Hey guys! As promised I am back with the new chapter. It's a follow up to the previous chapter. It is the last chapter of the story "Fake boyfriend(or not)."

I was hesitating to write this one because of the latest episode of Arrow. I'm just really upset with Oliver after the episode, but that's me. Enjoy guys. Next story is up tonight. hint:it's a story about Barry Allen coming back to Starling after recovering from his coma!

The waitress came in at Oliver's call.

She was also a blonde, very serene face.

"What can I get you guys tonight?" The waitress asked Oliver, offering him a menu.

"Hmmmm, what would you ladies like to order." Oliver was talking to Felicity and Gina while scanning the menu.

After 5 minutes both of them still didn't open their mouth.

"Give us five more minutes will you?" Oliver politely asked the waitress who left in a jiffy.

Oliver suddenly aware of the situation looked up from the menu and saw both their reactios "Did I say something wrong? Its a restaurant,you have to eat." Oliver was telling both of them.

Gina cleared her throat and spoke up the first time.

"Are you really dating Felicity?"

Oliver looked at her for a second with cold eyes.

"Yes, I am dating Felicity. Why is that some problem for you ?" Oliver asked her with no emotion whatsoever.

"No, its not some problem. Just curious." Gina's eyes travelling downward to the ground. She needed a moment to digest the fact Felicity was dating(fake) Oliver Queen.

Felicity still hadn't opened her mouth yet on the topic.

Oliver started nudging her to talk. "Just go along with me NOW." Oliver was talking through the air to her and making signs with his hands pointing to Gina.

"I cant believe you would lie to her like this." Felicity replied back. Now she was talking through the air too.

Oliver's head was tilting towards Gina and he was wide eyed and making all kinds of actions to Felicity to talk to her.

And Felicity was reacting to it. It was hilarious.

They both kept signalling to each other without noticing Gina had saw them both.

"What are you two doing?" she had both her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

She had long seen both of them doing hand signals.

"Nothing, nothing. We were just signalling... With our eyes, I mean our hands. Its how we communicate." Felicity laughed a throaty one.

"What?" Gina had no idea what was going on.

"Oliver and I have this weird way of communicating with our eyes and hands. We've been together was so long its like we get each other instantly. I really love him." Felicity kept blabbering. She had no idea what she was saying.

Now it was Oliver's turn to freak the shit out.

He jerked his head to Felicity so fast his neck hurt. She just said she loved him.

Oliver felt like fainting.

"What?" Oliver slightly yelled which was apparently audible to Gina.

Gina kept looking back and forth at he two people sitting before her.

She didn't believe half of it. It was Felicity Smoak according to her. She never understood the real story.

"Why did you scream what?" Gina asked Oliver with suspicion.

Felicity was aware of her mishap. "uhm she was.. Was saying.. She meant.." Oliver was stumbling for words.

"Oh, Oliver. Stop it." Felicity laughed and hit Oliver on the shoulder.

"I've.. We've been in love for quite a while." Felicity tried fixing the damage done.

"Oh really?" Gina asked with raised eyebrows.

"Is that true Oliver? You don't seem too happy about it." Gina digged in deeper.

Oliver looked at Felicity with a whakho expression. He was just pathetic at lying in such situations. It was always one night stands but now he was just lying about something which wasn't true or maybe that was what he thought.

Oliver laughed out loud. "Yes I love Felicity." Felicity realized it was a joke to him and joined him in the fun.

"Yes, he loves me and so do I."

"We love each other so much, right Felicity?" Oliver added. Both of them were talking serious crap. Oliver placed his hand on Felicity's shoulder now to make it more real.

"Love is our thing. We both live for this kind of love." Felicity continued the ramble.

Gina just sat there watching these two rambling like cracks.

"We've been in love forever. We were destined to be togeth…" Felicity was cut by someone else during the mid ramble.

"Can I take your order please?" The waiter was back to take their order.

They all eased up a bit now that the waiter was here.

"A big belly buster, French fries and a coke. Make it two please." Oliver gave the order.

"I'll just have a coffee, black." Gina ordered.

