A/N: Disclaimed

Prologue: Darkness Remains

When the world ended only darkness remained

The darkness evolved and stole the last flame

Evermore the world's covered in an endless night

And very few hopefuls still pray for the light

Idris - Date and time unknown

Blood. That was the first and last thing Clary could remember. It stained the walls of the institute and pooled around Idris. She closed her eyes, hoping to block out the images of her dead friends and family.

Simon. Isobelle. Alec. Magnus. Luke. Jocelyn. Jace. Oh Angel, Jace. The images rose unbidden to her mind, his golden hair dripping red as the knife plunged through his heart. The look of surprise on his face as he looked down to see it protruding from there, and his wordless exclamation as he met her eyes.

To be loved is to be the one destroyed. Valentines words to Jace coming to her, twisting the knife in her heart. No! she thought, Love made me stronger, if I had trained more could have saved him, if I had-

"Dwelling on the past will not change it child," a soft voice remarked breaking Clary out of her reverie. "Only action can make a difference, and I'm afraid there is no action that can change what has been done."

Slowly turning around Clary looked into the startling blue eyes of an old man, his features were softened by age, but Clary could se that he would have once been an extremely attractive young man.

"Wh- Who are you?" She asked, wincing at how frail her voice sounded, even to her own ears.

The man looked at her pityingly, his blue eyes softening, and for the first time, Clary noticed how his image shimmered.

"My name's Will," the Old man said eventually "Or at least it was. Now I'm just an echo, a death that has already come to pass."

"What do you mean your dead?" Clary said, her eyes narrowing as she took in the Old man. "Are you telling me that you're a ghost?" She continued, her tone coloured with disbelief.

The old man chuckled, and Clary dug her hand into her pocket, pulling out her remaining knife, and levelling it at the old man. Seeing her distrust the man sobered and held his hands up.

"Life after death is impossible; with exception of vampires of course." he said laughing a little at his joke. "I am simply someone's memory of me transferred into that necklace you clutch in your hands." he explained nodding at the chain she held.

"Is there any way to save them?" Clary asked him desperately, her voice broken and barely above a whisper. "Can I somehow go back and change it?"

The old man softly smiled at her, "You have the blood of an angel Clarissa Fairchild, you are gifted with the power of runes. It depends on what length you are willing to go to, if you are truly certain that you should change the past. If you find yourself with nothing to live for, than perhaps you can find way."

"Are you saying that I can create a rune that will take me to the past?" She asked. The old man, Will, nodded. "But what if I run into myself?"

"Then perhaps create a rune that will take your current consciousness, into your past body? You will be able to start over, with the knowledge you have now."

For the first time since the beginning of the war, Clary felt hope. I could save them all, I can become stronger than I ever was. And Jace- I can see Jace again.

"I'll do it." Clary said, looking into Will's eyes with stubborn fire and passion, "I know exactly what to draw.

And so there she sat stele in hand burning marks into the stone pavement in Idris, a swirling pattern that started in the centre and combed out creating beautiful and powerful art. Clary didn't notice when the sky grew dark, or the sun rose again, but when she finished she looked up to see Will's image still standing there looking at her with pride.

The rune suddenly began to glow, a gorgeous silver colour, and Clary heard her younger voice drifting through the glow.

It's just a club Simon…

you're just nervous

It'll be fun…


Did you see those guys?

There are two of them…

Clary looked back at Will, silently thanking the old man who had saved her.

"Who are you really Will? Why did you help me?"

The old man smirked, and Clary could not help noticing how much that expression reminded her of Jace. In fact they were almost identical expressions. As the pull the rune emitted became stronger, she felt her legs levitate of the ground, and felt her body drifting inside the silver glow.

Just before she reached the centre of her design, she heard the old man's departing words, a whisper in the wind.

"I was once called Will Herondale, and a Herondale's love is a Herondale's blood."

Just as the true meaning of his words set in, Clary felt a jolt and the world became black.

Coming Soon…

Chapter 2: Broken Things

A/N:Short chapter, I Know but I'm only jest beginning, stick with me! Alrighty then, obviously I am a fan of TMI and The Infernal Devices, and the other day I had a strange and wonderful idea and thought what if everybody died (I know, morbid thought) so Clary decided to go back to the beginning of CoB with all her future memories and change the future. This will probably be one of the only authors notes I do because I hate these things! Anyways kisses and reviews.

- Goddess