "But it's Santana Lopez."

A smile came across his face and boy was he super sexy.

"Ohhhh, Santana. You look so different. You've definitely changed."

I was confused. He knew who I was yet I still couldn't figure out who he was.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you." I said and went back to business. I grabbed the menu and I was about to go when he grabbed my hand, I raised my eyebrow and looked at him. His face was way too close to mine and my breathing hitched.

I retracted my hand and moved away from him when I heard him speak.

"You really don't remember me?"

I turned around and shook my head.

"Sorry, I really don't."

"But how can you forget me? You had the biggest crush on me in high school." He said and smiled.

"Wha-" but realization already set in. Bretton Pierce. He looked almost the same, yet different. I decided it was time to say it. "Brett?"

He grinned in response and held his arms out.

"In the flesh."

Oh Joy.

"Great, now that we've established that we know each other, let me bring you your order so you can eat and then leave." I said.

"You don't want me to really leave, do you?"

"Actually, I do. I have other customers to get to, and I don't want to waste anymore time on some old school boy that tormented me during high school.

He got up from his seat and walked over to me.

"Don't lie, you had the best time in high school with me." Brett said and winked.

"I did not! You and your friends tortured me and you made it so much worse." I said loudly and took a deep breath. I was glad there weren't many people at this time of the day. I was about to move but he was blocking my way. Jesus this guy.

"Brett, move." I said in an irritated voice. I don't think he heard me because he got closer.

"I always thought you were pretty." He said as his hand rested on my cheek. "But looking at you now, wow you're beautiful." He said and started to lean in.

I quickly backed away and ran to the back room, passing Quinn on the way there, I took some deep breaths as I tried to calm my racing heart. Bretton Pierce is not in Chicago. He can't be. I moved here after high school. He is supposed to be in Houston with the rest of his friends.

The door open.

"Q?." I say into the receiver.

"Yeah, what happened there Tana? And who is that super hot blond customer?" Quinn said a little worried but curious at the same time.

"What do you want to know?"

"How do you know him. Why is he here. Is he a past beau? Is he a hook up? Do you like him? If not, can I have him?" She said before I stopped her.

"Woah, slow it down. How do you even know that I know him?" I asked with a laugh.

"Cause he said so when he asked for your number." She stated.

"What?! He wanted my number?"

"Yeah. Then he asked if I could give it to him and I told him I'm not supposed, but he said he knew you so..."

"You gave it to him?" I said incredibly loud.

"Yeah, now tell me how you know him."

"Come over to my place tonight and I will." I said dejectedly.

"Yay! Now let's go back to work." she said.

He has my number, but I bet he won't call. Or I hope he doesn't. Ugh, this is going to be a long day.

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Around 9PM my door bell rang and I practically ran to the door.

"Hey girly! Get your ass here and open the door, I'm already popping open the wine now!" Quinn yelled.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." I yelled as I threw on my Chicago Bears pajamas.

It wasn't even five minutes later before I was finally able to open the door and meet Quinn.

"God, you take forever to get dressed."

"I do not. I got here in less than 10 minutes." I stated proudly.

She rolled her eyes and swirled the wine around in her glass.

"Pour yourself some wine and start spilling, girl." She said as I brought out my favorite wine glass.

"Okay, this is a long story. Are you sure you're up to it?" I asked.

"Positive." She said with a bedazzling smile. Okay so maybe I skip this little bit of information when I became friends with Quinn, well who could blame me? It is embarrassing to tell, ugh!

"It started out in high school." I paused. "You obviously know I'm not native to the mid-west. I'm actually from Texas. People there are definitely not as nice as they are here.

I was a nerd, I read a lot I didn't have many friends. But I was okay with that; I had my books and they made me happy. However, the popular kids would always make fun of me. They were terrible. Bretton Pierce was one of them aka my super hot customer."

I looked up to see Quinn gaping at me like I was an alien of some kind telling her that I'm from another planet.

"Q?" I asked, just to make sure she didn't go catatonic on me.

"You were a nerd?" She paused. "Bretton bullied you?! I'm going to beat his ass!" She said in a serious voice.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, I was a nerd and actually he was the nicest of them all. Probably because I knew something no one else knew."

"And that was?" She asked with anticipation.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I tutored him in math."

"Woahh" Quinn's eyes got real big. "Like did it ever turn sexual or anything hot like that?"

My cheeks felt like someone had just set them on fire. I was blushing. But of course nothing happened.

"No! Nothing like that. Everyone did know that I had a crush on him. But when I tutored him, he wasn't rude or mean. He was nice. I got to know the real Brett."

I looked over to her and laughed. She had another huge grin on her face and was now bouncing up and down on my couch.

"Did you guys secretly date? Or hook up once or twice? I mean, he's so hot!" She practically screamed.

I was about to respond but my phone started ringing.

"Who would be calling my house phone this late?" I asked.

"No idea. Let the machine get it and tell me more about Brett."


But then I heard it.

"Wait. Shh.."


"Shut up!"

Leave a message at the tone...BEEP
"Hey, Santana, it's Brett. I was just calling to see if you wanted to get together for dinner or drinks to catch up. Uh, I'll try your cell next, but call me back at 773-972-1921. Thanks, bye."

"Oh. My. God." Q said as I gaped at my answering machine then tore open my purse and retrieved my cell.

We stared at it for a good 30 seconds before my ringtone went off.

You're a hashtag and pity party, party, party, party, party, all I gotta say is, I'm so...sorry, I'm not sorry

"Answer it, Tana!" She screamed.

"No way! He was a jerk to me." I shot back.

"But he's here and so wants you! Answer the freaking phone."

"Make me!" I screamed as my phone beeped, indicating that I had a missed call.

"Oh hell, Santana. Look at me." She said as my eyes tore away from my phone to her hazel eyes.

"He has changed. Fate brought you back together. You can't say that you shouldn't take this chance. Never let fear stop you from having an experience."

"I can't just forget the past. What if they still talk all the time and this is just to tear me down again?" I said truthfully.

"I'm just saying talk to him. You don't have to sleep with him or anything. Just talk."

I close my mouth fast. Quinn still thinks I'm a player, well I've had a few boys and girls as one night stands, yes I'm bi, I'm pretty fluent and an open person so, and no Quinn doesn't have a problem with that, but I'm definitely not a player or a slut, pfffft.

"Hello, Santana?" Quinn asks.


"Promise me you'll call him? Or at least sometime this week."

I sigh. I'm not going to get out of this.

"I will by the end of the week. I promise."

"Yay!" She screams and claps.

"Now get out of my house. I'm so tired. I'll talk to you at work tomorrow, okay?"

"Kay, love you boo." She said as she walks out the door.

Brett hasn't changed. Yet today, he told me he always thought I was pretty. But I was the nerd that no boy liked. So there is no way he would have ever liked me. Although he wasn't the one to make fun of me, I wonder...

I shook my head and went to bed. I left those feelings back in Texas where I thought I left him. I guess things are never that far away.

What did you think guys? Should I continue or not? Well if you say no, I'm going to continue it anyways so yeah haha, I already have a lot of ideas for this fic aw aw hope you guys like them. So review review review ;) See ya next time!

Xo Pierina.