
5 years later

Sarah Williams-King stood at the side of the stage, smiling. Her husband and world renowned rock star was just finishing one of his now rare performances. The sold out crowd of nearly 20,000 were screaming and chanting his name, and Jareth King was already into his fourth encore.

He glanced to the side and gave his beloved wife a grin of triumph and walked to the the front of the stage. "For my final song, I want to sing one that is very special to me and to my precious girl."

The band went into what had become their biggest hit in the past few years.

There's such a sad love

Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel

opened and closed within your eyes

I'll place the sky, within your eyes...

At first Jareth had no intention of recording it, but Sarah finally convinced him he should.

She loved it so much, she wanted the world to hear it. His fans adored it and it was a song used all the time for people getting married. Sarah was very proud and happy it was so loved.

She felt a tug on her shirt and looked down to see her son smiling at her, his head encased by large headphones he had to wear when he watching his father perform. At first his parents were not sure of letting him attend but they talked it over and since it was so rare now thought he should get a chance to see it. He loved music and this was a good memory for him to have.

Davey pointed out to the stage and screamed "Daddy sings great, mama!"

Sarah nodded, taking the child's hand.

A few minutes later Jareth and his band members ran off the stage, and Davey was swept off of his feet by his father and hugged in one arm while the other arm wrapped around Sarah and pulled her close as they walked to the dressing room area.

As they walked, people were congratulating and clapping as Jareth walked by and he politely and sincerely thanked them all.

Hazel was waiting for them in the dressing room watching over the small bundle in her arms.

"She woke up a bit ago Sarah. I think she is getting hungry."

Sarah took the baby girl in her arms and cuddled her to her body. "Probably. She last ate about 4 hours ago and she is a mama's girl, she likes her food."

Jareth sat in the chair with his son on his lap so Sarah could nurse his daughter. "Hazel would you mind helping me removed this gunk from my face, I'm a bit preoccupied."

Hazel nodded and started to the task.

Davey piped up. "Daddy when can I wear makeup?"

Sarah chuckled from the chair across the room.

"Someday son, you will. When you have to. You will find it is not as enjoyable as it seems." Jareth answered tapping his son's nose.

"Can I help?" The boy asked Hazel.

"Sure you can." She answered and handed him one of the soft cloths, and Davey proceeded to do more smearing the makeup around than removing it, but he was praised for his efforts.

When it was done he hopped down and dug into his box of toys, letting the grown ups talk.

"And how is our princess Iris this evening?" Jareth said as he stood and crossed the room, sitting on the couch next to his wife.

Sarah was burping the baby now, holding her up to her shoulder. So the little one had a clear view of her father. She smiled her toothless smile, large green eyes staring at him.

So like her mother's eyes, he thought. He gently touched the child's face and smiled back much to the baby's delight. She giggled and hiccuped then burped loudly, which made both her parents laugh.

Iris was now 6 months old and had her daddy wrapped firmly around her finger.

She reached her small arms to him. He sat forward and took her from her mother, cuddling and cooing her as Sarah watched.

"You are going to spoil her rotten aren't you, Kingy." Sarah said, shaking her head, but melting a little at the sweet scene.

"She is a princess after all, love. Who should be spoiled more than the daughter of The Goblin King?" He answered as said daughter patted his face and grabbed his nose.

"Yes well you certainly look formidable right now don't you?" Sarah answered back, laughing.

There was a knock on the door. When it opened a young man's head popped in a looked around the door.

"Hey Sar, Jer, mom said she wants to go back to the hotel soon. We have a long drive tomorrow for home, so is it okay if we come in?" Said Toby, Sarah's now teenaged brother.

Sarah stood. "Of course! Come on in guys!" She said opening it further and letting her dad and stepmother in.

They had invited Sarah's family to attend the show, all expenses paid, and they had wholeheartedly accepted. They did not get to see their grandchildren as often as they would like so this gave everyone a good chance to visit.

