I have decided to have a little contest and whoever wins gets to become a character or make up a character in this story!:D:D Awesome right?! So, at the end of this chapter, I'll ask 3 questions about a book/movie/song. Whoever is the first person to answer all 3 questions correctly will win. If no one gets all 3 questions right, then whoever is the first to answer the first 2 or 1... Sorry if it's confusing! I will say who the winner is next chapter! I'm super excited to share this with you, please review! I don't own any of the characters from Disney/Dream Works. Thanks!:)
P.S. If you'd like to check out my other story Frozen Coffee that would be aca-amazing!:)
Chapter 1: Accidentally on Purpose
Elsa POV
I turn over, sandwiched between the 500-count sheets and pillow top mattress and let a small sigh escape my lips. I rub my hands over my face and slightly stretch, slowly opening my eyes to give them time to adjust to the light. I lay down on my back and feel something muscular bump my arm. I turn to look at what I hit and find a handsome, fit man with snowy white hair laying bare-chested right next to me. That's when I realize that I don't have a shirt on either. Or any clothes for that matter.
"Shit!" I whisper, barely audible to myself. I quickly sit up, clutching the sheets to my chest, and inch myself off the bed, semi-thankful that this doesn't seem to be my apartment. At the edge of the bed I look back at the guy, Jack, I remember, and hope he's a deep sleeper. I take a deep breath and push myself off the soft mattress, dropping the sheets on the bed. I find my dress and hurriedly pull it on while making a mental check to thank Anna for making me wear one with a built-in bra. I rush quietly around the room, grab my purse and high heels, and bolt as silently as possible out of the room. I run down the stairs and through his apartment which is, mercifully, open-concept and find a set of double doors which I hope leads out into the hallway. I open the door a crack and slip through the door into a hallway that has no other doors and leads straight to the elevator. I quietly close the doors and run to the elevator doors. I stop in front of the mirror and put on my shoes. I study my reflection in the mirror and groan. I grab a brush out of my purse and tear it through my hair before putting it up in a ballerina bun. I then look at my face to find swollen lips, smudged lipstick, flushed cheeks, and eyeliner smeared up to my brow bone. I take a Kleenex from my bag, dampen it with my tongue, and dab at the eyeliner. Then, I wipe off my lipstick and reapply it, as well as fixing my eyeliner and mascara. Once I'm done and I'm content that I don't look as if I'm doing the walk of shame, I press the elevator button to start my walk of shame.
I walk into the elevator and hurriedly press the "close door" button; because, knowing my luck, Jack would choose that moment to leave his apartment. Once the doors slide closed, I do my best to compose myself by taking deep breaths. I look at the digital sign above the doors that say what floor you're on: I'm on 20. I press the button that says "L" and slump against the wall. I open up my purse and take out my phone, checking to see if I had any messages. I had thirteen messages from Anna, the first few along the lines of "Elsa, where the hell are you!?" I let out a sigh of relief that Anna didn't go home with any random men. Unlike you... My subconscious tells me.
"Shut up!" I tell myself. How did it happen that I, the responsible one, go home with a man, albeit a very handsome man, that I just met. It was Anna who I was supposed to stop from sleeping with some random sleazebag who just wanted a one-night stand. I was warning her on the way to our cousin, Rapunzel's, wedding.
Flashback: "Okay Anna," I say to the over-eccentric strawberry blonde practically bouncing out of the passengers side seat, "We need to lay down some rules."
"What are you talking about?" Anna flips down the visor mirror and uses her pinkie to fix the nonexistent flaw in her lipstick.
"Anna, I know you; you get drunk easily. I know you don't mean to, but you do and I don't want you going home with some random guy." I rush out before she can cut me off.
"WHAT? Are you calling me a whore?!" Anna screeches loud enough to make the car swerve. I quickly right it and shoot her a glare.
"No Anna that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is you're easily manipulated in the presence of men." Anna's mouth drops open into a perfect "o" and she starts to protest.
"Just listen. You're basically looking for love; and men, young and old, single and married, can smell that from miles away. You're naïve, ditzy, and... unexperienced when it comes to men. They will use you and I don't want you to be used at the age of twenty-one." I finish. She makes a noise of indignation, then crosses her arms over her chest and pouts.
"So... what? I'm not allowed to drink?" she asks.
"No you are, just not that much. If you go home with someone you just met... Actually, if you go home with someone other than me or Mom and Dad then you will be in for it."
"Oh come on Elsa, everyone hooks up at weddings!" Anna exclaims. I see the sign for Rapunzel and Eugene's wedding and turn onto the road. We're silent as I drive the car into the parking lot and find a spot.
"Not me." I say softly. End of Flashback.
I decide to man up and look at Anna's texts, starting from the beginning.
