A/N: Hey all my faithful readers who probably hate me by now for not updating in forever. I'd like to sincerely apologize for this horrible and long wait. I am so, so sorry and I am a horrible writer. However, I want everyone to know that my updates will not be, in any way, on a schedule and there will most likely be longs waits in between chapters. If that is something you are not a fan of, feel free to stop reading this story, I apologize for wasting your time. If you enjoy this story enough to continue to read it, even with the months long waits, then I thank you. A huge thank you to all of my readers for making me feel like my writing could actually go somewhere and that it is enjoyable. Every time I get a review it absolutely makes my day. Now enough with this long A/N, let's get to the story, shall we?

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN!

I dropped my phone in shock, the screen shattering against the pavement. This is another reason why I never got close to people, they just end up disappearing, whether by choice or not. Everyone leaves me. My dad, my mom, my friends and now Percy, the boy I was starting to fall for.

We strive for consistency. A constant, repetitive, schedule, a constant companion, a constant feeling of happiness. We try so hard to achieve it that when one small thing is off, it affects our whole life. We knowingly attempt for someone to stay with us forever, "till death do us part", even if in the end it is inevitable. We try though, because that brings us the happiness we all deserve.

Silent tears streamed down my face as my heart tore in two. Reaching down I grabbed my phone and sprinted home. Today was Jeanette's day off so when I tore into the apartment I called out,

"Jeanette I need to go to the hospital, Percy's hurt!" my voice was hoarse from my silent sobs.

"Okay, let's go! What hospital?" she asked as we made our way to the car.

"Mem…memorial," I stuttered out. Jeanette reversed out of the driveway and down the street, pushing the speed limit enough that we would get there quickly without being pulled over. She pulled up to the front of the hospital and I jumped out before the car fully stopped. I sped to the front desk.

"Percy Jackson, what room?" I said breathlessly, not even realizing I just spoke to a total stranger.

"You will have to wait, he's in surgery. Please take a seat," she directed. I walked over to the waiting room, worry etched onto my features. Thalia was already seated when I got there. She got up and gave me a hug, my usually stoic best friend had tears slowly tracing down her cheeks. We sat in silence, my head on her shoulder, my thoughts were swirling. What if I never get to tell him how I feel and I regret it for the rest of my life? What if he loses his memory? What… what if he dies…? The last thought had me choking back sobs.

The silence around Thalia and I became cloying, it was suddenly hard to breathe. The thing I had cherished so much before was now my greatest enemy. All I wanted to hear was the sound of Percy's laughter and see his beautiful eyes filled with mirth. I turned into Thalia more and she wrapped her arms around me. A few moments later a beautiful middle age woman walks into the waiting room.

"Sally," Thalia whispered. I realize this is Percy's mother, the one who raised the most caring person in the whole world. I moved out of Thalia's embrace so she could go and greet the woman. I took my notebook from my back pocket and flipped it to a blank page.

Waves crashing, rolling, rumbling along the shore of my mind

Thoughts in turmoil

No sound but the waves around me

All that chaos caused by one person

With eyes the colour of the sea

I looked over my brief poem, trying to sort out the emotions that accompanied sitting in the hospital waiting for the person I was slowly falling in love with. I continued to write, chunking pieces of poetry, thoughts and letters together. I was writing furiously, words flowing onto the paper. I couldn't write fast enough.



"Annabeth," a voice snapped me out of my frenzy, it was Thalia. "He's out of surgery… he's going to be okay." I smiled widely at her words and felt tears of happiness rolling down my cheeks. He's okay, he's going to be okay, I wasn't going to lose him after all. I felt a weight get lifted off of my shoulders with those few statements.

"Thank god," I whispered, staring at my hands. I looked back at Thalia. "Can we see him?" I asked. She nodded.

"Sally and Paul just went in to see him, we're up next with the rest of the gang." When she mentioned all of his other friend I looked around the room to see all of the seat occupied by friendly faces, they must have come in while I was writing. I gave them all a nervous smile, in which they returned. It was a few more minutes before Sally and Paul came out, motioning for us to go and see him.

I stayed near the back while everyone else greeted Percy. It was hard to look at him, so I was glad for the protection of the people in front of me. There was a bandage around his head, bruises on his face, his arm was in a cast, he was hooked up to different machines and bandages and nasty bruises, along with a stitched up incision, on his chest. The reason for his surgery was that he had broken a few ribs and they had punctured one of his ribs. His breaths were shallow and pained, but I don't think anyone else noticed. It wasn't until everyone had a chance to speak to him, and gather their own validation on proof of life, did Percy see me near the back. His eyes held a number of emotions, happiness, relief, confusion, and an underlying sadness from our previous conversation. I looked away, knowing my eyes held the same things, but they also held a hope and want that I did not want him to see.

