Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker


Harry falls in love with someone else other than Ginny Weasley. They woman he loves is his betrothed. We finds love under a bright moon. What will everyone say?

4th year story


Harry walks the castle finding sitting on top of the Astronomy looking up at the stars. He thought about the Tri-Wizard Tournament how everyone but Hermione had turned against him. He didn't even put his name in the Goblet for crying out loud. But no one believed him.

"Why doesn't anyone believe me? I hate my fame", Harry says out load

"I believe you", a voice says

"So do we", Draco Malfoy says

Out of the stairs comes a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was in a Slytherin robes. Draco, Millicent, Blaise, Goyle, Crabbe and another female Slytherin and other girl with blonde hair.

"Why would all you Slytherin's care?" Harry asks

"Potter have you read your parents will?" the blonde girl asks

"No one has even shown me it. Why?" Harry asks looking at them

"We are betrothed in it. I swear my magic oath on it", the blonde girl says drawing her wand

Magic swirls around them.

"I can show you I have my magic if you want?" the girl asks

Harry just nodded not sure what to say.

"Lumos", the girl says

All the Slytherin's smiles when her wand glows.

"I am Daphne Greangrass", the girl says smiling at Harry

Harry gets up and looks in her eyes seeing the trust and love in them.

"We are soul mates", Daphne explains

"How do you know?" Harry asks

"Read your wrist", Daphne says taking his right hand and showing him

Daphne Lyla Greengrass

"How did that get there?" Harry asks

"When you knew about the betrothed it would be seen. I knew when I was little you were my soul mates. Pure-Blood families talk. And I have your name on my wrist", Daphne explains showing her wrist

Harry Lucius David Prewett-McGonagall-Malfoy

"But that says I am related to Professor McGonagall and the Malfoy's. I am not. I am a half blood", Harry says

"It's the truth", Daphne says

"Your mother was Professor McGonagall's daughter she wasn't a Muggle-Born witch. Your mum had sex with my dad 6 months before I was born. He knew her true heritage they were in love. More so then my father ever loved my mother", Draco says

"How do you know this?" Harry asks

"Dad explained to us at an early age. Mum knows she is taking second to a dead person. But she lives with it. So sorry about everything I said I just didn't know what came over me. You're me little brother. We will support you through this tournament. You will come out clean on the other end", Draco replies holding out his hand

"Deal. Thanks for explaining that. I am glad I have friends that believe me", Harry says

"The others are twits", Daphne says hand on Harry's arm

Harry looks in Daphne's blue eyes and saw love there and support. She was going to be there for him. He knew that.

"Can I kiss you?" Harry asks under the moon

"Yes", Daphne says smiling

Harry kisses her and Daphne kisses him back. The other Slytherin's clap. Finally they could be together.

Harry pulls back with a smile. That kiss set him on light.

"What do we do now?" Harry asks wrapping an arm around Daphne's waist pulling her close

"I will owl my father and tell him you know. He will figure out something to get you out of your relatives. He IS your father. So he can get custody of you", Draco replies arms around the young blonde girl that looked like Daphne

"I thought you were all death eaters?" Harry asks

"Dad got out when he found out about Lily being targeted. He really loved her", Draco says

"So you will support me in this tournament?" Harry asks

"Yes", they all say

"Thank you. You are more loyal to me then my other friends are", Harry replies

"Harry we know your adopted family abuses you", Draco says softly

"How?" Harry asks

"You have scars that are new each year and in Quidditch you always favour you left hand and with you draw your wand too. That was after 2nd year", Draco says

"The broke my wrist badly so badly it didn't heal properly. I have limited motion in it", Harry says

The Slytherin's growl.

"They will pay for hurting you brother. Dad will make sure of it. He will have a personal healer check you over soon", Draco says

"Thank you. All of you", Harry says

"We will be your friends if you let us?" Blaise says

"I will be your brother if you let me?" Draco says

"I will be your girlfriend if you let me? You can trust me with anything", Daphne says kissing his cheek

"I will be your friends, brother and Daphne will you be my girlfriend? But we have to take it slow", Harry says

"I will be your girlfriend Harry. We are Soul Mates. I will be there for you through thick and thin", Daphne pledges

Harry kissed her gently.

"Thank you", Harry says

"No need beloved. You are mine", Daphne replies flicking her wand removing the glamor hiding his scared cheek.

She kisses it.

"You don't care about my scars?" Harry asks

"No. They are a part of you. They show me you are brave my beloved", Daphne says kissing him again

"Thanks", Harry says smiling

"Before I forget this is my betrothed Astoria Greenglass", Draco says to the girl in his arms

"So brothers dating the same family", Harry says

"Yes. And we wouldn't have it any other way", Daphne says

They spend the next hour up under the moon telling everything about themselves. Harry felt much better after that. He had friends, a brother and a girlfriend. Who would help him in this tournament someone set him up to die and he wasn't going to let that happen…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review and i'll update as soon as possible:)