A/N: Okay, I am sooooo sorry about the long wait for this chapter! I've been working backstage at the community theatre and so I found myself at home for only 7 or 8 hours a day, which I selfishly used for sleeping and personal hygiene :)

Thank you so much for following and commenting on my story. It means so much to me to know that people are enjoying it. This is the last chapter, so I hope you like it. Overall, I'm quite pleased with this whole story as it was my first Klaine fic and it was always meant to be short and a little silly and a lot smutty, which I believe I accomplished ;) Please review and thanks again for reading!

For as much time as Blaine had put into imagining this moment, his fantasy was not even close to the real thing. Kurt had all of Blaine's shirt buttons undone and the shirt spread open, his spine bent almost double as his mouth traveled down Blaine's stomach. Blaine was writhing under his very bendy boyfriend, his abs quivering under the soft warmth of the tender lips feathering across his skin.

"Kuuurt," he moaned, when a wet, warm tongue dipped into his navel before sliding lower to lave along the flesh just above his waistband. Kurt just moaned lowly in response, sliding one hand up Blaine's inner thigh until he was cupping the hardening bulge under the zipper of his jeans. He rubbed insistently, Blaine's panting groans becoming louder and deeper under Kurt's firm touch.

His hands were in Kurt's hair, then sliding down to his shoulders, where they met the softness of his sweater. He whined quietly, fingers curling into the fabric. Tugging clumsily, he whimpered, "shirt…off…skin" until Kurt finally raised his arms and let Blaine pull the shirt over his head. Immediately, Blaine's hands went back to the now bare, smooth skin of Kurt's shoulders, and Kurt's hand went back to the aching bulge in Blaine's jeans. He lowered his mouth back to Blaine's stomach, his tongue dipping just under the waistband, and Blaine shivered.

"Come on, Kurt, please," he panted. He already felt like he was going to explode and there was still too much fabric between his body and his boyfriend's. Kurt chuckled lightly before finally undoing the button at Blaine's waist—with his teeth. Soon the zipper was lowered as well, although Blaine couldn't ascertain exactly how that happened, because he was more focused on the warm, wet tongue following behind it. His eyes squeezed shut as he groaned loudly, and then all of a sudden he was entirely naked, his pants and underwear having been whipped off in the swiftest of moves. Apparently Kurt was a pants ninja.

And—oh god—Kurt's hand was wrapped around Blaine's stiff cock, sliding loosely up and down. He opened his eyes to see Kurt lowering his head, his pink tongue flitting out between his lips to lick teasingly at the tip. It was like he was trying a new ice cream flavor for the first time and didn't want to rush the experience. But this was far from the first time Kurt had gone down on Blaine, so Blaine knew he was just being a tease, enjoying watching him basically vibrate on the bed, overcome with eagerness.

Finally, his mouth, usually wide in an alluring smirk, puckered around the head of Blaine's dick, and he began sucking lightly. Blaine let out a sigh, half satisfied, half frustrated. Then slowly, oh so slowly, Kurt's mouth slid further down, sucking more of Blaine's length inside. He moaned appreciatively around the cock in his mouth, causing Blaine to writhe and his hips to buck upward. Kurt just let him slide farther in until he was hitting the back of Kurt's throat. A few firm sucks and Blaine was babbling and moaning, his orgasm approaching swiftly.

"K-Kurt, I'm…oh shit…" He was getting closer, and he wanted to come so badly, but he wanted more, wanted Kurt inside him when they came together.

Kurt pulled off slowly, hollowing his cheeks as Blaine's now slick cock slipped out of his mouth. Blaine gasped as the cool air hit him, but Kurt's hand was immediately covering him again and gently gliding up and down.

"I got you, sweetie." He ran a palm up and down Blaine's thigh as he pumped his cock slowly, never letting him get too close.

Blaine reached needily down to Kurt's hips where he was kneeling between his legs. His fingers hooked into the belt loops of his pants and he tugged.

