Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Kamen Rider
"Demon talk"
"Alright team, meet me at the north entrance at 0900 tomorrow" Kakashi said.
A 'Humph' from wonder emo, a "yes Kakashi-sensei" from a pink howler monkey and another "yes Kakashi-sensei" from an orange wearing idiot.
"Naruto, can I see you in my office after this" Sarutobi asked.
"You got it Jiji" Naruto answered.
Hokage office
In the office, Naruto was waiting for the hokage. He was wearing orange jumpsuit, orange pants, blue shinobi sandals and a shinobi headband. A few minutes later, the Sandaime walked into the office.
"Okay Naruto, you know what this meeting is about don't you" Sandaime asked.
"Of course Jiji, this mission is the perfect time for Kakashi to get revenge for Kyuubi killing my father" naruto answered. "So you going to sign it now aren't you?"
"Yes Naruto, I have already signed it, it just needs your signature to finish it" he said.
"You got it Jiji, just be prepared to send the message to Kiri as well" Naruto said while signing the document. He left with the document sealed in a scroll and headed home to prepare for the mission.
The next day
At the north gates of Konoha, four people were waiting. A duck haired boy wearing a navy blue shirt with a high collar, white shorts, white arm warmers and blue shinobi sandals. A pink haired girl wearing a long red dress, blue shinobi sandals and a headband on top of her head. An old man with brown shirt, light brown pants, brown sandals and a straw hat. The last person was a blond whiskered boy with an orange jumpsuit, orange pants and blue shinobi sandals.
"Gah, where is he!"
"It has been three hours so fare"
"Don't worry Sakura-chan he will be here soon"
A few minutes later a man with gravity defying hair poof in front of them.
"Okay guys lets go"
(Note: I skipping to when they meet Zabuza)
The ninjas and bridge builder arrived to very dense fog.
"is it usually this foggy"
"no, but this is not natural"
"Kakashi-sensei can you sense anything"
"Nothing at the moment"
The sound of something being hurled at them came closer. Kakashi shouted to get down with him pulling Tazuna and Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto. A giant sword passed over them and imbedded into a tree.
"Well, if it ain't copy ninja Kakashi" a voiced said.
"Zabuza the demon of the Mist" Kakashi said.
"Give me the bridge builder and you all live"
Kakashi charged at Zabuza with a kunai ready. Zabuza pared with his giant sword and disarmed Kakashi of his kunai. Kakashi dodged Zabuza's sword but Zabuza knew this would happen and swung his sword the way Kakashi jumped. Kakashi seeing this smirking and kawarimi with Naruto and the blade ran across Naruto's chest which threw him into the lake.
Zabuza had a shocked look on his face at what Kakashi just did and saw a scroll fall from Naruto's jacket and land at Kaskahi's feet. Zabuza seeing what a sensei did to his student left the field saying that this wasn't over. Kakashi picked up the scroll and read its contents.
Kakashi Hatake
If you are reading this scroll then Naruto has been killed by either you or your genin's to make it look like an accident.
If so the seal on this will be activated and reinforcements will be sent to help you complete the mission and give you and your teams punishment.
Naruto was known about your feelings about him and that's why this scroll was made.
The seal has a second function to it: if Naruto is still alive he will deactivated the seal but only he knows to deactivate it so if you use a henge to trick don't bother and yours and Sasuke's sharigan's will be sealed after opening this scroll.
Third Hokage
Kakashi went paled at what was stated in the scroll. Reinforcements were coming and were going to give him punishment and there was no way of stopping it.
"Kakashi-sensei, what does it say?"
"It says that with Naruto's death reinforcement will come and help finish this mission and we will be punished for Naruto's death and Sasuke your Sharingan will be sealed off for the rest of your life unless Naruto is still alive."
Sakura and Sasuke was shocked that with Naruto's death they will be punished and Sasuke's Sharingan would be sealed off for rest of his life. Sakura then said that they had to get Naruto out of the lake to stop this from happening.
With Naruto
Naruto awoke to find himself in a forest with strange fruits growing on the vines. He got up and saw a chest the size of his home. The chest opened and revealed two kinds of belts. One was black, with a hexagon lot in the middle with a little sword to the right of it. The other one was red and had the hexagon slot in it but what looked like a two handles on each side with the right being longer. Also along these belts with locks with fruits on the top of them and some of the locks had transparent parts to them.
'wow, what are these doing here'
"Well Naruto, these things are called Wareng Drive, those locks with the fruits on them can be used to make armour appear on you. Though the ones with the handles can only be used the transparent ones."
'Thanks Kiyomi'
"Your welcome Naruto"
Naruto grabbed both the drivers but as soon both were out of the chest they glowed and went inside Naruto along with the lock seeds with them.
Draco565: originially this was going to be a Naruto x Kamen rider OOO crossover but after watching Kamen rider Gaim I changed it to Naruto x Kamen rider Gaim crossover.
Naruto's harem:
Fem Kyuubi