
He really hoped she did not see him. She seemed oblivious to her surroundings, but in reality, her eyes and her ears were sharp – if she did not react, it did not mean she did not know. And right now, it was better for him she did not know he was stalking her.

Like, actually stalking her. He could not believe he was doing this. And it was not even Hotaru's or Ruka's idea. No. It was his idea. No, not even an idea – he simply did it, without really thinking about it.

''Dammit.'' He muttered to himself and ducked when she made a slight turn and could have seen him if she only glanced his way.

Why was he stalking her? Well… She did not come for him during breaks this past week, like she always did – and he wanted to know what was going on. She was usually the one following him around, but she started behaving a little strangely these past days and he had no idea what to do about it.

He just wanted to know what was going on.

He was about to turn at the corner, when he came face to face with the girl he was stalking. She had her arms crossed, her foot was tapping impatiently, and she was staring at him with a raised brow. Natsume glared at her and sighed.

''Want to explain?'' was her only question and it seemed like she tried very hard not to smirk.

Natsume gulped. Damn… What should he say? That he wanted to know what she was up to? If she was meeting someone? That he was stalking her? ''Uh…'' was his smart reply and Mikan rolled her eyes, turning away and continuing walking. ''I don't have time for this.''

Natsume rushed after her. ''So… Where are you going?''

''None of your business.'' Was her sharp reply and Natsume flinched.

Of course, she avoiding him could have have something with him telling her the exact same words a few days before.

''Come on… Tell me…'' he was really desperate to talk to her. It had been days since he heard a sound from her. Was she really still angry at him?

''Go away, Natsume.'' Was her only reply.

He grabbed her hand and turned her around. He was about to say something, but Mikan beta him to it. ''Now, imagine I would react like that every time you ignore me, huh? I'd have to stalk you every freaking day, and I would get bald because you'd burn my hair for trying to take your hand. Isn't that a little unfair?''

''All right, all right!'' Natsume exclaimed in frustration, going through his hair with his free hand. ''I'm sorry, ok? I was an idiot. I won't do it again. I promise. You can hold me to that. I'll buy you Howallons as an apology.'' He told her, making her smile.

She giggled a little and pulled him after her. ''Ok.''

Natsume sighed in relief and walked next to her.

''But no need to stalk me just because of that, you know.'' She teased him and laughed when he blushed like the teenager he was.