"C'mon boy, keep up!" Veronica called out to her pooch as they ran the familiar trail as they did every morning. It was something about the brisk California morning air that always made her feel at peace. It was her favorite part of the day before she had to plug herself into the real world.

Veronica was now living San Francisco, she had been living there for the past six years. She graduated from Hearst with a Criminal Law degree, but the passion Veronica once had to pursue law became close to non-existence.

Wanting to cut ties from Neptune and all of its turmoil, V packed up her hybrid and headed north. Rediscovering her passion for photography, Veronica decided to try her hand as a freelance photographer. She made a decent amount of money for her and Backup to live a comfortable life. Every now and then her dad would send some cases her way if they were in her area. She knew that no matter how many professions she took up, she'd always be a PI at heart, it was in her blood.

Veronica slowed her pace as she entered into her complex. Making her way to her front door she greeted her neighbor then checked her mailbox. Once inside Veronica got herself and Backup some water then sat at her kitchen bar and went through the stack of mail.

Most of it was junk mail but one piece of mail particularly caught her attention. The envelope was a Tiffany Blue color decorated with lacy embroidered flowers, with the words "You're Invited" in bold black calligraphy. It was addressed from a P.O. Box in Neptune but didnt say who sent it.

Curiosity peeking, Veronica ripped the envelope open not caring if she destroyed the decor. She damn near spit her water out as her eyes widen at the words displayed in front her.

"Ms. Cindy Mackenzie & Mr. Richard Casablancas Jr. request the honor of your presence as they become one."

Veronica was in complete and utter shock. She didn't know which part shocked her more, the fact that Mac was getting married or that Dick Casablancas was the guy in question. Veronica knew Mac was dating someone but she was pretty hush hush about it. All V knew about the mystery man was that he owned his own business and that his name was Richard. Because everyone including teachers and the local sherriff's department had always called Dick by his nickname, Veronica forgot his actually name was in fact Richard.

Trying to wrap her head around the matter at hand, Veronica grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge and poured herself a very large glass.

After a few gulps of the expensive liquid, V noticed another piece of paper folded up inside of the envelope. She unfolded the paper and read:

"Surprise! Now I'm sure you have a bazillion and one questions but Bond, I promise to answer them all when I see you this weekend! Yes, I said this weekend! I can't shop for my dream wedding dress without my Maid of Honor by my side. Oh yeah that reminds me, would you be my MOH? Im assuming the answer is yes, so I'll see on Saturday!
P.S. don't forget to pack your dancing shoes gal pal, the next two weeks will be a non-stop party!
xoxo Q"

Reading Mac's note instantly made Veronica smile, she could feel the excitement reading Mac's words.

"Looks like we're going home boy." Veronica said plopping down on her bed as Backup jumped on her lap and barked for approval.

Veronica knew this trip back home would possibly cause her to face some issues and people she'd been avoiding.

Bags packed and Backup riding shotgun, Veronica flipped her shades down and headed to Neptune. It was only a four hour drive to Neptune and she figured if she left now she could beat traffic and be in Neptune by noon.


Veronica pulled into the quiet subdivision and shut off her car, she let Backup out then followed suit. Before she could get her bags out she was bombarded by an adorable caramel colored little boy.

"Ronica, you're here! Mommy Ronica's here!" The little boy sang out.

Veronica lifted the kid in the air and gave him the biggest hug.

"I've missed you so much." V said still clinging to the child. "How old old are you now, like seventeen?" She asked teasingly.

"No silly, I'm five." The boy smiled, looking up at her with his blue eyes that resembled hers.

"Veronica, it's good to see you." V hears Alicia say from behind. She extends her arms for a hug and the two embrace.

"Colby sweetheart, go play with Backup while I talk to your sister." Alicia said to her son as she and Veronica took her bags from the car.

"Can't say we were expecting you. It's been what almost a year since we've seen you." Alicia says closing Veronica's trunk a little harder than she should.

"Look I know you're probably pissed at me but-." Veronica started to talk but was cut off.

"I'm not pissed at you Veronica I'm hurt, and even though your father will never admit it out loud he's hurt too. Ever since your dad and I told you about his cancer last year, you shut us out." Alicia tells her step-daughter.

It was true when Veronica found out her dad had the Big C, it was like someone had ripped her heart from her chest. So not being able to deal she did what she did best, she ran. And instead of driving to Neptune every other weekend like she normally did to have Sunday dinner, she made excuses. She made so many that eventually they stopped begging her to come. And in doing so she missed birthdays and most importantly her little brothers first day of kindergarten.

