Hey Guys this is my first ever fanfiction and i'm just doing it for fun. I appreciate any and every review left. try and enjoy. :)

The train at 9 and 3/4 blew its whistle signaling last call. "All aboard" the train conductor called. Albus Severus Potter said goodbye to his parents for the last time. Albus had his fathers' mop of black hair on his head with his mothers' warm chocolate eyes hiding behind some thin rimmed glasses. Yes, Potter as in Harry Potter, Chosen One, and the one who beat the Dark lord while at Hogwarts. Speaking of Hogwarts he better get going or he would miss his ride. He hopped onto the train with Adelaide Weasley. Yes, the famous Ron and Hermione Weasley. Adelaide or Addy for short, had the Weasley's fiery red hair color with her mothers' uncontrollable frizz. Addy's eye color was interesting constantly changing from a stormy blue to a warm brown. Her eyes were brown and welcoming as she walked up next to him. They chose an empty compartment to settle down in. After a while they started coming. Shy girls and boys stand right outside their compartment and whispering about Albus and his dad. Albus was sick of it. Always being compared with his dad. He was his own person. The only person who has ever treated him as his own was his best friend Addy. She dealt with a part of what Albus had to go through and knew that the whispering bothered him so she stood up and walked to the door. Opening it suddenly, shocking the ones on the outside.

"Excuse me but are you just going to stand there because it's getting annoying." She growled. They shook their heads quickly and ran away. She slammed the door shut and walked back over to Albus to see if he was okay. She knew how much he loved his dad but he couldn't stand being compared to him. He would never be as good at magic as he was or as fast a flyer and it hurt him. As soon as she sat down they heard a racket outside.

"Hey do you think you can just bump into me without apologizing, pipsqueak?" A gruff voice asked

"I'm sorry I was just looking for a place…"A smaller voice said

"Don't you know who I am? My father fought Voldemort at Hogwarts with Harry Potter." The first Voice boasted

"I didn't know."

" I think you need to be taught a lesson don't you think boys?" A grumble of agreement sounded around the door.

"Oh I don't think that's necessary. Oh look my compartment. It looks like this is my stop, see yah." The door swung open and a boy walked in closing the door behind him sighing. As he opened his eyes he jumped. Both of the occupants expected him the start fangirling and were both surprised when he said, "sorry didn't know anyone was in this one. The names Matthew, Matthew Emrys. What's yours" He held out his hand. When he realized both were starting at him with his mouth hanging open he asked What?

"Do you really not know who we are?" Ablus asked in disbelief.

"Should i?"

"Well, yes, yes you should." Addy stated

Matthew rubbed his neck. "Well sorry I seem to be out of the loop. You see where I live we don't associate with the rest of the wizarding community very often."

"Its fine." Albus said quickly. "I'm Albus Potter and this is Adelaide Weasley, but you can call her Addy." Ablus smiled. As did Matthew.

"If you don't mind could I actually stay here for the duration of the trip?" He asked.

"Sure I don't mind and Albus already likes you." Addy said. And Albus nodded.

They settled down and the rest of the trip there was in comfortable conversation and laughs.

Merlin sat at the lake of Albion pondering what was happening. The old religion told him it was time revisit the land of the "living." This didn't happen often. And even though todays Magic was not as strong as the old religion he still looked out for it. This new "Wand Magic" was like a child of the Merlin's magic. He had kept an eye of the Voldemort scandal and wanted to help the boy but he knew it wasn't his time. So now he can't help but wonder what could be happening now that was more important than the attack of The Dark Lord? He stood up and wandered into the little hut he had started calling home over the years. He walked through the small bed and table to a chest on the side of the house. After searching for a good ten minutes until he finally came to what he was looking for.

"Ah, there it is" said Merlin pulling out an old wand. His wand was different its center was a strain of Athusia's claw and the wood had the old language inscribed onto the handle. To help channel his magic to look like the new magic. He looks into his mirror and thought about it and he decided that he needed to go Hogwarts, which means he needed to be eleven. It was quite easy actually. He had needed to change ages. Within a few minutes he was eleven again. Now he needed a name. Over the years he had many names. Although he has always had first names always started with m and his surname Emrys. It's just a memento to his past and everyone he cared about. This time he decided to go with Matthew Emrys. Merlin jumped to the train station which he has been to once or twice when he needed to get out of Albion or else he'd go crazy. As the last whistle sounded he hurried onto the train. As he looked for a place to sit he saw people congregating in front of a door after a bit he noticed they had dispersed wondering what was happening he wondered over there he bumped into a young man. As he mumbled sorry a hand stops him.

"Hey do you think you can just bump into me without apologizing, pipsqueak?" A voice from behind asked

As Merlin turned he responded "I'm sorry I was just looking for a place…" But he was cut short by the kid who squeezed his shoulder.

"Don't you know who I am? My father fought Voldemort at Hogwarts with Harry Potter." The kid puffed out his chest. Smirking.

Inwardly Merlin rolled his eyes. You can't take credit for your fathers' journeys. This kid is a brat. "I didn't know." Merlin tries to sound small and shuffled out of his grip.

"I think you need to be taught a lesson don't you think boys?" Suddenly three more boys sauntered out from another car.

This guys look to tough to handle without majorly messing up my cover."Oh I don't think that's necessary. Oh look my compartment. It looks like this is my stop, see yah." I quickly opened the door and slid in closing the door behind me. I knew I was going to find out who was in here sometime I open my eyes to two children. One had a stormy blue that shocked me. Oh wait now I'm a kid to. One of them looked expectantly while the boy looked curious. "Sorry didn't know anyone was in this one. The names Matthew, Matthew Emrys. What's yours" I held out my hand. I did actually know they were here but this sounded better. They both just looked at me like I was going crazy. "What?" I feel like I was missing something.

"Do you really not know who we are?" The boy asked in disbelief.

"Should I?" I raised my eyebrow, something that took me years to perfect they didn't notice it. Or when I pouted at their lack of reaction.

"Well, yes, yes you should." The girl stated. She seems kind of headstrong. Definitely a Gryffindor.

I rubbed my neck. Yes definitely missed something. "Well sorry I seem to be out of the loop. You see where I live we don't associate with the rest of the wizarding community very often."

"Its fine." The young man said quickly. "I'm Albus Potter and this is Adelaide Weasley, but you can call her Addy." Ablus smiled. I quickly reciprocated the gesture.

"If you don't mind could I actually stay here for the duration of the trip?" They seem familiar, I need to get to know these kids better.

"Sure I don't mind and Albus already likes you." Addy said. I noticed that her eyes now were a kind brown color. Interesting. And Albus nodded. I sat down and we started chatting.

Finals week just started so this may not come out weekly but it will be coming out. Don't worry. And if you guys have any ideas that could be added to the story have no fear to suggest them.