Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail, however much I might want to.

Lucy sighed loudly, looking down at the floor. When she looked up, she had a little half smile on her face.

"I think I'm in love."

Gasps were heard all around.

"Lucy's in love?" a guy whispered.

Lucy sighed again, still smiling. "I think I'm in love," she repeated, "with my best friend."

More gasps.

"You see, we've been best friends for as long as I can remember. Our parents were friends in school. Once they were married, they were looking for houses. They found two for sale right next to each other, and took it as fate. My parents bought one house, and his bought the other. When both of our moms got pregnant around the same time, they took that as fate, too.

"He was born twelve hours, almost exactly, before I was. We have the same birthday, just barely. He's never let me forget it.

"And we've been practically inseparable since. From practically the day we were born, we've been together. If his mom had to go somewhere, she would leave him at our house. And, on the flip side, if my mom had to go somewhere, she would leave me at their house.

"It's lucky that we got along, now that I think about it. I shudder to think about what would have happened if we didn't. But we still do get along, so I guess maybe our parents had it right.

"Now, we're both older, and hopefully wiser. Well, at least, I am. He's still such a child." She shook her head. "But I'm still in love with him. I have been since we were kids. In all the time I've known him, though, I've never seen him look at any girl in that way, let alone me. To him, we're just friends.

"But I can't help myself. Even though I know that he won't ever love me in that way, even if I tell myself that I'm being stupid, I still love him. Believe me, I've tried not to. But…" She looked out over the heads of her audience.

"I'm still in love with my best friend." She sighed again, ending while staring off into the distance. She stood there like that for a minute, and then she smiled and bowed.

Everyone in her drama class clapped and cheered. "Go Lucy!" yelled her friends, sitting in a group in a corner. Several pairs of eyes regarded her thoughtfully as she blushed and bowed again. (I'll give you a hint: It wasn't Natsu. Cause he's an idiot.)

"That was brilliant!" said the drama teacher, clapping loudly. "You pulled it off as if it was made for you!"

Lucy smiled nervously.

"What did you say it was from, again?"

Lucy gulped. "I- I- I don't remember," she stammered, not wanting to admit that she wrote it herself. If I told her, he'd hear. Natsu… I wrote it to him. I figured I should probably tell him at least once, even if it was in a really indirect way.

"Pity," said the teacher. "It was brilliant! And, like I said, you pulled it off perfectly! It was like you were really in love!"

"You think so?" said Lucy, chuckling (just slightly nervously, she was proud to notice).

"Well, anyways, I'm giving you extra points for a very well done and enjoyable performance." She smiled and then clapped her hands. "Class, another round of applause for Lucy, here!"

Lucy turned even redder than before and made negative waving motions with her hands while everyone else clapped again. "N-no, you don't have to! It's fine!"

The teacher glanced at the clock. "And that's the last one for today, folks! And for the week, as well. I'll give you the last five minutes or so to socialize and do whatever it is you teenagers enjoy. Yes, you can use your phones," she said, preempting the ten people who had raised their hands to ask. "Have a good weekend!"

She went back to her desk and started doing something on her computer.

Lucy turned, only to get tackled by her book-loving, tiny friend, Levy McGarden. "That was sooo good, Lu-chan! It was almost like it was written especially for you!"

Lucy gulped.

"Now that I think about it," said Erza Scarlet, "it did seem to have very similar circumstances to your life… Are you sure you can't remember what it's from? I've never heard of it before."

"I- I really have no idea, guys! I don't even remember where I found it!" Her face was bright red, a dead giveaway.

"Oh well. It was a very good piece," said Erza, dropping the subject.

"Juvia thinks so, too! But Juvia better not find out that you wrote it to her Gray-sama! Love rival," said the (obviously) Gray-obsessed Juvia Lockser.

Lucy sweatdropped. "I didn't write it! And, for the millionth time, I'm not in love with Gray!"

Then the guys walked up. "What about me?" asked the guy in question, Gray Fullbuster.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia said excitedly. "Juvia made you some cookies! They look like snowflakes!" She held them out on a blue plastic plate.

"Thanks, Juvia, but…" He sweatdropped. "When did you have time to make these? We've been in class all day."

He took the plate and picked up one cookie. He bit into it and chewed for a moment. "This is pretty good, Juvia," he said.