"Kurt…please, I need you, need you inside…" His fingertips ran along Kurt's waistband until he was fumbling at the button at the front. Kurt laughed lightly.

"Okay, okay." He leaned forward, sliding his hands up Blaine's chest. As he hovered over the panting boy, Blaine went to work with more determination on Kurt's fly. Finally, the pants were loose and Blaine slid his hands inside to grip Kurt's ass, pulling him down forcefully on top of him. With a quiet "mmf," their mouths met again, wet and heated. Blaine raised his hips to grind against Kurt, simultaneously pushing his pants and underwear as far down as he could reach. Without breaking the kiss, Kurt kicked them off the rest of the way, and finally, finally, their erections were flush against each other, hard and slick with precome and Kurt's saliva.

Blaine was already overwhelmed, and Kurt hadn't even touched his entrance. The weight of his boyfriend pushing him into the bed, his warm, insistent mouth, his soft hands caressing Blaine's face, shoulders, sides, and hips, the friction between their groins—it was all clouding Blaine's mind. He wanted to touch Kurt, to make him feel as wanted as he felt at that moment, but all he could manage to do was to cling onto his shoulders for dear life.

After a bit Kurt pulled back, his face flushed and his chest heaving.

"Blaine, are you ready? Are you sure?" Blaine was nodding his head vigorously before all of the words were out.

"God yes! Please, touch me, god, your long—" He raised one of Kurt's hands to his mouth and kissed his fingertips. "—beautiful fingers, I've been dreaming of them inside me…"

Kurt swallowed slowly and reached for the lube from the nightstand.

"Okay." He squirted a bit onto his fingers, then paused, kneeling between Blaine's legs, his clean hand rubbing almost absentmindedly up and down Blaine's thigh. "You—you do this to yourself?" Blaine blushed only slightly and nodded.

"You won't hurt me, I promise."

Kurt smiled and leaned down to softly kiss Blaine's bent knee. He nudged Blaine's legs farther apart and stared silently for a moment at the exposed hole.

Blaine hadn't counted on feeling quite this…naked. In all his fantasies, that thought just never crossed his mind. But he could tell that the expression on Kurt's face was one of wonder and desire, so it didn't make him feel uncomfortable. Just impatient.

Finally, he felt a slick fingertip graze gently over his entrance, and he gasped quietly at the sensation. It was extremely different from feeling his own fingers. Then there were two fingertips, pressing more firmly but still not penetrating. It felt like Kurt was simply exploring, enjoying the opportunity to look and to touch. It was flattering, but it was also a bit frustrating.

"Kurt, please." He tried not to sound whiny, but he felt pretty sure he failed. Kurt let out a barely audible "mmhmm," eyes still trained between Blaine's legs, and then, at last, his finger was pressing past the muscle, sliding in steadily until it was all the way to the last knuckle.

"Oh my god," they both moaned at the same time. Blaine couldn't help but wiggle his hips, and soon Kurt was taking the hint, sliding his finger smoothly in and out, twisting and pumping until Blaine's head was thrashing back and forth on the bed.

"Another one, please, baby."

Kurt complied, adding a little more lube, and the stretch was wonderful. Kurt's long fingers reached so much farther than Blaine's own, and with just a little crook, Blaine was crying out in pleasure.

"You're so beautiful, Blaine. So hot, you look amazing writhing on the bed like that." Kurt's silky voice was sending Blaine higher and higher, and when he felt another finger enter him, he almost lost all coherence.

"Fuck, Kurt, need you, please, your cock in me now…oh my god I can't wait any more…" He was panting and moaning, his body almost convulsing, and a whimper escaped when he felt Kurt's fingers leave him. "Please…"

He heard foil tearing, and opened his eyes—which kept closing of their own accord—to see Kurt rolling a condom on. He licked his lips hungrily, knowing how close he was to having that gorgeous cock inside him.