Davey stood and ran into Karen's arms. "Gramma!" He bellowed, and got hugs and kisses from first her, then his grandfather. Then he went and hugged his Uncle Toby at the waist. He adored Toby.

Sarah watched, smiling. She was glad her children had a chance to know her parents. She knew they would still be quite young in immortal years when her parents were no longer here, but she wanted them to know where they came from on both sides of their heritage.

Jareth offered Toby the eventual choice of becoming immortal if he so chose. He already had magic within him, therefore was a candidate for it. Toby was still thinking about it.

Sarah hoped he would but would not force the issue. Either way he was her baby brother and always would be.

"So Tobes, would you like to come to our house for the summer? I already discussed it with mom and dad, if you want to come just let us know" Sarah asked him.

His face lit up. "Cool! Wait..you mean here right? Not that I mind going there too, but..well you know." He said blushing.

Sarah knew Toby had just started dating and wouldn't want to be underground for the entire summer.

"No..the house here Toby. Although you can do both. I know Davey would love it too." She answered.

"Would you Toby?" Davey begged, tugging at his clothes.

Toby bent down to talk to him "Sure..kid. We will have fun!"

Jareth had purchased a large piece of property in upstate New york, and they built a very lovely house there. Sarah had insisted they needed a real home base in the mortal world. They originally they thought it would be in the UK, but they had made the decision that it would better if it was in the US. Sarah could see her family and most of their friends lived there.

It was isolated and private so the two could move between worlds without worry of anyone knowing about their double life. They hired Hazel and Stan, who had retired from touring, as caretakers. Between Sarah, Jareth, and Hazel, he had finally accepted the idea of the existence of the underground.

They knew eventually they would in all likelihood leave the mortal world for good. As their family underground grew and their friends and family in the above passed through the veil it would become harder to stay.

The questions would become too great about their continued youthful existence. However for now, Sarah was not willing to give up her world completely. It was the first of many compromises. Jareth also still greatly enjoyed being Jareth King now and again, and though he would not admit to anyone but Sarah, enjoyed living in the mortal world part time. It was more peaceful. No goblins.

About a year after they were married Sarah had also made the decision that should should not conceal the true nature of who Jareth was and what she had became to her parents.

At first Robert and Karen had had a hard time coming to terms with it all. Eventually they did, and had even been to The Goblin Kingdom a few times.

They all left the venue and went back to the hotel. When Jareth, Sarah and their children were finally alone they disappeared and reappeared underground in the throne room.

It was still daylight there on this day as the time between the worlds fluctuated. So Jareth went to his study and Sarah took the children to their rooms where their nanny was waiting.

Jareth was tired but finished up some paperwork so he could retire early that evening.

Sir Derryn stepped into the room. "Your Majesty, all is quiet here today. If you prefer, I can finish here and you can rest. How was your time above?"

"Very well, they concert was a success. I think we raised a good amount of funds for the children's hospital charity it was put on for." Jareth answered. "How is your lovely wife, Sir Derryn?"

Derryn smiled and blushed. He was a newlywed. "The Lady Roxanna is well, My Lord, thank you for asking. I do believe she is visiting with Violet who arrived this morning for a visit."

Roxanna had a hard time of it for the first couple of years in The Goblin Kingdom. Not because of anyone there, but because of what she had been through. She had thought herself unworthy of even living at times. Derryn had slowly wooed her convincing her that her past did not matter to him. Eventually they became more than friends. They had married just a couple of months earlier and were given a suite of rooms to share.

Jareth and Sarah were happy for them. Sarah and she had become dear friends.

Roxanna's daughter Violet and her family had been there to visit several times over the years.

Jareth's parents Caedmon and Egwene and his sister Anwell had also come to visit often, and they had traveled to The Kingdom of FreeCloud Mountain twice.

Sarah was astonished at the beauty of Jareth's home kingdom. She said it reminded her of Colorado in her world. with large snow capped mountains and large swaths of forest. In the center valley was a huge city that served as the kingdom's capital.

