You can shoot me.

Okay... I know I should die, I am digging my own grave, I am the worst, and I need to die... I know. TT^TT

I am such a lazy ass.

I am VERY sorry that I said I'd update after two weeks... and never did... I want to die too.

So here are the priorities in which I am setting my stories. I swear! Last time! I don't know how much time, but I will get back to my fanfictions! TT^TT

Free Wings - This one... it is the most constant... even if I took years... I am already rewriting most chapters, but this one is still going to updated.

Tears of the past and Smiles of the future - Okay... so this one is a fav for me and I would love to answer the questions I get too... I am trying to get this one in after Free Wings.

Angel Arise - Okay, I feel this is going pretty well... I think, so high possibility that I will keep going, just have to rewrite the character lists and all that... due to my brothers...

Heart of Others - Okay... So this one was transferred from my wattpad... speaking of Wattpad... I need to update that one too... Shoot meh... I like this idea, so I hope I can get this rolling too, but the characters are hard to bend in the way I want them to... so trying.

Wavering Ice and A New Coach - Hm... The idea... is fresh? Kinda?

Red and Tied - ... No comment...

Okay... So overall, I need to work on my time management skills... Obviously. I will make a poll if necessary, but most likely no... Unless the poll will be the question of whether or not I'm worth it to actually wait for... which the choices will be from 1 - 10 and the only options will be 1 and 0 which means not worth it BUT...

I am sooo thankful for all of you precious readers because even after years, you guys have been waiting... THANK YOU!

Also, not gonna set a goal date or something... not gonna happen... You guys know me... I am lazy as F and it will get me no where if I start putting pressure on myself just to get these stories going, which I really want, but... yea...

So I am very sorry for all of you people who expected an update, I swear as a writer this will be the last, but I cannot set a due date for myself, but once I get things rolling, I hope to get chapters up with a monthly update... Any changes will definitely be told to you guys immediately!