So, I'm sorry that it took such a long long long time but I had a huge case of writer's block. It was horrible, I couldn't think of anything until this weekend. Well I should stop talking. Enjoy!

"Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door." -Coco Chanel

Wait.. She can see me? She can see me?!

"Oh Rapunzel, would you shut up?" A figure emerged into the room, "last thing I need is another headache."

If the albino was alive, with a beating heart, he knew it would break. Something about Rapunzel all of a sudden made him so curious.. Why would anyone want to lock themselves in a dark room? Try talking to no one for more than 300 years, Jack thought numbly.

Did he really want her to see him? Of course, I do! Even if she could, wouldn't that make things worse? The fact that she had screamed out in fear as he entered the room. Except, she couldn't see him, meaning it was not him that she feared. She feared the woman that had walked passed him.

He took in the woman's appearance: dark locks curled at its max, mid waist length hair. Her body curved like a woman, her features were in fact, mature. At this rate, older men would long to have such a companion, and she knew that.

However, the idea immediately vanished at the tone that had leaped of her throat. Jack was disgusted, he's never heard such cruelty in one's voice.

Rapunzel whimpered, curling her bare toes onto the cold ground as she brought her knees to her chest. "Sorry, Mother."

Her voice was quiet.. too quiet.

"Speak up, Rapunzel!" Gothel yelled, as her hand harshly made contact with Rapunzel's face.

"I'm sorry!" She sobbed.

What caught Jack off guard were the rustling of chains. The light then shined on the green eyed blonde. Jack's jaw dropped slightly, she was beautiful, despite the circles under her eyes, she looked like a goddess. His eyes trailed to her hair, Wow.. All of a sudden, he had realized that his goddess was crying.

Anger filled his chest; the swirl of desperation, sadness, and anger played with his mind. Never had he felt such emotions at once, nonetheless, the thought of feeling this angry had not crossed his mind.

"Leave!" He screamed at Gothel.

The tone in his voice caused the room temperature to drop harshly making Rapunzel's teeth chatter and making her body shiver. "This is pathetic," Gothel said as she made her way through the door, locking it. Locking Rapunzel once again, in darkness...

I have to get out of here.. Jack thought. He glanced at the blonde and looked down sadly. We have to get out of here..

The door is locked, no windows, just a small amount of light. How can someone live like this? The answer was simple, no one really does. Then why do you?

He sat in front of Rapunzel- criss crossed- waiting for her to notice. Just a sign. Anything at all. He took a moment to look into her eyes, inside he saw a lost girl, scared and cold. She's trying to find a way out but she's scared. There was something in her eyes that struck him deep inside his chest; her eyes were emotionless, cold. The type of cold Jack Frost never knew existed.

Hesitantly, his hand reached out, he needed to know if she was at least starting to believe. He just needed something to urge him on..

Gently, he went for the hair, to brush it off her face. To let his icy blue eyes drown in her emerald green ones. A faint sensation of warmth spread through him as the tip of his fingers casually slid against her temple. However, seconds away from brushing her hair to the side, it slipped through his hand.

He gasped, for the slightest second, he felt her. He-

The door swung open, without hesitation Jack's wind flew him out of there; he didn't notice the green eyes that followed sadly.

He saw something; Jack panted after he crashed onto the ground outside the tower. His knees and palms in contact with the soil, panting out his lungs. He saw..

"I think he likes me.."

"Likes you? Why Rapunzel that's demented."

"Oh now I'm the bad guy."

A wounded man, far from Rapunzel's reach murmuring, "You are my new dream." As he thought of the blonde.

Visuals of memories, her memories. The Dark room, the chains, the blood, it all made sense! That's what is happening to her, she's suffering! She's trapped and she's scared. She was different, before. She looked so alive and now she looks.. dead. Why is this stressing Jack all of a sudden?

The memories came in once again, this time louder. The albino used both of his hands, trying to block out the cries of Rapunzel as she yelled out for her dead companion, Eugene.

Patterns of snow flakes and heavy snow circled around Jack as the emotions pierced into his unbeating heart. Then it became stronger, the heavy snow covered the trees sending cold in every direction. The rushing of wind, icicles, and blue flashing lights escaped Jackson's body. Suddenly stopping, the spirit collapsed, knocked out.

He had caused Corona to have their first blizzard. Somehow, Rapunzel had transferred her emotions to him to set them free.

A dark figure stood by, laughing darkly as he witnessed the damage done by the spirit. "Oh Jackson, need I remind you that you make a mess wherever you go?"