It was there that Jareth had been born and raised, had been schooled and attended court. This is where his immense magical talent had been discovered which had forced him to leave when he was in his teen years to be sent away to the main city in the underground where the council hall was. He was sent there to be trained by all the best mages to learn to wield his magic. He had many fond memories of his childhood there, of his innocent years and being with his family.

Jareth stood and handed the papers he had finished to his assistant. "Please just see to these and send them off. Just more tiresome forms to be sent to the council."

"Yes My Lord. They are still trying to fight you on your edict I take it?" Derryn inquired to his king.

"Of course. I have at least accomplished the moratorium on the killing of humans. There is still a long way to go to gain full acceptance and citizenship of our human population. Thankfully those that enter my kingdom are safe."

It had taken time but eventually the council formally approved his declaration that The Goblin Kingdom would be the human sanctuary in the underground. Any humans who came underground could come there and be safe.

They would not budge on most humans returning above having their memories removed but agreed that those that already knew of it by heritage should be left alone, and of course The Goblin Queen's family had received a formal exemption.

Jareth and Sarah were proud they had been able to accomplish even that much in such a short time.

Jareth left his study and went to his chambers planning to relax.

As he entered he heard humming coming from the bathroom. Grinning he went in and saw a most delightful sight.

His wife naked and lounging in the large tub.

She looked up and smiled. "Join me? The children are napping and Cora is watching over them, we have a few hours to kill."

He stripped off his clothes and got into the tub. He snuggled against Sarah, bringing her face to his for a long kiss.

"These moments are too few these days, precious." He said, nipping at the skin of her jaw and neck.

"Well, that's what you get when you have kids, and a career, a kingdom to run, and any other thing that comes up to keep us from each other."

"Mmmm." Is all she heard as she was being nibbled and stroked. How she missed spending private time with him when life kept them apart too much.

She was as addicted to him as she had always been. Every touch, taste, stroke was like fanning the flame he ignited inside of her soul.

She got up and straddled him, and he cupped her breasts with his hands, lowering his lips to taste them.

He was already hard under her pressing against her heated center.

Jareth looked at her as he moved his hands and mouth over her sweet skin. She was the most beautiful thing in his world, in his universe. She was his rock. He could not imagine sharing his life with anyone else.

Her luscious body had born him 2 precious children and if he had his way more would come. He loved it when she was with child, all round and overflowing with life.

Sometimes he would see in his mind the slip of girl she had been, and marvel how she had become such an incredible woman. It made him realize all that had happened made her what she was now. Though it had not been an easy road, he was glad of it and would not change it.

He had stopped moving and was just looking at her, so long Sarah was beginning to wonder what he was thinking about.

"You in there, Jareth?" She wondered, tapping his forehead.

"Oh yes. Of course wife, I was just mulling over how lucky I am." He answered, going back to his ministrations to her body.

"Yes.. yes you are. You got pretty lucky considering what an arrogant jackass you are. Although you are getting better, thanks to me." She told him jokingly.

"Wench." He answered, sliding a hand between her legs and rubbing her sex, finding her swollen bud and plucking at it.

She trembled when his fingers found her, and rocked back and forth a little as he played with her.

She came easily against him, moaning his name into his neck. He knew just how to move his fingers to make her climax within minutes. He knew her body better than she did, she thought. Then again it was reciprocated.

She reached between them and took his erection in her hand, returning the favor, rubbing him just the way he liked.

Jareth growled and moved her hand. He lifted her up and placed himself at her entrance, than sat her back down, sliding all the way in.

"I could not wait any longer my queen, I need to be joined with you."

She nodded and sighed, then started moving her hips with his. They were rocking together, thrusting against each other. As he always did he filled her completely, made her feel whole.

Sarah grabbed onto his shoulders and kissed him as she rode him, seeking her release, and bringing him with her. Once they found their rhythm together, it was only a matter of time before they reached it. They began coming apart in each others arms, the water splashing around them as their cries of passion rose and fell.