"I mean get it, he's your superman and knowing that he may have found his kryptonite scares you. He needs you Veronica. I may be his wife but you, you're his rock." Alicia speaks. "But you're here now and that's what counts right? Your fathers in his office,I'll take your bags to the guest room." Alicia says giving V a small smile.

Veronica nodded her head and returned the smile, then made her way down the hall to her fathers office.

"What's this? I come home after a long drive from Frisco, and there you are, lounging." Veronica says entering Keith's office.

Keith turned around startled but ecstatic to see his baby girl standing in the flesh. Instead of replying to her witty remark he pulled her in for a tight hug. They both let out a deep relaxed breath as they held on to one another.

"I've missed you pop." Veronica said a little above a whisper, breaking the silence and their embrace.

"I've missed you too kid." Keith said staring at his daughter.

Veronica knew he'd never say anything about her not being home in awhile. Keith was aware of how Veronica dealt with things. So even though he would've wished she was there when he started his first round of chemo, he understood.

"So what brings you to town?" He asks, taking her hand as they sit on the small office couch.

"Mac's wedding, apparently she and Dick Casablancas are tying the knot next Saturday." Veronica says still in shock.

"Oh yeah, Alicia and I received an invitation yesterday. It's about time those two did, they seem really great together." Keith says.

"What? You knew?" Veronica says surprised at her fathers response.

"Yes, everyone in town knew they'd eventually get hitched. I was surprised at first myself but that Casablancas kid really got his self on track. He even has his own Real Estate Agency, in fact he's the one who sold Alicia and I this house. That gift of gab he has turned out to be useful, the guy is one hell of a salesman."

"Wow." Was all Veronica could say. Dick Casablancas a realtor, this she had to see for herself.

"How long you staying, just until the wedding?" Keith asked changing the subject hoping she planned to stay a little longer.

"Uh I'm not sure, but I do feel like I owe you some daddy daughter time being that I haven't been around as of late." Veronica said lowering her head as she felt a rush of guilt come over her.

Keith knew Veronica felt bad, but she was here now and that's all he could want.

"Hey kid, didn't I ever tell you about frowning? It gives you wrinkles. You being here now makes up for whatever you're feel guilty about. I love you Veronica." Keith says kissing her on the forehead.

"And I you." Veronica replies.

Veronica and Keith walked into the kitchen, where Alicia was fixing lunch while Colby was glued to the television with Backup by his side. Keith couldn't help but think how much this resembled Veronica and Backup when she was Colby's age.

"I hate to break it to you honey but I don't think your brother is going to let you go back to San Francisco with that dog." Keith joked.

"Speaking of your brother, I just got off the phone with Wallace. He's excited to see you, he wants you to meet him." Alicia says.

"Where is he?" Veronica says a little too excited.

No matter how much distance she tried to put between herself and the people she loved when she left Neptune. Wallace wouldn't allow her to shut her out, he made drives up to San Francisco and they emailed once a month. She hadn't spoken to him in the past six months, which is why she was excited to see him.

"He's down at his and Eli's shop." Alicia says while cutting the crust off of Colby's PB&J.

"Shop? I only know one Eli and there's no way we're talking about the same guy." Veronica says eyebrow raised.

"Automotive repair shop, and yes we're talking about the same guy. F&N Automotive has been up and running for about six maybe seven months now. Those guys have worked their butts off to get where they are." Alicia says proudly.

First Dick the real estate agent, now her best friend/step brother is business partners with the ex gang member who duct taped him to a flag pole.

"He also wanted to ask you to pick up lunch for him and Weevil on your way." Alicia yells out to Veronica before she exits.


Veronica headed down to Java the Hut, remembering how much Wallace loved their food. While waiting for her order she heard a familiar voice of a nearby customer. The voice was a little deeper and masculine which was throwing her for a loop.

It wasn't until the customer turned around that she realized it was Logan.

"Shit" She cursed.

Veronica and Logan hadn't spoken in the past four years. They tried being together a few times while still at Hearst but things fell apart like they always did. They briefly rekindled while she was in San Francisco but tragedy struck their relationship once again. This time Veronica decided it was time to pull the plug and severed all ties with Logan.

Veronica turned away before he could make her out. She ducked behind a booth trying not to be seen and she was almost in the clear before her order was called.

"Order for Veronica Mars!" The hostess belted out.

She tried to quickly grab her food before being made. As soon as she turned around she ran smack into the person she was avoiding.

"Alone again?" Logan smiled.