"As I was saying, we were destined to be together always. It was so obv…"

"Felicity please cut the crap. This is the worst story I've ever heard. Both of you are lying. I don't believe one bit of it."

Gina leaned in and looked at Oliver in particular "I'll let you on one thing Oliver, Felicity here, she can never be your girlfriend because she never had one proper boyfriend in college. She wasn't a slut but no one liked her. She is a loner and there is nothing about her that would even interest you. You know what I think? Felicity would have slept with you." Gina was such a conniving bitch.

Oliver was clenching his fists. "I've heard about you Oliver and as the gossip goes you've slept with a lot of women and sleeping with Felicity would have been none different. So stop this crap fest, I know what you're doing. You're trying to save Felicity from guilt in front of me and I knew it. That's Felicity. So stop it." Gina finished her long speech and sat back looking at Felicity very satisfied with herself for getting her point through.

Felicity was about to cry. Her eyes seemed teary and she felt insulted and humiliated in front of Oliver. It hurt because she loved Oliver and she was scared that he would believe what Gina told him.

Before Oliver could speak the food had arrived, he felt bad for Felicity that she had endure this trauma. He didn't feel hungry at all.

For a second Oliver turned to Felicity and saw her eyes. He immediately placed his hand on top of hers under the table. They were shaking. He looked at her and closed his eyes.

When he opened it he was ready to leave.

"I'm not really hungry Gina. After seeing what a low life you really are. For what it's worth I love Felicity. I've loved her from the beginning when I came to the I.T. department to get my latte damaged laptop fixed by her. It was just one or two meets but I had a lot of problems to be solved. She was the only one who believed in me and told me there was another way to get out of the fear on a hellish island for five years. She never slept her way to the top. The fact that she is a loner is the reason I love her. I connect with her on so many different levels and for what it's worth" Oliver looked at Felicity lovingly. His cheeks looked pink with emotion.

"She's not just my employee but…. She's my partner. And I'm in love with her. She means the world to me. Nobody gets me like her. So many people have tried but she was the only one who mattered at the end of the day and I will protect her whatever happens. If this isn't enough for you to understand then I have no time for such people like you." Oliver explained with no gap. He was out of breath.

Gina gaped at Oliver saying all these things the second after she said some bad things. Felicity had tears trickling down her eyes. She couldn't believe one word Oliver had said.

She thought she was no competition for the women he slept with or had been with but all along it was her. How did she not know what was running through her head the whole time.

Gina opened her mouth too say sorry but Oliver just stopped her, "Please don't talk. I've had it with people like you. You may have been a popular person in college but being so bitchy in the present isn't going to make the world easier for you. Take my advice, I've been the popular one!" Oliver finished and took Felicity's hand to leave.

Before leaving "Oh, and pay the bill." Oliver told her as rude as he could be and left outside.

He picked up his cell phone and called Diggle to pick them up.

Oliver was very silent the whole time they were waiting outside.

"Oliver?" Felicity slowly asked. She was still shocked by what had happened inside. It was the longest speech Oliver had given to someone and he had confessed he was in love with her.

She was shaking to ask Oliver the question. "Oliver? Are you in love with me? Did you mean everything you said there?" Felicity asked Oliver. She couldn't look him in the eye.

Oliver was looking the other side. He didn't want to start a relationship and get an innocent girl's hopes high and it was Felicity. He loved her but it never hit him like that before. It was the first time. He gathered his thoughts and stood facing Felicity.

"Yes, I love you Felicity. You're my partner." Oliver said silently and kissed her cheek. "I do, I'm just sorry it took me so long to say it." Oliver beamed at Felicity.

"Oli…" Felicity began.

"Shhhhh. Just take it all in. Let's not ruin the moment." Oliver told Felicity. He had a smile that lighted the whole alley.

Felicity smiled like she'd never smiled before. So many emotions were flooding between them.

Diggle had come finally.

Felicity and Oliver got in the car.

Everyone was silent. "Diggle, take us to Felicity's apartment please." Oliver told Diggle.

All Diggle could do was smile at his two friends in happiness that he had brought them here for dinner in the first place.