11:02- Hey Elsa I cant find u whered u go?
11:07- Fine u were right I get drunk easily but I'm still sober enough to text u arent I?
11:23- Mom and dad said I need to go home because some guy is eyeing me... where r u cause ur my ride...
11:24- Btw mom and dad want me to stay at your place because I got drunk...
11:41- Ok still no sign of u...I guess ill get a ride with mom and dad... Did you go home early?
11:54- So we havent left yet because you never answered and were still looking at the reception
11:56- Moms tired so were leaving... I guess ull either be at ur apartment or ull be there eventually... unless u were murdered... OH MY GOD WERE U MURDERED? Wait that's silly we would have come across blood by now... and u wouldnt be able to text me back...
3:07- I havent gone to bed because I was waiting for u 2 come home but ur still not here and now Im awake during the devils hour and its completely ur fault if I get killed!
4:01- So I survived... ur lucky... Y arent u here yet?
4:02- Oh my god u went home with some guy didnt u?!
4:03- And u were lecturing me! AHAAHAAHAA!
4:04- Ok im tired im going 2 bed ill make fun of u more when u get home... or when I wake up whichever happens first
"Great..." I moan. The doors finally open and I make my way out of the elevator as nonchalantly hurried as possible.
"G'morning miss." The doorman tips his hat as I walk by, "Tell me, are you new?"
"Good morning to you as well; I don't live here, I was just... visiting a friend."
"Oh, really?" he says.
"Yes, I went to a wedding last night and I ran into her and my sister and I decided to come see her. We were childhood friends." I lie.
"Well, I'm glad you could reunite with an old friend." he says as he holds the door open for me.
"Thank you, me too. Have a good day." I walk out the door and down to the corner. A couple of feet away from the door, I turn around to see what building I was just in. I groan: it's 5 Franklin Place, one of the newest apartments in Manhattan. Not only was the guy I slept with living in a seven million dollar condo, he lived in the penthouse. And he couldn't have been more than twenty-five at the most! I probably just ruined some type of settlement for Arendelle Industries in the future. I groan again and hail a cab. One finally comes to a stop, nearly splashing me with the dirty gutter water. I glare at the cab and open the door, sliding on to the seat.
"Where to?" the cabbie asks me in an Irish accent.
"Tribeca Bridge Tower." I answer, leaning back in the seat. He gives me a confused look. I sigh. "450 North End Avenue." I elaborate. He nods and faces forwards, then steps on the gas. I take my phone out of my purse again and debate texting Anna, or just waiting until I get to my apartment. I press the home button on my phone and instead go to Facebook to check my News Feed. Mostly it's posts about Rapunzel and Eugene's wedding: how beautiful Rapunzel looked, people congratulating them, how people reconnected with old friends... I keep scrolling until I get to a post that catches my eye:
Merida Dunbroch: I can't wait to meet up with some old friends tonight. Jack Frost, Hiccup Berk our little girl is growing up and getting married. Rapunzel Corona, it seems like just yesterday that we were tying up Jack and Hiccup in your hair. I can't wait to see you all tonight!
I'd never heard of Merida before, but the name Jack caught my attention. I click on his name and sure enough it's the guy who I, apparently, had sex with last night. I quickly go back and exit out of Facebook before locking my phone and shoving it in my purse. The cabbie turns around as I'm putting up my phone and says, "Here's your stop." I thank him and pay, then throw open the door and fast-walk into the building.
"Elsa," Rob, the concierge, looks at me confusedly, "Why are you walking in? I didn't see you leave."
"Uh, I had to go do something at work and it was going to bug me until I got it done so I left at like four because I couldn't fall asleep." I smile at him warily and walk towards the elevator, "Have a good day Rob!" I punch the up button and step inside once the doors open. I press 7 and wait for the elevator to take me up. When the doors open I walk down the hall a little bit to get to room 7E and pull out my keys. I quietly open the door because I'm not sure if Anna is here or not. I close the door behind me and take off my heels before tiptoeing across the foyer to get to my bedroom.
"Eh-hem." I hear someone clear their throat. I turn around slowly to see Anna with her arms crossed and her foot tapping. She has a triumphant look on her face.
"Looks like I wasn't the one who needed to have that talk."
How did you guys like it? PLEASE REVIEW!:) And now for my questions, if you can tell me what book(s) these quotes are from you will get to be a character in this story!:) I don't know how, but if you have a preference as to how you want to be in you can share it with me and I shall think about it. Here are the quotes:
1. "Bean, what's worse than a fashion don't?... A fashion don't even THINK about it!"
2. "Is falling in love with someone's story the same as falling in love with the person himself?"
3. "Great. We just blow torched a national monument."
What books are these quotes from? Have fun! Please review!:)