I hope this ending gives you all the closure you wanted! As always it's been a pleasure thank you for reading :):)

*Two Years Later*

"Would you come on we're going to be late and you know how Weevs gets." Logan shouts out to Veronica who was in the hotel bathroom fretting over how she look.

At eight and a half months pregnant V felt like a bloated beach whale. She looked amazing in Logan's eyes, besides her puffy cheeks most of her pregnancy weight was the belly itself.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Don't get your boxers in a bunch." Veronica replied walking out of the bathroom munching on a slim jim, her favorite pregnancy snack.

"I'm worried that you're going to have our unborn child coming out of the womb addicted to those foul things." Logan teased his fairly new wife.

They had been married for almost four months. They got hitched at the courthouse a couple of weeks after Veronica found out she was pregnant. Sure they thought about having kids, but they never planned it'd be this soon. Nevertheless Veronica and Logan were ecstatic. Wanting it to be a surprise they opted not to find out the sex of baby Echolls.

"I don't get how you can stomach beef jerky but hate slim jims. You're lucky you're cute or this would be a deal breaker." Veronica joked. "Okay how do I look?" She asked applying lipstick to complete her ensemble.

"Absolutely amazing." He kisses her loving the way the red dress compliments her figure.

"Then let's vĂ¡monos we've got a beach wedding with cake to attend." She smiles looping arms with Logan as they head down to the water.

Eli Navarro proposed to Madison Sinclair almost two years ago on New Years Eve after eight months of dating. They weren't out on a fancy date like every other couple that night. Instead they were at home tending to a sick infant. Something that night made him realize that this was how he wanted to spend the rest of his life, you know aside from Sienna being sick. Eli wanted it to him and his two favorite girls from here on out. Even though Sienna wasn't his biologically, blood couldn't make her anymore his.

"Thank you guys for coming." Weevil says thanking V and Logan.

"Veronica you look gorgeous, you're glowing." Madison compliments Veronica as they exchange a hug.

"Are you sure it's not just sweat, cause I feel like one of those rotisserie chickens spinning around over a flame." Veronica jokes.

"Welcome to married life, you're in the big leagues now." Wallace congratulates Weevil with his wife Carmen in tow.

As the reception winds down the friends: Logan & Veronica, Weevil & Madison, Wallace & Carmen and Dick & Mac find themselves seated around a fire the boys made.

"Come on Mac you're suppose to be relaxing tonight. It's our first night out in almost a year try to enjoy it. I promise Ryan is in good hands tonight. " Dick says trying to reassure Mac that leaving their eight month old son with the babysitter tonight was a good idea.

"It's just a little separation anxiety, all moms go through it. Here drink this you'll feel better." Madison says handing Mac a drink.

"I'm pretty sure men go through it as well." Veronica says causing the guys to look as if she was lying. "I do recall one Wallace Fennel calling me when I was in San Diego the first time Chloe stayed the weekend with our parents. I distinctly remember you saying how you couldn't believe you missed something as silly like changing her diapers or being woken up in the middle of the night." Veronica winces as she teased her brother.

Mac gives her a concerning look that Veronica noticed but smiled to let her know she was fine.

"Aww you never told me that how cute." Carmen says giving Wallace a kiss on the cheek.

"Sold out by my own sister that's cold V." Wallace laughs.

"Group picture!" Madison and Mac's sister Lauren shouts out taking the couples photo.

"This will be one for the books along with the other wedding photos we've taken over the years." Mac says.

"Alright everyone raise your glasses. We all may have not started off as friends but I'd take these past couple of years over the all the years we spent hurting eachother. Now I have my husband, my switched at birth sister and some amazing friends." Madison toasts tearing up.

"Oh boy here comes the waterworks." Weevil teased his wife.

"Promise we won't let our kids succumb to the adolescent cliques and social classes like we did." Mac says.

Everyone nodded their heads agreeing as they tossed back their drinks.

"Sooo...speaking of kids, I believe one of them is about to make their debut." Veronica says almost nonchalantly taking deep breaths rubbing her belly.

"Are you joking?" Wallace jumps up.

"No my water broke about five minutes ago." Veronica says.

"Five minutes ago? Why didn't you say anything?!" Logan says freaking out.

"It was such a beautiful toast I didn't want to interrupt." V smiles slightly trying to focus on her breathing.

After nine and a half hours of labor Veronica gave birth to a healthy seven pound baby girl. They went back and forth on a name before they settled on Kei'Lynn Mars-Echolls. Honoring Veronica's dad and Logan's mom.

"Looks like you're gonna have quite a fighter on your hands. Check out the fist she's making." The nurse points out.

"Let's hope not." Logan chuckles nervously not wanting his daughter to have the notorious Echolls temper.

She was so tiny obviously taking after her petite mother. Logan was almost scared to hold her fearing his massive hands would crush her.

"Someone's in love." Veronica smiles as she wakes up to see Logan gazing at Kei'Lynn who's asleep in his arms.

"I didn't think it was possible to fall in love with someone so fast." He replies not breaking his gaze.

"I guess you might need to do some adding to our epic love story then." Veronica tells him.

"I was just thinking that." Logan smiled. "You know Mars err...I mean Mrs. Echolls. It's never quite been sunshine and roses with us. But regardless of how unconventional it may have been it's been pretty epic to say the least."

Veronica nods her head in agreement.

"I tortured you, we fell in love. You accused me of murder, I got to beat up an ATF agent and a few others for you. You left town and left me broken hearted. But you came back to me, thank you for coming back to me and blessing me with this angel in my arms." Logan tells her.

"I should be thanking you, you saw me at my worst and stuck around even when I didn't want you. Just when I thought I was out of Neptune an over you, you pulled me back in. And I wouldn't have it any other way." Veronica responds giving her husband and little marshmallow a kiss.