Ch. 1: What Next?

It had been 3 weeks since Geo had stopped Meteor G from destroying the earth. His father and his wizard Omega-Xis had returned after being lost in space. It was now Spring Break, and Geo was stuck at home, thinking about what to do.


"What's up kid?" Mega asked him

"Well, there's not much to do anymore. I mean, viruses are disappearing since Meteor G is gone, and I've already finished the homework due after the break. There's nothing left to do..." Geo said sounding disappointed.

"Why don't we go watch some t.v. ?" C'mon kid, lets get you out of this funk." Mega said trying to cheer him up.

"I guess so..." Geo said

Geo then went to his living room to pass the time with a little television. He was swapping through channels and then, all of Geo's attention was suddenly on this commercial.

"Later today, the series finale to the critically acclaimed "Song Of Dreams" Starring teen idol Sonia Strumm will be broadcasted tonight at 7:00! Don't 'cha dare miss it!"

"Wow, her show is ending. I wonder why?" Geo said

"Hey kid, why ya blushin?" Mega said jokingly

"Wh-what? No way! Your hallucinating!" Geo said embarrassed

"Oh calm down kid. Don't worry, I won't tell your girlfriend!" Mega said with a smirk

Geo was now blushing a dark crimson red. It was already obvious to Mega that Geo had a huge crush on Sonia. Geo realized this the night he and Sonia spent the night together on the dock in Alohaha.

"Jeez Mega, don't say stuff like that!" Geo yelled

"Oh calm down! Why don't you man up, and go ask this girl on a date?" Mega said

"M-Mega, c'mon! Enough with this topic!" Geo yelled

"Jeez, you humans and your emotions." Mega said

Mega than un-materialized and went back into the Hunter-VG

"Ugh, darn it Mega" Geo thought

Now Geo couldn't get Sonia off his mind. He kept making scenarios in his head of him and Sonia on a date or eating at a nice restaurant.

"Man I'm hungry. I wonder what mom left for me in the fridge?" Geo thought

Geo then walked over to the fridge to check if there was any food.

"Ah man, nothing here. What now?" Geo thought

Geo then realized that he had over 20,000 zennys! He had earned them from virus busting and wave data found on wave roads.

"Well then, I guess I can go buy my food! Hmm, where should I go?"

Suddenly, his Hunter-VG started ringing

"Browse!" Geo said as a screen popped out

*Now switching to Sonia's point of view*

Sonia was just packing her things as she was moving out of her apartment to move.

"Are your things ready yet Sonia?" Asked her wizard, Lyra

"Almost! Just a few more things and then I'm done! Besides Lyra, the moving company doesn't come until tomorrow." Sonia said happily

"Have you told anyone yet?" Lyra asked

"No, not yet. I was thinking about telling Geo, but..." Sonia was suddenly cut off

"Your nervous 'cause you like him, aren't you?" Lyra said

"W-well I... yeah, I guess your right." Sonia said with a frown

"Why don't you make plans with him? I'm sure he'd love to go out with you!" Lyra said

Sonia then started blushing, with a small smile

"I-I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask, right?" Sonia said.

"Atta girl! Good luck Sonia!"

Sonia then grabbed her Hunter-VG and made the call

*Back to Geo's point of view*

The screen popped up with Sonia on the screen

"S-Sonia! Hey, whats up?" Geo said nervously

"H-Hi Geo! I'm doing good, thanks for asking." Sonia said

Both were really nervous, and were blushing like crazy!

"So... I uh, heard your TV show is ending. Why is it ending?" Geo asked

"Well, since the Meteor G incident, I've been thinking alot about you... I MEAN STUFF! Yeah... stuff about life... hahaha..." Sonia said trying to cover up what she said

"Really? Is that why your show is ending?" Geo asked

"Actually, I was actually wondering if your busy today? There's something I want to talk to you about. Are you busy?" Sonia asked while blushing

"W-well no, I'm free today. So sure! Lets do something!" Geo said happily

"Great! So... do you have any idea what we should do?" Sonia asked

"Hmm... Oh, I know! Lets go to Dream Island! I heard on the news that they opened up a Matter Wave carnival, where the rides are made out of matter waves! They also have a ton of stands and games to play!" Geo suggested

"Great! Pick me up from the studio at 12:00!" Sonia said

"Its a date! U-uh I mean, uhh... well you know what I mean!" Geo said nervously

Sonia then blushed a dark red

"Haha... alrighty then! I'll see you at 12:00! Bye Geo!" Sonia said

Sonia then blew a kiss, and winked before hanging up. Geo was now in shock. He was just, well wowed.

"Woah... hey Mega, I think I just got a date!" Geo said happily

"Ugh, you humans and your "adolescence" as Lyra says." Mega said

"Hmm, its pretty hot today. I wonder what I should wear?" Geo thought

*Back to Sonia's Point of View*

"Well? How'd it go Sonia? " Lyra asked

"Well, I'm going to the carnival with Geo now!" Sonia said excited

"Wow! Good job Sonia! I knew you could do it!" Lyra said

"Well, better get ready! I wonder what I should wear?" Sonia thought

"Ok Lyra, help me pick out an outfit!" Sonia said

"You got it Sonia!" Lyra yelled

Chapter 1 END

*Next time* Geo and Sonia's carnival date!