And then it was there, slicked up and hard, pressing against his hole. He tried to relax. He looked up to see Kurt's stormy sky eyes shining down on him, and he felt his body melt. Slowly, Kurt pushed into him, rubbing his hip and leaning down to kiss him softly.

It was amazing. It was full and warm and more than he could have ever expected, but it was perfect. Kurt's eyes fluttered closed, and his mouth went a bit slack against Blaine's. For a moment they were just breathing together, letting the intensity of the experience wash over them. Then Kurt began kissing him more earnestly, and Blaine clung desperately to the tense muscles of Kurt's back. He raised his legs to wrap them around Kurt's waist and groaned at the change in angle.

"Kurt, move…please," he huffed between kisses, desperate to feel the hardness pumping into him.

Kurt pulled back slowly, gently, and then pushed back in, forcing groans from both of their throats. A second time, quicker and more forceful, and Blaine heard a quiet grunt, followed by a sigh, escape Kurt's lips. Blaine dug his heels into Kurt's ass, pulling him deeper, urging him to move faster.

When Kurt obliged, it was like Blaine's whole world lit up. The steady slide, the stretch and drag, and heat and the hardness of Kurt inside of him was more than he could have ever imagined.

As he thrust harder and harder, Kurt's kisses lost their rhythm and became wetter and hotter until his mouth finally moved down Blaine's jaw to press against his neck.

"Fuck, Blaine, you feel…unh…so good," he mumbled, his hot breath tickling Blaine's skin. "I love—god, I love you." It came out more as a sigh, and Blaine's fingernails dug lightly into Kurt's back as he tried to keep from falling completely apart.

"You…feel…oh—" Blaine's head fell back and his eyes rolled up as Kurt's cock thrust in at just the right angle. The pressure against his prostate made him gasp in ecstasy. "Kurt! Oh, please…" He wasn't sure what he was asking for, but he got what he needed when Kurt sped up, the head of his dick brushing over and over at just the right spot.

"Blaine, baby, are you ready?" Kurt panted, reaching a hand between them to loosely wrap around Blaine's shaft. His breathing was ragged and Blaine could feel the sweat on his heated skin. "I can't—I'm close…" His head dropped into the crook of Blaine's neck, and he bit down firmly on the flesh there. The sharp pain reached Blaine's brain just as Kurt's hand tightened around his cock, and with a feeling like falling and flying at the same time, a strangled cry left his throat and he came between their bodies, harder and longer than he ever had before.

Still drifting on euphoria, Blaine barely registered the few more erratic thrusts from Kurt. But when his boyfriend collapsed on top of him, slowly softening but still inside, Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt and reveled in the weight and the heat.

After a few minutes of their chests pressed together in a rapidly rising and falling harmony, Kurt gently pulled out, his face still buried in Blaine's neck. Blaine felt him lean away for a moment and vaguely heard the condom land in the trash can by his bed. A second later, soft tissue was swiped over his sticky stomach before Kurt lay back over him, his cheek now against Blaine's chest and his hands lightly running up and down Blaine's biceps.

There was a stretch of sleepy, warm silence, and then Blaine felt breath against his chest and heard Kurt's slow whisper.

"You are so amazing. You're perfect and I can't believe you're mine."

Blaine's heart swelled with emotion, and all he could manage to get out was a throaty "I love you." He rubbed his palm gently over the cooling expanse of smooth skin on Kurt's back, enjoying the weight and the closeness of the man of his dreams.

After a few more minutes, Kurt's breathing evened out and Blaine, assuming he was asleep, sighed softly into the quiet room.

"98 is my new favorite number…"

He felt more than heard Kurt's low chuckle against his chest, and he grinned sheepishly at being caught in full-on sappy mode. His smile quickly turned from slightly embarrassed to incredibly turned on, however, at Kurt's next words:

"That's only because you haven't read number 114…"