When we have fallen for someone, so completely, we want it to go right.

It is nerve-wracking at the beginning because you don't know how to share that you have fallen for them, or how they will react.

Half of you wishes to just kiss them, to portray all that you feel in that one action.

The other half wishes that they would just say something, to make a move, so you know their intentions are the same as yours.

In the end it takes a leap of faith, on both sides.

Thalia seemed to catch on to our silent conversation, and gave me a knowing look.

"Come on guys, let's let Percy rest. Besides, I think there's someone he wants to talk to," she instructed. I felt my cheeks burn at her last sentence.

"Thanks for coming you guys. It means a lot," Percy said. His voice was slightly scratchy and quieter, so much different than what I'm used to. Everyone began to file out of the room, a chorus of byes echoing behind them. Pretty soon I was the only visitor left in the room, now there was no one to hide behind. Slowly I walked over to Percy's bed, eyes towards the floor, the window, the potted plant, anywhere but his battered body and honest eyes.

"I wasn't sure if you were going to come," he croaked.

"Of course I'd be here. Why would you think I wouldn't?" I whispered.

"I thought I had scared you off," he admitted. "I thought I was too forward and so soon after you began to trust me. I was so distracted on how to get your trust again and to redeem myself in your eyes I didn't even see the damn car…" his voice tapered off at the end.

"I'm sorry… I caused all of this… I'm so sorry…" tears welled up in my eyes and slowly cut rivers through the contours of my face.

"Hey, Annabeth, no. It was not your fault. I wasn't paying attention." I felt a thumb brush away my tears and I looked over to see Percy, with his good arm raised, gently wiping away my tears. He smiled lightly at me. "It'll be okay," he assured me.

"You never lost my trust," I secreted to him, in response to his earlier statement.

"I didn't?"

"No. Never." What I didn't say was that I could never lose trust in him, he was too much to me for a simple action to tear us apart. His smile grew wider, causing him to wince because of the injuries on his face. I gently took his good hand and entwined our fingers. "You need to rest," I instructed.

"Stay for a while longer?" He asked, vulnerability in his eyes.


I stayed at his side until he fell asleep, breaths evening out peacefully. I carefully detached our hands and walked to the chair beside his bed. When I sat down I felt my notebook in my back pocket. Taking it out, I flipped to the newest entry. I knew I would never have the courage to say the things I wrote aloud to Percy, while he was awake that is, instead I began to read what I wrote while he was asleep.


Back to writing everything in letters I suppose, just the way we met. I cannot tell you how excited, and endeared, I was when I got your first letter. For someone who has been invisible for the better part of ten years, to finally be recognized felt like a miracle. You were my miracle Perseus Jackson. I thank the gods every day, for every moment with you. You are the best person I have ever met, besides Thalia of course, and I cannot put into words how much it means to me, for you to invest your time in an invisible girl like me.

My chest constricts every time I look at you, I get nervous every time I know you're going to be around and butterflies just thinking about you. Your smile is contagious, always clear to see in my mind. Eighty- five percent of my free time is spent thinking about you and what we could be, it's maddening when I'm trying to focus. How is it possible for someone to be distracting when they're not even there!? I always have a plan about what to say around you, but the second I look into your eyes all my previous thoughts disappear, leaving me speechless.

I have fallen for you hard, and I think I still am falling. Occasionally when I think of you there's this statement that pops out and catches me off guard, taking my breath away. 'I might love him.' That's the statement and I don't know if it's true or not. Can you love someone you're not in a relationship with? I don't know, and it scares me, because I've been hurt before and I don't want it to happen again. Still, I might love you. There, I said it. I might love you Percy. I might love you, and with time that might could turn into a yes. I might love you.

I'm so glad you didn't leave me because I might love you.

I finished, feeling a weight off of my shoulders. I smiled and looked at Percy's peaceful form, knowing that tomorrow will be better.

"Excuse me ma'am?" I snapped over to the door where a nurse was waiting paitently. "Visiting hours are over," she informed me. I smiled and nodded my consent. I quickly scribbled a note and ripped it out of my book, tucking it into Percy's semi-clenched hand. I pressed a small kiss to his forehead before turning and leaving, all the while thinking to myself "I might love him"…

A/N: Ta-da! I hoped you enjoyed it, I put a little fluff in there for all you lovely readers, and a happy ending/ no cliffhanger! Remember to comment on any mistakes you see.

As always, review, follow, favorite and stay awesome.