After they had recovered they washed each other and played in the water. Laughing and splashing like children.

It was dinnertime by the time they left the bath and dressed. Feeling refreshed in more ways than one they joined their family for the evening meal.

Once they had eaten and the children were fed and put to bed the returned to their chambers.

After they changed into their night clothes Jareth took his wife in his arms and danced her around the room and sang love songs to her as she laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes. His voice was soothing to her, it always made her feel safe and loved.

She yawned and he picked her up, laying her on the bed and laying next to her.

She turned and wrapped herself around him. Their limbs languidly intertwining as the settled in for the night.

Jareth kissed her eyelids and spoke softly. "So, my queen, are you happy?"

She opened her sleepy eyes and looked into his. "How could I not be, I married The Goblin King of Rock and Roll..best of both worlds."

They both laughed. "I love you my Sarah, always." He said, carassing her face and kissing her.

"Love you too..Kingy." She answered as she drifted off to sleep.

He sighed and smiled. Holding her tight he soon joined her in slumber.

The next day the sun rose brightly above The Labyrinth.

Jareth and Sarah and their children were in the great hall, talking and laughing.

Sir Derryn approached. "Your Majesties I have brought you your calendar for the day."

Jareth turned and smiled at his old friend. "Cancel it all, Sir Derryn. I have decided to take my wife and children on a picnic for the day. It is much too beautiful to be stuck in a stuffy old castle doing paperwork or meeting with diplomats, or mediating goblin business. I advise you go grab your wife and do the same."

"Yes Derryn, we will be out by the mermaid pond under the peach trees, please join us if you both would like." Sarah said warmly.

"As you command, My Lord." Sir Derryn grinned as he watched as the two strolled out of the castle hand in hand, each carrying a child.

So much had changed. The Jareth he had known before was always one to put work first, and everything else second, now first and foremost in his life were his wife and children.

Sarah truly completed and complimented him in every way.

He turned to go fetch his wife deciding that a picnic sounded like a fantastic idea.

Derryn and Roxanna found the king and queen with their two children frolicking among the trees having a grand time.

They looked at each other, shook their heads and joined them.

It was going to be a beautiful day in The Goblin Kingdom.


Die Kochbar: Thank you!
Sarah Rose 29: And thank you for sticking with it!
Rossi's Lil Devil: Aw thanks! I didn't even think of that, Sarah joining in a song, but who knows what I might do when I write some one shots that revisit this storyline. There is much more to come.
Ellen Weaver: Thanks doll! I AM weird and different so it was bound to happen haha. Sometimes I'm fun too ;)
starviking: Really I never noticed that no one used that name. I think this storyline was one that allowed for it, so I thought it might be a nice little nod. There are several subtle and not so subtle DB references in this one. I had fun with it :)
tmwillson3: Oh yeah, Sarah is definitely going to need it. A Jareth mini me...scary! Well for her anyway haha. Thanks!
Bloodsired: Thank you! I always try to tie everything up, but leave room for stuff later. I promise there will be some one shots with lots of playful bickering and fun attached to this one.
TheREalEatsShootsAndLeaves: I could not resist ;)

Thank you to everyone for sticking with this one! I am so very grateful to everyone who is reading, following, favoriting, reviewing and sticking with me on this. This is the one that I WANTED to write so dearly. Not that I didn't want to write all of them, but this was the very first story that popped into my head a year ago, before SS&IK took over. It was such a PITA for so long that when it finally started coming together I was so happy..then of course my muse took a vacation right in the middle and I fretted on whether I would be able to finish it. finally she returned full force and it wove it's way to the finish line.

Yay it's done! I need a drink haha.

Oh..and thank you Tiny Jareth...you naughty thing...oh, sorry gotta go people, he says he has something for me to reward me for all my hard work on his behalf. He said something about a vodka martini and something tied up in a red bow? Hmmm... Muah! Love to all!