-Merlin's POV-

By the time that I was finished with my reminiscing, all three dragon whelps had fallen asleep around me. I set my hand on the deep green one I sighed, why had I let Athusia talk me into letting all the dragons go. I knew they were being mistreated, but I could have gone with them. Because of my selfishness, those I loved got hurt again.

As I pet the baby dragons laying down next to me I cast my eyes around the clearing. My gaze slid over the still form of Athusia until I reached a significantly open dragon eye that held a wistful gaze.

"You are awake. Thank goodness how are you feeling?" I asked

"Like I've been chewed up and spit out by a giant," Athusia grumbled, as she shifted to get into a get better position. "It's nice to see you like this."

"I know." That was all that was said, that was all that we needed. Although I wanted to ask her everything she knew about the man who stole the dragons, I could see in her eyes she needed to rest. "Sleep Athusia, I'll be back tomorrow." She nodded and her eye once more dropped shut. I prodded the three whelps closer to her and backed out of the clearing.

As I made my way back to the castle, making sure to bypass any patrols I found with a minor clairvoyance spell. I snuck my way into the common room and all the way to my bed. When I entered the dorms I was suddenly hit with how tired I truly was. I didn't even remember my head hitting the pillow

I shivered in my bed as the temperature dropped 30 degrees. I knew I should have grabbed a foot warmer. Suddenly I was brought out of my sleep ridden thoughts by a cough, I lift my head to see who was awake at this time of night. Only to come have to face with every ghost in the castle squeezing into my small but comfortable bedroom. They were elbowing each other and all around looked uncomfortable.

"While it is hilarious to watch you all like this, this conversation would be so much better in the morning." I dropped my head back onto my pillow. When I felt no shift in the air I raised my left eye to see no change in the occupants of the room. I huffed, "Fine, will do this now. Though I imagine everyone will be more suited in the common room." I said lightly. As all the ghost shuffled uncertainly I shook my head. "Well go on. I'm not decent." With that they floated out the walls until I was the only awake creature in the room. I quickly pulled on a rode over my nighties and hurried out of the room making sure not to wake any of the sleeping boys around me.

As I entered in the room occupied of apparitions and animated portraits it fell silent and all eyes were drawn to me. I cleared my throat awkwardly, still not used to all the attention I would get around here. "Well I'm back" I chuckled.

"Yes, I can see that. Why? How? What is going on Marcus?" Nick stepped forward making his opinions known.

I sighed knowing this was going to be hard. He had to think off a way explain to him what is going on without really telling him anything.

"Now calm down Nick, this isn't the first time. And I doubt it'll be the last. Now let the man speak." Blood baron slightly berated Nick and gestured to me.

I nodded my head in recognition as I step forward looking around. "Now, are all the new ghosts and pictures present?" I watch as everyone looked around and made note. Two new ghosts, and 10 new pictures, Wow, a lot has happened since I've been here last. "Well first of hello to all those I know and it's a pleasure to meet the new additions to the Hogwarts family. Nick I'm sorry you never knew and I'm sorry you died." Nick made a disgruntled sound but I ignored it, "And who are you I know you're a new ghost but I'm afraid I haven't come across your name." I gestured to what looked like a teenage female ghost.

"Hello I'm Moaning Myrtle." She shyly stated. "I usually stay in the 1st floor girls' lavatory."

I was confused, "Well we would such a fine young lady stay so secluded?"

She blushed at the compliment. "I quite like it there it very quiet and no one usually disturbs me or makes fun of me there."

"People make fun of you that is abominable. Why would anyone tease you? You seem like a prodigious women." I stated as fact as Nick rolled his eyes.

"Would you lay off? You're gonna make her faint." Everyone turned to Myrtle who has as red as a tomato. Well as red as a transparent ghost could be. "Now Marcus explain."

I sigh, I seem to be doing that a lot this year. "Nick please call me Matthew. No one alive can know that I've been here before. I-"

"But why are you here. How are you here?" Nick interrupted me.

"I can't say."

"Well why not?"

I look around the room all the new portraits shrugged they didn't need to know more and left. The ghosts looking bored because they had heard this conversation every time I came here. And Myrtle smiling shyly and holding her cheeks, seemed to be in an entirely different world. Muttering to herself and giggling. "Because you wouldn't understand."

Nick annoyed shouted back, "What's that supposed to mean."

"Shhh, Nick you'll wake up the whole castle."

"Then tell me why you aren't dead. I looked for you." I look at him in shook. "After graduating. I tried to get into touch but you disappeared, I thought that you'd gone to all those crazy places you always used to talk about to help them. I never thought you would dabble in dark magic to find a way to become immortal." Everyone gasped.

I just sat there in shock then frowned. In a quiet voice I said, "You think I chose to be this way? You think I wanted to live for thousands of years and watch everyone you've ever known pass away? To be locked to the earth like a dog to the ground. Unable to do anything without checking with it first? Every day I wish that I had been born Marcus Emrys and lived a happy life, growing old? When in reality I can't. I have to stay on the earth. The one prophecy that it couldn't complete locked me in a state of stasis. Forever alone. FOREVER stuck to the earth. Never dying. You think I wanted this?" If the ghosts weren't already dead they would have died of shock at my declaration.

For minutes no one spoke. I slowly tried to calm myself. During my rant I felt the magic in my veins stir and threaten to burst out. I had been slightly afraid that my eyes started glowing.


I look at Nick as his words startled me. "Try what?"

"To explain."

I sigh, "I was born years ago." I laugh a little, "Well that is actually an understatement. I lost track at my thousandth birthday." I shrugged and started to tell my story. But was soon interrupted.

"Wait your how old." Nick gapped.