Juvia almost melted into a puddle from happiness. "You really think so, Gray-sama?"

"Yeah," he said casually, taking another bite.

And then Juvia fainted. She had a smile on her face, and she kept muttering, "Gray-sama… Juvia's Gray-sama…"

"Juvia! Are you okay?" said Gray, a panicked expression on his face. He crouched down next to her and started poking her face. Somewhere in that amount of time, his clothes mysteriously went missing.

"Hey, bunny girl! That wasn't half bad!" the metal covered Gajeel Redfox said, moving beside Levy and leaning on her head with his arm.

"Gajeel! Get off me!" said the little bluenette, struggling, and failing, to get him off of her.

"Gihi," Gajeel laughed.

"It was very good, Lucy," said Jellal Fernandez, smiling at her.

"Yours wasn't bad either, Jellal," said Erza. He had gone right before Lucy. They glanced at each other, and then they both looked away, blushing as red as, if not redder than, Erza's hair.

"Yeah, it was good, Lucy," Gray said, still on the floor trying to wake up Juvia, who now had chibi Grays running around her head in a circle.

"Th-thanks guys…" Lucy said, slightly embarrassed at all the praise.

"Hey, Luce, that was amazing!" said the voice that never failed to make her smile. An arm slid around her shoulders.

She smiled and turned around to see the smiling pinkette's face. "Thanks, Natsu. I'm pretty sure I forgot a few lines."

"No, you did great, Luce!" He turned to the others. "So, are we still on for tonight?"

"Yes!" said everyone simultaneously.

"Sleepover at Erza's house, right?" said Lucy.

"Yup! It's going to be amazing!" said Natsu, his signature grin on his face. "Is six a good time for everyone, or should it be a little later?"

"Six is fine for me," said Erza. "Any objections?" No one voiced any.

"I still don't see why I have to go," grumbled Gajeel.

"Because it'll be fun!" Levy said, bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Fine," he said. "But not for you, shrimp!" Levy sweatdropped. "Someone has to keep an eye on these two idiots." He gestured to Natsu and Gray.

"What's that supposed to mean, metal head?" They yelled at the same time. Then they turned on each other, foreheads touching. "Don't copy me!" Still completely synchronized. "That's it!"

And with that, they started beating each other up. Most of the teachers had given up on stopping them. The drama teacher was no exception. She glanced at them, sighed, and went back to whatever she was doing.

Then the bell rang. The students flooded out of the classroom. Within seconds, only the group we're following remained, watching Gray and Natsu fight.

"Natsu!" said Lucy.

Immediately, Natsu stood, brushed off his jeans, and walked over to Lucy.

"What is it, Luce?"

"We should get going. I mean, you're my ride home, right?"

"Okay, let's go!"

Lucy barely had time to get hold of her bag before he grabbed her hand and took off running.

Everyone else continued to stand there.

"She totally wrote that," said Levy, snickering.

"Definitely," said Erza.

"Did you see the way her face went bright red when you asked where it came from?" Levy said, cracking up.

"It was quite funny."

"Ten bucks says they get together tonight," said Gray, holding up a ten dollar bill.

"You're on," said Gajeel, grinning.

A/N Hello to the five of you who will probably actually read this! I hope you liked the first chapter. This was brought on by the thought of tryouts for Drama/Musical/Choir stuff that my high school is doing. If you want to be in Musical, you have to sing a song for the choir teacher, learn a dance from the choreographer, and do a monologue for the drama teacher. If they find you satisfactory, you make it. And then I had this brilliant (or not) idea. So here it is. Which gives me another idea… What if Natsu and Lucy were in a musical together? And they had to play the two main characters… Hmmm… *rubs hands together evilly* I'll have to give that more thought. Also, I CLAIM COPYRIGHT! You can't steal my idea! But if you like the sound of it, I'm always open to requests. If you have a musical that you love that you think would be good for the two of them (and the rest of Fairy Tail, of course), then you're welcome to PM me and make a request.

Anyways, review, please! Reviews always make me feel happy inside. For at least the first little while, I will be responding to you guys in the author's note at the end or at the beginning, so keep an eye out for that.

And I think that's it for now. If you guys like this, then I'll probably post more. But be aware, I reserve the right to claim writer's block at any time. I get it far more often than I care to admit. :P

Peace! ;)
